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Reviews for "Castle III part D"

Great Style

Overall, I loved it! Very intriguing story, with a great cliffhanger! (Ending and the Other one). I really love the dark style, with only a few extra colours, gave a great feel to the whole series. The animation was great, although not perfect, with a couple of animations feeling stuck on incomplete (Boomer's run at the end of the bridge scene). I still don't know where you got all of that music from, and made it feel specailly composed. I hope ALL lose ends will be tied up, and I hope to see the continuation in however long it takes - don't rush it!

Get-lost responds:

Friends helped out with music. Thanks

nice game

the game was cool i liked it and it was crazy..............


Well after watching all four parts of Castle III I am somewhat amazing and somewhat dissapointed. My amazment is from the incredible flash skills you have displayed this past month with Castle III. My dissapointment is the fact that these amazing flash skills are wasted on something as simple as stick figures and matrix fighting. With you skills in flash you could probably be one of the best flash amimators on Newgrounds. Your talent is wasted on a flash with sticks. Now don't get me wrong my guessing is that you don't have much interest in stick figures considering most people nowadays don't. But like most beginners at times always start with sprites and sticks. I am guessing you just want to finish this series in the best way possible. The area of detail in the backgrounds and monsters is also amazing. Overall, you should always finish what you started even if me and most likely many other people don't like it, your flash skills are great, now you just have to use them to their full extent and create someone that will become legendary.

Get-lost responds:

I disagree with the use of sticks being a waste. I also disagree it's something simle as sticks with matrix fighting - slowmotion is commonly used in many movies .

Thanks for the review though!

bit dramatic like

woah man that was pretty cool haven't seen first 2 so i had no idea wat was going on lolst, but it was a really cool anim dude,


Get-lost responds:

I hope you check all parts out. Thanks

not as good as the others but...

i really like this series...after every one i watched it left me wanting more. To me the others are a little better but hey...im still wanting more. Hoping for the next one