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Reviews for "B.L.A.C.K. 2"

It's the same as last time dude....

You might as well just call it B.L.A.C.K *the little better version*
The accuracy....crappy, the rapid fire of the guns? I bet a BB gun can shoot more then all of those! (Except the last weapon, that's good) The rocket launcher I can understand....Maybe the shotgun. But when did a uzi outshoot a smg? by 2 shots every shot? I'm not talking about dual, I'm talking about the single one? The pistols don't shoot that fast either but some are just stupid. Whose going to stand a second for one bullet?!?!? The hit detection is crappy too! It seems like you just put a invisible square around your char so if any bullets go into it, you get hit. also, what's with the fricken crackpot riflemen? in order to not get hit, I have to be like half way across the fricken room!

fun but repetitive

i thought the game is original, but as far as gameplay goes is fun but not for long, you could've made it a litte less hard, i thought the adrenaline bar thing didn't help much and it was way too easy to die. where are all the health power ups?


But it would be a lot more fun if the enemys actually moved. I just finished the entire game, but the problem I can't kept on seeing was that the enemies stand there and try to defend themselves. Also, there was a weapon that has a decent amount of ammo and gives 1-shot kills to all enemys.....so whats the point of all the other weapons, if that one is so incredibly strong?

Overall, it was a pretty cool game but it needs work. If you work out these problems and add a few more game modes in a B.L.A.C.K. 3, I would totally play it.

Prooty good game

This was a fairly good game with a couple of flaws. It had a lot of tactics invloved with taking cover to avoid getting shot up. There are definietly some bad points but then again we would'nt write reviews without them.

WHich came first the endless war or the B.L.A.C.K?

they seem 2 have the same engine, graphics and gameplay tho i like endless war beta 4 more missions and the more battlefield feel rather then a bunch of hallways with people in it sry! 7 bc i was ok but endless war3 owned a good deal more.