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Reviews for "Trainman"

Eh... Nice and all, but the descrition iffed me.

Now, I can see how you're trying to a nice piece of art and all that, but the whole "Most influential animation on newgrounds" shkit kinda set off some sort of alarm in my head.

If you're going for making a meaningful flash to invoke feelings and such, good for you. That's your perogative. But it seems kinda fake when you reinforce it with ego. That title isn't exactly yours to give. I mean, if people say that ABOUT your flash, knock yourself out. It's just front page. You didn't get a grammy. >_>

Anyway, from an artistic standpoint, I can see how you can want to make a flash like this, I suppose. Thing is, what's behind it? It kinda sounds like you're making it just to get ratings, and fame. This isn't exactly the point of making an artistic piece. : /

If you make a flash to entertain, aim to entertain.
You make a flash to start contraversy, have a george bush shooting gallery.

You want to make art, you really should do it for the sake of making art besides the fact that you'd get acclaim.

But, eh, maybe i'm just stirring up trouble. Either way, the flash wasn't too bad, allbeit a tad ambiguous. But maybe that's what you're going for, I dunno. What I got from it was one of those "unite the world and be happy" themes. *shrugs*

If that was your goal, good for you... But for "The most Influential piece on newgrounds", it better have some more substance in the next few parts. : /

sibiar600 responds:

Thank you for taking the time to review.

"The most influential piece on Newgrounds" remark was meant to be sarcastical, which I suppose didn't come accross too well. If you reread the comments, the next remark vilifies the first.

I don't know why....

....but I liked it 5

A waste

This frustrated me because there was potential to do something really sweet and original, but it just fizzled out into nothing. There was no story!! And that is where most Newgrounds cartoons suffer - they don't bother to write a captivating story.

The drawing is simple but the way you've animated it is lovely. The spinning 360-degree shots are fantastic. I loved the long shot of the field as everybody congregates around the stereo, tracking back slowly to see these giant whistles and beach balls. It's a wonderful and original image.

The two 'romantic' leads don't do anything though - they smile at each other (that wasn't animated particularly originally however) and nothing comes of it. The goofy dancing was funny, but the whole thing seemed pointless.

I also hated the song, but I guess that's a more subjective criticism.

There are a lot of positives to take from this, but overall I see it as a wasted opportunity to do something really great.

not the greatest

sort of confusing, lack of plot... graphics are nice though


You're pretty good at animating but this animation was quite boring. No offense to your brother but his song was ruined by all the digital effects on the vocals. Drop the digital rubbish effects, made me not want to listen or watch anymore.

I was expecting something Densha Otoko related but this has very little to do with it but nice flash anyway. I guess i'll just have to wait till September for my next Densha Otoko fix (2 Hour Special)