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Reviews for "Nimian Hunter"

These are amazing.

The scrolling level and the 3D/2D gameplay were both very impressive. I also enjoyed how the final boss Xenis something was the same dragon as in your other game. Good work, and keep 'em coming as I love playin these games.

WELL. This is going to be a tough review...

alright...this game was pretty good. however it got repetitive after some time, then the game breaks out some compatibility to disguise the game as the same thing. IT'S THE EXACT SAME GAME YOU WERE PLAYING 5 SECONDS AGO. so basicly you just run around and shoot things. however the lasso trick was a pretty good idea so i can give it that much. sorry dudes, you did great on the graphics but...the bones on the level before the last one you need were so horrible i didn't want to look at them. anyway i guess when all is said and done you get a 7 out of 10...by the way respond if you can.


Ive seen and beat both endings really fun and to Jamino or whatever if you wouldve listened to what the demon thing said it said that it hangs aroun it so you have to find it it drops fire catch it i cam towards me both times before i got to the bones


Well it was a very cool game, the graphics were cool and all, but the game actually bugged for me about half way through. I was led to a green marker by the bones and there was absolutely nothing there. I searched around and nothing.

This stopped you from getting the full 5 because it annoyed the hell out of me, but still a very respectable 4/5 from me matey.

popopt responds:

you have a good point - the green marker should be on the dragon itself and not the bones, it's misleading. thanks for mentioning it, it'll remind me nexttime not to overlook those details:)


This game is brilliant. The camera angle is very dramatic, the graphics are impressive, and while the backgrounds story leaves much to be desired, the curiosity itself still just somehow works. Big complients to the composer, the music was fantastic. The 'no' ending was very dramatic indeed, and this game had more of a feel of an interactive movie rather than a flash epic. This truly is groundbreaking, well done!

popopt responds:

I like the 'interactive movie' compliment, i think thats really cool since i want to get as cinematic as possible. The music is great! Justin R. Durban (edgen.com) wrote it and really graciously let me use it for free in the game. Im a big fan of his and think he creates some really compelling soundtracks.