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Reviews for "StarCraft: Alliance"


i liked the space batlle the most...overall it was pretty good tho i liked the use of 3d animation and the plot is gettting pretty interesting

This arrived more quickly than expected...

...but when you think about it, that's actually a good thing. Graphics seemed to get even better with this one (or maybe it's just my imagination) but the zerg units still looked a bit odd to me. Style is of course a 10. The story is unique and interesting and continues to remind me of StarCraft. Sound. Well voices are clear and you can understand what all the characters are saying (even if you can't subtitles are there) and you kept plenty of in-game StarCraft sounds in the flash but the acting left something to be desired. Maybe you could be a bit more enthusiastic? And sometimes it sounds like you aren't sure what to say next; like you're just reading off a sheet of paper. Fixing that would improve the "experience". Other than that sounds were good (music fit the situation pretty well). Violence, well it had violence. Not bloody or gorey but there was a lot. You get an 8. Interactivity. Well it was a nice idea to put all the stuff in the preloader so there's something to do while you wait and you get to choose what scene to watch. That's more than most. Keep that. Humor. Well it wasn't oo frequent but it was there. It's obvious that this isn't a flash made for humor, but more a flash made to tell a great story. At least you're trying. Overall I liked this one a lot, and actually I think it's my favorite one so far. I hope the next one comes out in as short a period of time as it took this one to come out. I'm looking forward to see what happens.

LogFish responds:

Thanks! And it probably won't come out in such a short space of time this time - it's not like I'm slacking off and watching tv or something, I'm just busy n stuff trying to find work.

needs improvement

hey, gj man, this has improved a lot, your zergs are still... uhmm not that good, particulary those zerglings, I do know how hard those damn zerg are to draw, particulary in flash, I think that you are very good choosing the music, really good, and yeah those melee battles are not your best, but they have improved, I do think its a bit slow, in therms of storyline, but hey good job


I'm becoming a bigger fan of you!

Though, i was kind of sad when it got to scene 2, i was hoping that the Terrans were gonna get their asses kicked, especially when the Dragoon, and Zealots came out. But you had to use it as a plot thickener....i guess it was okay, but i would have rathered the Terrans sustain casualties.

But...you addressed everything that i had a problem with in the previous episode (THANK YOU!!!!)!!

The Hydras and Lings were very distinguishable in this, although they didn't really put up much of a fight against Odyseuss....well that's cause protoss is kickass.

The mouths were alot better, thank you. It actually worked! It wasn't painful to watch it anymore! lol.

Although i liked the plot, following it along was kind of hard. The info was a little jumbled, and i found myself spacing out when Odyseuss was talking. He seemed to have been speaking too slowly for me.

Although you have raised the bar on your flash's graphics, there still is alot more you can do. Especially on the character models. I was disappointed when i found myself comparing the look of a Zealot compared to the Ghost. Or the guy on Forward Command.

The battles. Although the battles were really well done. They were incredibly short. The Zerg encounter on the Promethean area, Odyseuss killed 2 Hydras and 2 Zerglings with one hit. Doesn't seem really believable to me, although it was kinda cool =P And the space battle, right after the first Cruiser was destroyed, like 12 more cruisers came outta no where and pwned the shit outta the Protoss Armada. And why did the Protoss send only like 3 Ships?

What I found funny, in the space battle: I started laughing when the first carrier was destroyed cause it had on it's car alarm. Lol.

I'm starting to write longer reviews. Ha.

Good Job man, I'm looking forward to the next one.


P.S. I know this might be asking a lot, but for the last episode (which i sense is soon) should be all one big fight. You established all the plot in this installment, so I expect less talk of the plot in the next one. Thanks =P.


This one was even better than the first two! Can't WAIT for the next one, if you put in a Zerg base or two, I'd be extatic! Maybe some character variety, like different units, but otherwise this is one of the greatest StarCraft series'.

LogFish responds:

Yea I'm trying to add a new unit or two into each episode at least but it's getting less relevant to do so as the plot unfolds! The last episode I can go nuts and put everything in it I think, lol.