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Reviews for "DevilSlayer"

Great with a grain of salt.

First off, I made the mistake of watching the latest flash before everything else. I believe I gave that a ten. So I've seen how your style, story telling, and voice acting have all improved. I'm writing this review so that hopefully you will be reminded not to make the mistakes in this cartoon again.

I did like this cartoon, but again, there were a few problems. The thing I noticed first was the voice acting. Now most of it was good. Who ever did Blues' voice was great. Still, having a 16 y.o. sound like they're 36 is bad. You might have managed if the voices just went up an octave. Also, who ever voice Kiara's "boss" did'nt do such a great job. It sounded like he read the words. It didn't sound natural; as if the words were coming from his head not a paper.

The animation was good, and yes I did think of the boondocks. I didn't find anything wrong with the style of animation other than it looked immature. As I have seen your latest work I know it has developed since then. It's gone from rather basic shapes to far better detail.

I know this is just a flash and they tend not to be very long, but the story seemed kind of thrown together. What made it great was the preface while preloading, giving form to this instance played out in the movie. If I didn't read about the characters first I would have been lost.
Another little blip in the story was the overlapping of comedy to drama. I liked the burger argument, but then the characters broke in and everything got all Matrix-y. A little too serious for the situation. If it was an attempt at humor, it failed. The way the characters handled the fight made it seem as if they had a lot of experience already. Like it was no big deal to kill a horde of demons with a few bullets, a little swordplay, and a magic spell here and there. I'd compare the situations to the Matrix, but I'm on a character limit.
There's nothing wrong with comedy and drama overlapping if done right. I believe the key lays in mastering the art of subtlety. You need to pick one and learn how to integrate the other. Just try not to counter the genres. The only way I can describe this is by comparing it to Scrubs. Hopefully you've seen it. If not, it's not hard to find. Just watch a few episodes and you'll see.
Basically, Scrubs is a sitcom that takes their special brand of drama and wipes the floor with it's comedy. For example, you find that Janitor is mean and picks on people using a series of pranks and some hard-to-explain reason for a grudge. This is funny. Later on, one episode points out that he does this because of a failure to be more successful than the life of a janitor. That one episode takes all the humor that rises from one character and his ongoing antics and flushes them down the toilet. That is not funny. To be honest, I love and hate the show.
I know I split of into a tangent there, but I'm an anecdote kind of guy. Sorry.

Anywho, those are all the major problems. There some little ones I'll discuss briefly.
There were a few spelling errors. Just go back and check your work. Or because this is a "In the future" story, you could use the 'evolved language' angle. Just say that's how the words are spelled at that time, you know? I only went through it once before I began writing this so I didn't see any grammar problems. Oh, on the profile for Blues what did you mean that he's behind everyone by three years? Was that three years of age or training? If it was age, then he's four years behind. I'm sure you know how to count by now. So I won't be too mean.

Okay then. I think that's it. Again, this is meant has a helpful reminder so that you don't go backwards but forward. I'll shut up now and watch the other flashes.

I really like the story but...

The voice quality was a real turn off. I'm not saying your voices are bad but the constant pops and fuzzy sounding stuff is really preventing me from giving this a higher rating. Also, the way when things died how their heads just kinda, disappeared clean off was a little weird to me.

Otherwise, Characters design was great, and personalities seem to fit the way they act. I see a lot of things were a character will act all tuff and then 2 minutes later will act all girly so this part is nice.

So if you work on Sound Quality I'm sure this would be A LOT more enjoyable.



Although I like the show, the animation was balls =P

All good but the one thing Anime is best known for.

5/5 6/10

Well, Hot Cheetos!

I appreciate the sense of humor.
On the other hand, the animation isn't bad for Flash, but I'm glad your work got better. The audio is terrible; there is so much distortion it's ridiculous. Also, being an English teacher, mistakes like spelling 'deceived' wrong really bother me.
For all those reasons, I only give a six to an animation I would rather give an 8 or 9.

This started off great, but didn't end that well. It's mostly because, I don't know, it was confusing to me. I couldn't really follow it. I wish there was more exposition on what this world was about. The animation probably could have been better too. I like the Big Mac/Whopper conversation.

Well, it was the easiest to follow. The colors are pretty good. I can always appreciate how nice something looks. It just doesn't seem that creative. Well, everyone else loves it!

JazLyte responds:

Hahaha thank you for reminding me I made this! This shit was almost half my lifetime ago, I like to think I've gotten better at conveying ideas cinematically now but I doubt it. Thanks for reviewing!