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Reviews for "DevilSlayer"


Well, I can safely say i've never seen anything quite like that on NG before. Sure it has the typical anime demon slayer type storyline, but there was definalty some effort put into that story so it still works.

My biggest complaint is this flash trying to be too many things at once. It's mystical and cyberpunk at the same time, very serious one minute and flat out rediculous the next minute ("YOU ATE MY HOT CHEETOS?!" and cue anime style smack down), and it's...well, "The Boondocks" with swords as you so accuratly put it XD. It just seems like to many cool things all crammed together into one story. I really like your characters, and the voice acting was pretty good (although the sound quality left something to be desired). I just think that it needs a little more focus, if that makes any sense.

Besides the lengthy philosophical complaint above, the animation felt a bit choppy. The art in this would make very nice still shots but the motion needs some work.

All in all though, the effort was there, and it had that extra splash of originality and character you just don't see very often anymore. Overall I give it a 4/5, but the little numbers above this are just me being picky (that's what they're for anyway right?). :)

holy shit, I havent seen this in years, but on a whim of adhd , I tracked it down ... this really takes me back. Ive qouted the " this is grade A crack cocaine, my friend, enhanced with demonium" like for years and I couldnt remember how to find this.


That was interesting, I may be out of it a bit but the action in the church reminded me of Devil May Cry a bit, probably because i've been playing it forever but..eh, it was pretty good ^^, the end wigged out on me though TT_TT.


there's something wrong with the sound, it keeps staticing out if you understand what I mean, especially with the voices.


its got a good plot but the art/animation/audio is a bit crappy