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Reviews for "2012"

it was coo

It was coo .....
....and to the guy that said the muslims are causing mayhem,
Your ignorant for saying that.

Average in the least

I really don't see how this piece deserves the honor of being a featured flash, it is average in the least. However it is the message of this piece that I am concerned with. First off, you compare the president of the united states to a horrific disaster as an epidemic? That is simply callous. Also are you saying religon in itself is evil?Even the concept is stupid. Do you honestly think that because of hurricane katrina, epidemics and so forth are actual signs of the end of all time? So I guess the crusades and the black plague are nothing compared to..the Iraq war right, and if you are also going on "bad" leaders...forget about stalin, bush is MUCH worse. On one final note the mayans never stated that the world will end on such and such date, their calender simpy ends. So I guess on that logic the world is going to end Dec. 31st this year. And nostradomus' work (hope I spelled that right) isn't it stated that the world will end around the 3000s? And what rescearchers, how come it isn't on the news if your sources are so credible. In short the meaning of this flash isn't "deep" it is shallow and stupid. I would give more examples but I have almost run out of room. Please make better submissions in the future, and also excuse any spelling errors.


Quote: all you people who believe the worlds gonna end in 2012 are dumb
our planet had been around for billions of years
one little catastrophe isnt gonna stop that
people who belive crap like this are too gulible and need to grow a backbone
besides humans have survived 3 ice ages and countless epidemics and plauges
i dont think were leaving any time soon
all these dam astrogists just make people who are too stupid to think for themselves believe this and make them panic
and while all you *end of the world hippies* are protesting in frount of the white house on dec 21 2012 ill be at the acadamy laughing my ass off at how stupid you guys are
just remember
the world used to be flat too"

That was from Ram guy.
Your right. And i love the way you write. Made me laugh my ass off..
Okay..(IF) the world ends 2012? How will it end? You see..The earth got smart people that can see comets etc.. And why the fuck would all himans start to attack eachother then? And, Okay the last one. In 2012. The bomb that maya has placed in mother earths ass explodes..OH NO WE GOIN TO DIE!!


Yeah i heard about that on the History channel


many worldleaders should see this movie