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Reviews for "The Big Fat Tutorial"


great work!
this tutorial really helped me alot!
thanks for the stuff make more.
p.s its mainly because i cant do action script very well.

Helbereth responds:

Thanks and you're welcome. I'm not great with AS either. I can barely make buttons.

Thanks for a great tutorial

I dont no anything about how to use flash but this tutorial has showed me a new way forward all i need now is flash :D

Helbereth responds:

You could always do the 30 day free trial of MX 2004. I started with that... and a month after it expired I decided to make the investment (I was a little sketchy about spending $500).

There are olde, cheaper versions of flash still available (Flash 5 is still viable.)

Anyway, good luck. Thanks for the review.

This is ...by far... the greatest tutorial ever

no other totorial goes this deep into making flash, while at the same time, grasps its veiwers, by acting like a movie. Excellent, Excellent piece of work

Minion 777

Helbereth responds:

Thanks. Movie? nah.
Nice to know it holds your attention (if it didn't nobody would be learning anything).


Pros : That was xtremely helpful. Now my fairies don't look like little balls with 4 wings popping out :D Each step for making a certain thing was easy to follow and to understand. Top wrok tutorial.

Cons : None (bless your soul :D)

Helbereth responds:

Y'know the only problem with all the good reviews is the fact that I don't really know the major pitfalls of the tutorial...

I know what I didn't include, and what people want me to make tutorials for...

However, I don't know if there were any real problems with the presentation that would be fixed easily. So far every problem encountered has been with people misreading the scripted camera section - which, I'll admit, was rushed a bit and quite generalized.

Oh well, thanks for the review!


Truly Majestic in its own special way, and Ive been eagerly waiting for "The Bigger Fatter Tutorial" =( it was supposed to be out by now. (early january 2006) ahh well you can't rush art =). Keep up the awesomeness x 10 work.

Helbereth responds:

Yeah yeah, well I've been busy. I haven't had a month here and there to devote to the sequel (the original took a month to make).

When i get the chance, I have all kinds of new tricks to add in (I plan to basically redo the whole first tutorial and add in new sections... that way people would only need to see one tutorial).