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Reviews for "Tinman"


it was like 30 seconds... and it didn't make any story line

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Hmmm, yeah.

Maybe it was a little short. I did think about that, but I often get complaints that my movies move too slow, so I thought that I was probably wrong about this being too short.

Thanks for reviewing!

Just another one of those movies

This is probably one of the most overused plots in flash movies other than making fun Bush and random acts of violence.


BlackmarketKraig responds:

Noted. Thanks for reviewing.

Lovely stuff

The attention to detail was impressive, anyone else would have just ignored the buildings in the background as 3D objects. Emotions are over rated. He's a lucky lad.
Good stuff

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Haha! Yes, sometimes I think that emotions are over rated too...

Thanks for reviewing!

PS you are the first reviewer to mention that about the BG buildings! Good eye, man! :)


Very uhhh original but nice animation. Keep it up

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Well thanks. :D


powerful.. short.. but it got its message through..

poor robot.. but then again, the need or want to have emotions like us is a kind of emotion too... right?

i dunno, i have always loved the idea of robots with emotions but the thruth is that they have none at all.. so this is a goood movie...

nice animation too

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Thank you. Yeah there are a few ways to interpret that, and lots of reviewers have offered their own ideas about such a quandry.

I take the view that, like in the Wizard of Oz, the tinman only thinks he lacks emotion (or in Oz a heart) but actually possesses the ability to feel.

Another good idea is that the desire to improve is not an emotion at all but rather an awareness that there is something incomplete.

Of course robots with their own independant thought processes don't exist. And all known attempts at artificial intelligence are merely sequences to deal with input and introduce probability, right?

But if that system were complex enough is it not possible that a robit could actually have emotion?

I don't know the answer to that, of course. Bu it's something to think about, don't you think?

Thanks for reviewing, and for the great score!