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Reviews for "Memory"

Well done

OK, let's start with first impressions:
Very first impression after watching the whole thing: "I'm going to have to watch this again, to get everything out of it". That's definitely a good thing.
Very professional, and superb use of sound & music to create a dark and scary atmosphere. Some of the graphics could be better (more so at the start - the hand in particular stands out, no shading - you might want to trace a jpg if you're planning on updating this). Good storyline, and, most importantly, a lot of depth to the plot.
*watches it again*
I like the use of French, with subtitles. It automatically creates an 'arty' feel.
Nice touch with the ear-splitting noises to make the viewer jump.
Animation is varied - again, I think it improves as the movie proceeds. The whole saw/corridor thing builds suspense nicely, and the 'sunshine' bits provide excellent contrast to the dark, destructive feel of the 'book' bits. The fact that violence is implied, rather than seen, is very clever, and really adds to the suspense.
Having watched this twice, I'm still not sure I fully understand the story... =)

In conclusion: the three main things that stand out in this for me are the depth, atmosphere, and the choice of music. In terms of suggestions, I'd say spend a bit more time on the graphics in the earlier part of the movie, before the book opens.

Well done on finishing your project, congratulations on a great movie, and good luck on getting awards/FPage.

Xenosteel responds:

Yep that is one very good first impression!

I guess I should have shaded that hand, what the heck I’ll do it now! I got quite a lot of reviews saying they dislike the hand.

I myself am not sure why did I do the saw/corridor, but it just hit my head, and since its so original I thought I’d use it and see what other people see it as… I really liked what you said about the violence, great words of wisdom there :)

I think that next time I do a big movie I’ll try to hire a graphics artist, because even though I try I’m just not naturally talented at it [sigh]

Thank you for one very lovely review, it really points out things to me and gives some helpful advice, I thank you again my friend


wow that was good. dang that was seared into my mind. made me think alot. ..watch it over a couple times if you dont understand it...you will

Xenosteel responds:

oooo now there's someone who understood the whole thing :) well done!

thanks for kind words :D

If the graphics were better, it'd be perfect.

And the graphics are still pretty decent compared to others. Was he supposed to stop talking after he woke up?

Xenosteel responds:

yep, its just an artistic way, I didn't want to have voices with the sound of birds, for many reasons.

thank you for the review!

Cool....weird...but cool

Nice effect..you really get takne in the story....I like it but..man is it weird.... (but that's what's so cool about it) Great Job

Love the french toutch

A pleased french dude...


Awesome flash, like the music from Phantasy Star Online. =D