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Reviews for "Ghost Motel 8"


...did you make a game this time?Please reply.|The controls were har (Ctrl(Attack),Shift(Shield,Arrow Keys(Movement)) and i couldn't beat the red dragon.And before the red dragon I almost killed myself to pass that level.And really(please reply and to that),why is the shield for?

I hereby denounce my status as a fan of GM

If you remember, I asked you ever so nicely to NOT make a crummy adventure game where you go around collecting crystals. Infact, I have the exact line I wrote.

"hopefully you wont make a platform game were you have to colect crystals"

So, you can imagine my sheer terror and anger when I saw Joseph standing there with crystals floating aorund waiting to be taken. But, any pro reviewer would atleast play half the game, I tried to play the full game but something came up, more on that later.

I'll start with the intro. Man, that office scene looked kindy crummy compared to the rest of the games artwork. Ok, so Joseph talks, do I dare turn off my speakers so I dont have to hear the terrifyingly bad voice acting? No, I decided to see if anyone has learned from my reviews and try better next time. I regret leaving my speakers on. The voice acting seemed to get worse rather than better. Look! Waynecolt! You have to change your pitch! It doesnt sound natural. People do not talk on the exact same level of emotion all the time, people change the tone of their voice! Its not that fucking hard! Ok I think Ill play the game now.

Ive already told you about the crystal part, no need to repeat that part again. So off I go, hitting the ctrl key, slashing some stationary demons who look like theyre firing kidney stones. Hey, those archers are SAMRT! I'm kicking thier ass, youd think they'd atleast try to retreat. The level design wasnt very unique, you have a happy place, a sad place, a sadder place etc. Oh and then there was that one level with dragons shooting kidney stones out of their ass. I found that so funny that Im going to give youre humour rating a ZERO!

What a genius concept! The evil crystals take life off! While the pink (now that I think about it, why pink? White makes more sense) crystals heal me. The black crystals didnt move, whats the point of them if you can simply walk over them? If you had them patrol left or right, up or down, maybe then they'd be a good idea.

The enemies, are stupid for the most part. Ive already talked about the ranged guys, Now for the non-rangers. Who would have thought that a walking tree has the exact same thought patterns as a demon knight? Not me! How about having the tree extend his arms as a special attack? Or have the entire fucking game as one long level. Theres no point in changing the level if it doesnt exactly add new challenges. Oh whats this? The level design layout changed slightly? WOW! It doesnt matter, blue crystals that are on the top always have to be reached by backtracking and jumping onto a platform that leads to there. Heres a problem though with the backtracking. THE ENEMIES ALSO START OFF AT THE BACK! Maybe if they started in the middle It woulld be more fair.

And the final problem was in that lava level (which one? that one! THAT that one? No the other one! Oh that lava level) there was a blue crystal suspended in mid-air over a vat of lava. I only had one life left. Infact I didnt even know the crystal was there, I jumped from one side just to be safe, I retrieved the crystal and boom! hit the water. Ahem, cough, etc.

GREAT LEVEL DESIGN YOU DOLT! MAKING A KEY ITEM IN AN AREA THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SURVIVE! Unless I am colour blind and that was not a blue crystal I retract the "key" part of that previus statement, and also add an N to the end of a to make it proper punctuation.

Graphics and sound require no further commentary. Just refer to my previous review. Never have I played a game where I could feel my IQ actually dropping at an alarming rate. Good bye.

Violet-AIM responds:

Sorry night raider, but when you said your comment, that game had already been in production for awhile, so what could we do? Stop production just because someone told us we shouldn't make a game like that? Like I said, it's just one game for one episode, mainly to show Joseph going thru some kind of training. It wouldn't be enough for him to just listen to a bunch of lectures and take a written test, if he never actually had any practice to fight demons with. So the story would have a big gap if it was one second Joseph filling out an exam form, and the next second, he's super powerful and slashing away at demons. What about his training? So that's what ep.8 is about. About the game, since this was the first type of this style game we were making, we did want to keep it simple, and yet even as simple as it was, it was very complicated for everything to be just the way it was. Have you ever tried to program or make a game yourself? Me, I don't know how. That's why Istvan did all the programming for it and he did a great job at it. It's a lot harder than it looks. That one blue crystal you referred to as being in a dangerous place... well the game is meant to be a challenge, if you were that good of a player, one life sacrifice is no big deal, but if you were down to 1 life at that point, then you were not mastering the way the game was, as simple and dumb as you think it may have been. It might not be the perfect or best game in the world, but it had its own objectives, you just had to go thru it and accomplish it, rather than be bitter. How can a game make a person so angry? Anyways, you're probably not going to see another game like this in ghost motel, rather just the usual interactive story puzzle stuff.

rating: eh... okay

loved the games before... but this one was jsut pointless to me! i mean. i couldn't even get past level one beause its impossible to kill him without getting killed yourself. if you were to give him like, a arrow or a shotgun instead of a sward, that would have been usefull! and the shield only works against arrows, which is pretty annoying. so i am skipping this episode.

I was wrong

People can come up with the stupidest things. I'm not saying the whole series bad. Not even close in fact.

This game is really annoying. Who came up with something like that?

Violet-AIM responds:

Lol thanks for the input

idk i just dont like it

XwaynecoltX responds:

Thanks for the review
