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Reviews for "Free Mars"

Needs improvement

This game is what I have noticed to be similar to a timeout game at a value of 20c. Only difference was that this game was a bit worse, but if you add some powerups and some extra space to move around, or at least a bit of a slower speed. Any other improvements would be best for this game and if that happens it would be rated at maximum, or at least I would rate it that. Hope to see that it would happen at all.

great ending

hehe, Cole rat piss, Walfart..
great game, but hate the music

if you think this game is hard you've never tried ones where enemies come from the back and the front :P

PS: The rocket-shooter really pisses me with it's high health ><.

trick(s): 1) kill off the laser pointers before
they shoot lasers at you
2) aim for feet and heads
3) don't worry about the grunts, they're
basically harmless
4) final boss - giant spaceship -always
be on top on the 3 side cannons (they
take 1/3 of your life)
****5) Most importantly, hold onto the spacebar
for rapidfire (for better effect, start
shooting while in the back and move
front. That should produce a higher
frequency of beam shoots)

stylusOsubstance responds:

Hey No spoilers! Aw what the hell, maybe now all the cheeseheads that give me a zero without even trying might get a clue. Thanks for the cool review...really glad you liked the game enough to make a few good comments.

good game

Man I was playing for half hour antell 3rd boss came and will I got ound, now my ass hurts and Im to lazy to get up.

This is a good classic game but real long :-D sooo will it get boring after some time but looking from diffrent angle it kol!

Very fun game.

But one thing i noticed though while serfing the net. I saw this game on Ebaumsworld.com. Did you submit it there, or did he steal it from you? Or did you let him use it? Anyway, just wanted to know.

stylusOsubstance responds:

Thanks very much for the cool review. I really appreciate you looking out for my game too. After submiting to the greatest portal for flash games in the world (i.e right fuckin here!), I submitted to a handful of other sites. One of them is ebaumsworld. Thanks again for the look out!

all you could and couldnt expect in a game

This game is DEFINATELY front page material(couldnt think of anyhting better) The explosions are great,the ships and men were highly detailed,and the boss,well,it needs a little work,but it was challenging,i didnt expect it to be easy,easy is to boring,this game was hard,therefor it was fun,and some people liked it(patient people)

stylusOsubstance responds:

Sk8ing Punk, The_Bi99man, CrashAX, darkjester254, and BinkyX, it's for people like you that I make games like this. Thanks a lot for the cool comments.