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Reviews for "Tears in Heaven"

point understood

but if you expect to change people's minds "on the internet", the quality will turn people off before the flash even ends. if you protest in person, it'll be taken more serious and test how well you know what your talking about and how strongly you believe in it.

bumcheekcity responds:

Did it really deserve a 0 on all counts?

This frigging blows.

It's liberal messages like that which make me glad I am a republican. You can't accept the fact that the reason we are doing all of our miltary spending is because a man by the name of Clinton reduced our military to nearly nothing and also turned a cold shoulder to the attacks of the WTC in '93 and the bombing of the USS Cole, and the bombing of two US embasies during his administration. During Bush's reign, we have had only one attack, be it a major one, and it was all it took for him to realize those bastards needed to die for the deed they have done. So you go ahead and feed your little gun weilding, towel-headed,camel riding, bomb making terrorists over there with our money, and my side will keep fighting them so that 3000 more of your tree hugging asses may not have to face a plane or bomb blowing up in a building again.

bumcheekcity responds:

10,000 Civilians died in Iraq, and 2 MILLION died due to sanctions and pre-bombing Campaigns. Don't give me horse-shit about 3000 lives again, when other people lose so many.

Nice stats, mind giving me sources?

Those were some nice stats you posted on your response to my last posting. Now I want you to go back and check your sources. We already have proof that when the Iraqis took tally of their civilians dead in Desert Storm that they counted the ones Saddam killed himself to get a higher death count so that it looked like the U.S. was trying to hurt the civilians rather than help them. No wonder the people themselves wanted to hurt us at first, but when they saw the good we were doing, they were MORE than happy to help, remember when the statue of Saddam fell, bet those people felt damn good we were there. Even Hanging an American flag with their own. Looks like they supported it. Now going on to other business before I am attacked on that, some of the Iraqi citizens that are dying as we speak are not dying only by accidental fire by our troops and allies, but also by the rebel forces in Iraq that still side with the Baath party. But yet we have to take the blame because we are trying to liberate 7 million people. Also, by what I can gather, you are British, if so here is a stat for you, by the website listing civilian death tolls in WWII, http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/ww2stats.htm , they list the numbers given in numerous brands of Encyclopedias and Reference books, the median number of German Civilians killed by Allied hands was 1.6 million people. That is only in Germany mind you, not counting the other Central Powers. So you as well have civilian blood on your hands. Blood that significantly outnumbers 10,000 that we supposedly may have taken so far. People have to understand that civilan loss is going to be a casualty of war, we can't expect to have everything go 100% perfect, although that would be a great thing, it is not going to happen. Put yourself in the situation, say your country has been under rule by a power-hungry tyrant for all your life, you never knew the joys of a democracy, you never had a taste of freedom, and had to sleep every night wondering if you would make it through the next day. Then another country comes in to free your people, would you give your life for the betterment of your entire fellow civilians? I know I sure as hell would.

bumcheekcity responds:

Statistics are from:

Anmesty International

And various other charities