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Reviews for "Tears in Heaven"

point understood

but if you expect to change people's minds "on the internet", the quality will turn people off before the flash even ends. if you protest in person, it'll be taken more serious and test how well you know what your talking about and how strongly you believe in it.

bumcheekcity responds:

Did it really deserve a 0 on all counts?


Pointless slideshow.

bumcheekcity responds:

Pointles Review...


Incredibly bad flash, but good point. Waging war on people, things and whatnot has become oke, since all the wars are "high tech" and "clean" and for whatever good cause. All the reasons for are so mindboggelingly transparent, showing that it's always about minor temporary gain for a few. It makes me shudder that someone like Bush can still get so many people behind him. And the problem probably is, that he doesn't even make the choices...
Right, i'll quit here before I stumble into raving X-files like paranoia. So again, sucky movie, good point.

bumcheekcity responds:

You make good points too. The flash really needs work.

This frigging blows.

It's liberal messages like that which make me glad I am a republican. You can't accept the fact that the reason we are doing all of our miltary spending is because a man by the name of Clinton reduced our military to nearly nothing and also turned a cold shoulder to the attacks of the WTC in '93 and the bombing of the USS Cole, and the bombing of two US embasies during his administration. During Bush's reign, we have had only one attack, be it a major one, and it was all it took for him to realize those bastards needed to die for the deed they have done. So you go ahead and feed your little gun weilding, towel-headed,camel riding, bomb making terrorists over there with our money, and my side will keep fighting them so that 3000 more of your tree hugging asses may not have to face a plane or bomb blowing up in a building again.

bumcheekcity responds:

10,000 Civilians died in Iraq, and 2 MILLION died due to sanctions and pre-bombing Campaigns. Don't give me horse-shit about 3000 lives again, when other people lose so many.

ummm, ok

preach on herodotus6969! we don't need weapons to stop these guys, but they left us no choice, and by weapons, I mean guns, not nukes. What we needed was a better president then clint clinton. It seems like he was wayyyy to busy gettin head than to do anything about terriorism. I mean, back then when clint was prez, the WTC was attacked, and they captured osama, but he didn't take the offer. But one thing I wanted ta point out. Bush Sr. didn't do such a good job. This is the main reason why clint won prez. Democrats seem to live on a lil thing called sound bits. most do, not all. a sound bit is where some guy says something like bush is gay, then someone hears that and spreads the word and pretty soon, everyone thinks hes gay. this is the mani reason why democrats are ignorent. if they would do some studying, then maybe they'd understand. koch is democrat in NY and he supports Bush. and another thing, ppl in the UK haven't had a 9/11 of themmselves so you really have no say in this convo.

bumcheekcity responds:

Because we haven't been attacked, we have no say in your attack? Yeah, nice logic.