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Reviews for "Tears in Heaven"

your right, these things do happen

and what are you going to do about it? what you think theres one guy who sits on a really high chair and pushes the "spend a bilion dollars bombing the terrorists" button? its called politics love. sure you can yell and scream and cry about people spending too much on dog food, its not going to make the dogfood cheaper. no one persons going to be able to change the economics of the world. they are meerly useless stats. its like saying instead of making that flash you could be out working and saving money for little abdul over in a third world country and support him for a year, but you didnt. you made the flash and now hes dead. is that going to make all the animators stop animating? i dont think so.

like the music tho. and nice pics.

(by the way im australian, and i didnt see anything to do with us in there)

bumcheekcity responds:

I COULD be working and saving money, that's true, but i'm 15 and under the laws of the UK, I really can't do anything that'll help.

Ah... The Innocence of Youth

It's great that you're concerned about the suffering in the world. However, your views presented here show a great deal of naivete about how the world actually plays out. If you are a communist, then you should be well aware of the consistent historical end result of communist government. Everywhere it is implemented, communism results in a privileged and wealthy ruling class that keeps everyone else in a state of equal impoverishment--by the use of military force! Kind of like the situation you're complaining about in the world, eh? Personal freedoms are taken away, incentive to work is taken away, laziness is encouraged, and the majority of people are essentially slaves to their government! Hooray for the Workers' Paradise! However, where people are allowed to, and required to, truly make their own way, things are generally prosperous, people are productive, and the average quality of life soars. It's easy to be a communist in a democratic nation, but you'll find that those who live under such regimes share quite a different view. I'm all for communism in theory, but it requires everyone to be completely loving, humble, hard-working, and self-sacrificing for it to work. That's the problem. Until people are fixed internally, communism can never function according to theory. In the meantime, capitalism seems to best offset the evil tendencies in people by requiring them to do good for the community through economic pressures, i.e. do things people consider valuable, or starve.

Also, where are the complaints against the military spending of communist regimes? Shouldn't they have disarmed by now if communism really plays out so rosily? Or is military spending essential to the integrity of ANY nation?

Don't forget that the UN is politically driven... How many of millions of dollars did Kofi Annan make in kickbacks from the Oil for Food "Program"?

By the way, there is a system that calls for providing for the needs of people while requiring that those who are able to pull their own weight, though it is not consistently practiced--And it's almost always practiced at the individual, not the state, level. It's called Christianity,

bumcheekcity responds:

This movie has got to have the most essays as reviews, ever.

I couldn't read half of the flash

It could have been a little bit slower.

I understand your point...

But the US and its policies does do some good. I promise you that overall there is less death, violence and pain in Iraq now than there was before the US invaded, and nearly all of those who die now are actually fighting for something, instead of civilians dying for no real reason in a dictatorship. Yes, the US does a lot of stupid stuff but not all of the effects are bad.

bumcheekcity responds:

There probably is less violence and death, because the Sanctions and the Bombing has stopped.


Good message, but you should have spent more time presenting it better, the animation style was poor, but that is a good point, very daring to speak these things out, it is what we're all thinking. Just present it better next time.

bumcheekcity responds:

Thanks for the advice. I'll work on that.