Deserves to be on front page!
Deserves to be on front page!
This was fun for one reason, after a while you should just start carving curse words or other stuff (I drew a pot leaf on one lol!)
That is too cute!
This has to be one of the greatest ideas I've ever seen: simple, and completely fun. I love that you made it so the user could actually CARVE the pumpkin, rather than click or drag a face on. I'm sure some people got really creative with this!
Thanks for such a unique toy for Halloween! I'll play with this for hours, I know.
Ohhh *sniff* The poor poor p-p-p-umpkin*SOB*
CRULE THATS WHAT U ARE CRULE CUTTING UP POOR INOCENMT PUMPKINS...wew glad I got that out any way.. Thats the reason i gave u a vilence mark. All in all it was a great game excepte that i sucked at it {my pumpkin looked like it had a thong} so yhea make a nother one mabee like make ure own snoman or decorate your own christmas tree and stuff like that im sure peeps would like it.
it wuz a great game but i recommend letting u save and post ure pumpkin, and to let u see previously made pumpkins for idea and also pumpkin stencils so u can make cool designs