MUCH better than the first part but with some of the same problems.
(this list is from Amnesiacs review of part 1)
"First of all : WHAT THE HELL ? what was the point of putting tonky with the corps? just to make fun of fat people? to put in the movie a useless human who either runs away or die? ungh... bad move... it took preety much all the plausibility of the movie... anyway moving on...
You need to learn how to draw people from different angles... seeing them doing all the action while standing up and facing the camera is ok sometimes... but always? no..
facial expression coulb be a good add-on
is it just me or you can draw eyes? (or was it meant this way?) all the characters have glasses...
Of course, more dialogue would be welcome but I don't think you have a micro right? (otherwise, why would have you put the pre recorded voices?)
The music fitted really well with your animation but next time, use more diversity... 2/3 songs were from linkin park and some people just might hate them.. bah.."
(end quote)
I would like to ad that i really liked the scene with the pink jeep and i was glad to see the end of that fat guy, but i really hated that ending.
Overall, good work.