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October 20, 2009 –
April 25, 2012
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Very dynamic top down shooter, with quality pre-rendered graphics, and a lot of features. Fans of alien shooter and crimson-land will be happy.


- 50 levels
- 5 general scenes
- Character stats - allows to upgrade your character
- 28 different weapons - pistols, rifles, machineguns, grenades, flamers, laser and
plasma guns, etc
- weapons have different shooting animations and sounds
- character looks different with different weapon types, different
reloading animations also applied
- 3 types of armors
- weapons upgrades
- 8 types of enemies
- 3 types of infinite enemy spawns (destroyable)
- different enemy deaths animations
- each scene slightly differs in each level
- enemy spawns, enemy quantities and types are customized for each level
- enemies blood never disappears from scene
- scrolling scenes
- different gameplay in levels: normal (day), shaded (evening), with flashlight (night), protect girl
- quality sounds and music
- 4 animated scenes (storyline cinematics)


this was well done

Bitch, I hate her.

Anyway, nice game! Lotta guns, action, enemies... Too bad that this BITCH made me lose a lot of times (im playing on a notebook, mouse aiming is awful).

Congrats for the game!

I like this game really much, but PLS stop my girlfriend. Just do it :D

And, if i hover mouse over +/- from CharacterStats like Strentgh, it shows me the weapon Uzi to buy. Fix it, and you will have my 10 stars! 5/5

Really neat!

The overall concept is not new, but you manage to implement it quite well. Nice upgrade system, shop and gameplay, graphics. challenge, overall ballance and everything else. 10/10!

Go for it!

I loved this game from the get go. It is easy to tell that you put a lot of hard work into this, and it shows in the overall quality.


I'm afraid the otherwise perfect face of this flash game is scarred by a nearly unforgivable feature: The mother #$%@ing Girlfriend!!!

Protecting her in early levels is no big deal, but during later levels (specifically ep. 4 Stage 7) it is nearly impossible to win! She is slow, weak, unresponsive, and nothing but a pain in the ass (points for realism, however.) I mean, I walk around with a laser minigun in a carefully planned circle around the mass of enemies, firing heated plasma into hordes of baddies, and I expect the Girlfriend to follow, staying just out of reach of their gaping maws. But then, at the most strategically inopportune moment, she turns a 180 and gleefully embraces death at the hands of the hungry masses. It is as if she is determined to get either herself or I brutally killed.

Seriously, if you could make her faster, smarter...and maybe armed...I would be able to, in all good conscience, give you 10/10 and 5/5.


Stats, Info & More

3.94 / 5.00