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Tutorial: Deity Whistle

March 8, 2008 –
July 20, 2011
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Hey! I thought that I wasn't going to do another tutorial, but with a little motivation from Joeyag, I did! In this tutorial you'll learn how to:

- Flag the right reviews.
- Get abusive reviews quickly.
- Know what reviews are classed as abusive.
- And maybe even, get a deity whistle!

This tutorial features the great song, Animal I've Become by Three Days Grace!

I'd just like to thank IngramJ and tigerkitty for there useful information on what else to flag! If you enjoyed the tutorial or it helped you, please comment and vote 5!

P.S. I've made the tutorials height smaller, because I felt that I didn't need all that room that I had in the previous tutorials!

Note: Don't bother trying to be funny or sarcastic in your review, it will only get deleted.


None the less this is a very good tutorial and I can't wait for more from you!

What I find hilarious, is that you made this, yet have a garbage whistle.

However, I actually think this tutorial is good. Not because you're telling noobs how to level up, but you're doing newgrounds a favour, cleaning it up a bit so to speak.
You're telling people, how to get rid of bad reviews, and in doing so, are making way for the better reviews to rise up.

[sick music btw]
Also, there is a downside to this. Some people, i.e. n00bs could take this the wrong way, and flag every review they see as "abusive".
But I think that you've explained it in such a way, that this wouldn't happen. Good job.

I think its great but it will sure going to take som time to go for that deity whistle yet :P

this is a great flash it should be seen by everybody before creating a newgfrounds accountm this is like the guidelines to mark reviews but easier to understand

good song, three days grace rules

Yay, you make a good example to inapropriate review... thanks.If i search on google it does'nt work, 2 newgrounds reviews and no more...


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