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Alice in Wonderland is about drugs?

5,234 Views | 56 Replies

A friend of mind recently told me that the premis of Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" has several drug references subliminally within the entire movie. I kinda figured the Hooka catapillar as one. But i'm not sure what the others could be.

I'm going to rent the movie tomorrow at Blockbuster. Who here knows the truth about Alice in Wonderland? I tried google, but found nothing specific.

Do what now...?

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:45:53

I watched it an shrooms.
Honest to god it was the most fucked thing ever.

(-.\\) (-.\\) (-.\\) (-.\\) (-.\\)

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:49:12

It's a movie about a girl who eats mushrooms to get big or small to go to an imagenary world to follow a rabbit that has cards as people, a talking catipiller with a hooka, 2 retarded twins, a crack head with a hat with a (2nd) talking rabbit, and a disapearing cat that talks in riddles.

...what fucking part of that doesn't just scream "I'm high on fucking something" to you...

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:51:52

Wow, you are far behind the times, it all about an acid trip that Alice has, going into the rabbit hole and all that. And how shes gets bigger is supposed to represent being high, and getting smaller are downers.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:53:21

At 4/10/08 12:49 AM, Doombox162 wrote: It's a movie about a girl who eats mushrooms to get big or small to go to an imagenary world to follow a rabbit that has cards as people, a talking catipiller with a hooka, 2 retarded twins, a crack head with a hat with a (2nd) talking rabbit, and a disapearing cat that talks in riddles.

...what fucking part of that doesn't just scream "I'm high on fucking something" to you...

Well yeah, when you put it like that, it sounds fucked up beyond comprehension. But when i saw it as a kid, my thought was "A girl goes to a magical place, but it's all just a dream."

Now that i'm older (and familiar with drugs) I can see past the surface of the movie, and see the deeper meaning, and the "adult humor". My question is, what specifically should i look for when watching this movie later?

Do what now...?

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:58:17

At 4/10/08 12:51 AM, physco-pickle wrote: Wow, you are far behind the times, it all about an acid trip that Alice has, going into the rabbit hole and all that. And how shes gets bigger is supposed to represent being high, and getting smaller are downers.

It's not entirely about drugs. The story was spawned off a trip that the author (forget his name) had on the Fly agaric mushroom. The mushroom's trip supposedly can make things seems larger or smaller, so that's where the getting bigger and smaller idea came from.

The hooka is just a hooka, he's probably just smoking flavored tobacco and not MJ.

What can a thoughtful man hope for mankind on Earth, given the experience of the past million years? Nothing

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 00:59:16

Yeah, Alice and Wonderland is relevant to drugs. "Follow the white rabbit" interprets "cocaine." And the creator created it when he was high as hell. :)

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 01:11:44

Ok, so we have Cocaine (White rabbit) Mary Jane (Catapillar) Crack? (Mad hatter) Mushrooms (???)
Pills/LSD (The "Drink me" "Eat me") and Alcohol (Doormouse)

Does the Red Queen have some sort of reference? I'm not sure, maybe she's on Meth?

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:13:30

Everything from out childhood just HAD to have adult undertones, wasn't 'Ring Around The Rosy' supposed to be about AIDS?

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:16:18

At 4/10/08 01:11 AM, Elios wrote: Ok, so we have Cocaine (White rabbit)

Amphetamine is also sometimes refered as the White Rabbit.


Didn't exist at the time of the movies making.

Anyway, I think this is just looking too much into it.

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:17:41

Yeah, it's pretty much deciphered through 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane!

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:17:51

At 4/10/08 01:55 AM, Reed wrote: the writer was on acid

LSD wasn't invented until 1938, the book was written in 1865.

At 4/10/08 01:11 AM, Elios wrote: Ok, so we have Cocaine (White rabbit) Mary Jane (Catapillar) Crack? (Mad hatter) Mushrooms (???)
Pills/LSD (The "Drink me" "Eat me") and Alcohol (Doormouse)

Does the Red Queen have some sort of reference? I'm not sure, maybe she's on Meth?

Cocaine wasn't considered popularized until the mid 1880s, though it's still a possibility, a crack reference is very unlikely. Though as I stated, LSD would be impossible. As for pills there is a possibility that he had access to a mild painkiller in his times and of course he did have access to alcohol. But he was never known for smoking cannabis and there's no evidence to suggest that the caterpillar is smoking anything but tobacco.

What can a thoughtful man hope for mankind on Earth, given the experience of the past million years? Nothing

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:23:44

At 4/10/08 01:52 AM, Suaron wrote: No, it's about liking little girls. Lewis Carroll was a huge pedophile that wanted to marry the real-life Alice, upon whom his story is based. She was 11 years old.

And mathematics and drugs are in there as well...

I concur...

That's what is the book about...

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:26:14

At 4/10/08 02:23 AM, Ozcar wrote: That's what is the book about...

Oh! Also the sick bastard of Lewis Carroll took her pics...naked XD

Don't make me get google on you....

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:29:03

At 4/10/08 02:26 AM, cherries wrote: Dude of course it's about drugs. It's a movie you're supposed to watch while tripping on LSD.

I don't think i'll watch it on LSD...i have to work tomorrow. However, all of your responses make sense. And i shall further my search on the internet for the truth of this movie.

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:31:38

Yeah, the author was a drug addict and a huge loner who filled an entire room of his house with drug-influenced writings of Alice and her wonderland. They only found the room after he died, and I guess the first thing they thought was 'hey, this would make a good book to be made into a childrens movie'.

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 02:32:34

hes just being an idiot.

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- Dale Gribble

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 03:21:46

Alice in wonderland is an adaptation from a childrens book, The book had a lot of references in it. This is all common knowledge.

Listen to White Rabbit, by Jefferson Airplane. It should clear some things up.

isn't it obvious?

Weak Men are Hard on Others while Strong Men are Hard on Themselves.

BBS Signature

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 03:27:37

Also, the hatter in the movie is a big reference.

Hatters used to polish their hats with quicksilver based chemicals, so many of them got slightly crazy, or sometimes even Schizophrenic.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 03:29:27

I heard the guy was on meth when he wrote it! and that he touched children...who knows there's so much crazy stuff people say about Lewis Carrol i don't really care. it's a pretty good story.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 03:50:48

Read the book.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 04:28:50

At 4/10/08 01:55 AM, Reed wrote: the writer was on acid

He was so wasted that he woke up with that script on the desk with no memory of how it got there


Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 04:33:37

I like that movie anyway.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 05:11:46

At 4/10/08 02:13 AM, Omega-Epsilon wrote: Everything from out childhood just HAD to have adult undertones, wasn't 'Ring Around The Rosy' supposed to be about AIDS?

No it was about the black plague when it was about.
The sneezing part of the rhyme is about how sneezing is one of the first symptoms and then they die soon after it... :D

or something like that :)

Scotland :D

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 11:46:46

At 4/10/08 05:11 AM, ms2492 wrote:
At 4/10/08 02:13 AM, Omega-Epsilon wrote: Everything from out childhood just HAD to have adult undertones, wasn't 'Ring Around The Rosy' supposed to be about AIDS?
No it was about the black plague when it was about.
The sneezing part of the rhyme is about how sneezing is one of the first symptoms and then they die soon after it... :D

or something like that :)

Taken from Wikipedia:

Folklore scholars regard the theory as baseless for various reasons:

1. the late appearance of the explanation means that it has no tradition, only the value of its content;[15]
2. the facts described do not fit especially well at least with the Great Plague;[17][20]
3. the great variety of forms makes it unlikely that the modern form is the most ancient one, and the words on which the interpretation are based are not found in many of the earliest records of the rhyme (see above);[18][21]
4. European and 19th century versions of the rhyme suggest that this 'fall' was not a literal falling down, but a curtsy or other form of bending movement that was common in other dramatic singing games.

I myself don't believe the song has anything to do with the bubonic plague. Mainly because the line that can be interpreted as a sneeze isn't present in the original version:
A pocket full of posies;
Hush! hush! hush! hush!
We're all tumbled down.

At 4/10/08 03:29 AM, Sawke wrote: I heard the guy was on meth when he wrote it! and that he touched children...who knows there's so much crazy stuff people say about Lewis Carrol i don't really care. it's a pretty good story.

Meth wasn't synthesized until 8 years after the book was published, another impossibility. Though it was observed that he was indeed a pedophile, he supposedly never touched a child. He took pictures of them in the nude and said it was for artistic endeavors and was never found to have ever acted on his desires (though we have no proof that he didn't either).

What can a thoughtful man hope for mankind on Earth, given the experience of the past million years? Nothing

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Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 12:16:10

Damn dude, a lot of people are citing drugs that weren't invented/used mainstream at the time.

But... that aside, I think the only way to get a straight answer is to ask the pedophile himself, but he's long since dead... so who cares.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 12:21:14

So is mario.

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 12:25:36

Mario's on 'shrooms...lol

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 13:21:37

that whole movie couldn't have been made without drugs

most of the characters were thought of by someone who was high on Opium, a form of drug they put in asprins (i think)

Response to Alice in Wonderland is about drugs? 2008-04-10 13:33:49

Robert Louis Stevenson Wrote Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde in six days and nights on a cocaine binge. "That an invalid in my husband's condition of health should have been able to perform the manual labour alone of putting 60,000 words on paper in six days, seems almost incredible," said his astonished wife, Fanny.
sauce (ketchup)

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