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Robbed and Pissed

3,142 Views | 49 Replies

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 04:35:09

Also, I would get on a car, smash them, then get a .45 and shoot them in the face 50 times. Then I would call the Justice League to whoop their asses and I would be proclaimed king of the earth.

But that's what I would have done.

Nice I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

Insert signature here.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 05:06:32

At 3/13/08 10:15 PM, Revolation wrote: Did you have your Mudkip on you?

No he didnt dont you see dude

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 14:50:03

At 3/14/08 04:16 AM, Lord-Zed wrote: I still fear walking on the streets, even almost a year after it, so don't feel shit if you don't "get better", it sometimes never goes away.

Hope you feel better.

Still not feeling any better, yet. I don't know if I'm going to feel safe going outside again for a while.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 15:00:31

Wow, that's terrible. I've never been robbed before, so I can't even imagine what you're feeling like right now. I guess it just goes to show that cops suck everywhere, and they'd rather get donuts then solve a simple crime. At least you didn't get seriously injured, or even shot or something like that.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 15:04:53

Carry mace or a tazer. God how hard could that be?

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2008-03-14 15:11:25

right like im gonna give some weak little piece of shit who gave someone 129 bucks free cash.

A vagina is really just a hat for a penis.

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-17 23:13:20

I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I was busy saving lives.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-17 23:15:57

Sorry I can't help, but I'm too busy trying to gather money from my being mugged over a year ago.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-17 23:28:48

I know I made this thread over a year and a half ago, but I just want to say that I still think about what happened to me on March 13, 2008 almost every day, even now. It just goes to show what a profoundly negative impact this incident has had on my life in general. There's no way I'm going to forget this, even if something worse happens somewhere down the road.

Aside from that, I have one more thing to say that I should have said a while ago.

At 3/13/08 11:41 PM, scottmale24 wrote: There's five bucks. That's about the best I can do.

I owe you a very (and I mean very) belated thank you. You are the only person in this thread to have sent me any money out of compassion as a result of this whole fucked up incident. Nobody else who ever posted here sent me even a penny. After you sent me the $5 via PayPal back then, 45 cents was automatically deducted, so I wound up receiving $4.55, but that was helpful enough anyway.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-17 23:49:18

that sucks bro.... how you gona replace it ... and did you learn a lesson?

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-17 23:56:28

At 10/17/09 11:49 PM, quagmire690 wrote: that sucks bro.... how you gona replace it ... and did you learn a lesson?

GoryBlizzard never learns his lesson, hes a rebel and a straight-up badass

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 00:11:53

At 10/18/09 12:05 AM, DannyJay wrote: I carry a pocket knife with me when ever I go to a place I feel can be dangerous like that. If I was there I would've helped ya.

It's really not a smart idea to carry any pocket knives in NYC, even for self-defense purposes. I'd stick with good old pepper spray or mace.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 00:12:12

At 3/13/08 11:42 PM, TightRope wrote: GTFO you fucking weak ass panzi, go to the fucking gym you piece of shit and move out of Jew York.

Who the fuck are you? But you gotta love E-thugs. Talk the shit while hiding behind the interwebz.
I'm certain you would shit your pants if you were to get mugged. Jew York? Honestly? Go choke on a fucking biscuit while your dentist try's to figure out what the fuck ever happen to your teeth. Enjoy the rain cunt.
/end rant.

One topic: Wow dude that really sucks. You gotta have some sense of mind of what you are gonna do when someone is gonna mug you. When you seen them running towards you, kick that adrenaline into overdrive and book it the fuck out of the park.

93% of kids these days listen to rap, put this in your signature if you like bagels.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 00:18:07

Wow, after reading this, I must say, you're a real pussy.

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 00:23:22

This looks like a job for Spider Man!!!!

Robbed and Pissed

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 00:46:29

At 10/18/09 12:18 AM, Cericon wrote: Wow, after reading this, I must say, you're a real pussy.

My assailants were the real pussies here. They were too cowardly to get jobs and earn their money legally, so they had to target me and take mine. Oh, and after they took my money, they ran away like scared little schoolgirls because they knew they'd be into deep fucking shit. Hopefully they've been caught by now for something else unrelated to this. If I find out that they're still on the streets of Riverdale roaming freely, you can only imagine how pissed off I'll be.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 01:06:42

I made a post about how I got jumped 2-3 years ago(too lazy to find it).

Basically it was halloween I just turned 18 a couple weeks before, this night I happened to not be with any of my guy friends, just my girlfriend and two other girls. This stupid kid about my size comes up to me (he's white and thinks he's a blood) saying that he has a crowbar and to give him all our money, I kept talking shit back to him because I grew up in this town my whole life, he than said he had a knife and than finally he said he had a gun. I still didn't give him shit and continued to yell shit back to him. The kid also was with a bunch of his friends who all knew me and even said "why are you picking a fight with Matt?"

We got all in each others face, I never got in a fight before so I guess I was too pussy to throw the first punch but so was he. We both turned away from each other and I walked towards my girlfriend, all of a sudden he cheap shots me and jumps on my back and starts whailing on me, we both fight for a bit but I felt like I got my ass kicked because even tho we were both punching, my girlfriend was worried and called the police. I remember one of my girlfriends friends actually pulled him off my back and I got to punch him a good few times in the back of the head.

The cops told my girlfriend to tell me to wait at the corner of the road. Some lady jogging by laughed and said "sweet halloween costume" she was referring to all the blood on my face, mostly from my tooth digging into my lip.

The cops came and didn't really do much, they can't really because its your word against his. Unless he has a prior record of violence, I'm sure nothing would happen.

It bugged me for a long time, I felt fucked with and all I could do is think of revenge. But you need to just accept that it happened and go on, who the fuck cares what some stupid kids did to you, nothing anyone will tell you on newgrounds is going to make you feel better, and getting pissed at the cops won't eitheir. Someone probably bursted the bubble of a calm, non-hectic life you live in, and now you feel extremely threatened and scared. Well thats just Human Nature and how your body reacts when threatened.

Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 11:33:43

At 10/18/09 01:17 AM, TheGodfather wrote: Was it YOU OP?

Nope, that's not my alt, but in any case, seeing this thread once again brings back a lot of bad memories and I still feel like I haven't received much if any justice since then.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 12:04:36

Really sucks to hear that muggings like that can just happen and the other guys can get away... I wonder if carrying a gun or something really does make a major difference (as long as you don't get slapped with shooting/assault charges)

To knife or not to knife...

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

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Response to Robbed and Pissed 2009-10-18 12:45:06

Not too long ago, I was going through a little pathway with my friend and his little sister on the way home from school. I was on my bike and he and her were walking. These two lads were coming the opposite way, and why they did this I'll never know, but the lil one whacked me in the face. There was a lanky skinny one with him and after they took off running. Maybe they wanted my bike but I didn't fall off it or nowte. But nor did I run after em. I was quite pissed and I saw them again not long after. I just avoided them because I didn't want to start more shit with them, didn't want em to get their mates waiting for me after school to stab me up.

But now, whenever someone's close or I'm in such a situation, I get proper ready to fucking tear them up the moment a hat drops. Never been in a real fight, but I'm confident enough to get into one.

No mate, no.

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