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Zombie survival stories

3,331 Views | 38 Replies

Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:02:06

Everyone post your awesome zombie survival stories here. Here are the rules:

1) Keep them under 2,000 characters

2) Include the town it took place in, at least 2 weapons you used, and 2 people other than yourself

3) No retarded spamming, such as posting "u R tEh GhEyIsT fAgG0T eVaR!!!!!11111oneone"

I hope to see some good stories

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:05:35

I was at the bar, and all these homeless people came in asking for change....and I didn't give them any.




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Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:06:15

Me and my friend Frank with a katana and Mickey with an uzi survived when 2 zombies attacked our town

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:07:53

Guys, come on. Make some good stories. Not shit like the stuff above me.

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:08:33

This one time at band camp I survived some zombies! EDN


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Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:09:18

so i was like: oh no! ZOMBIES!
and then he was like: i'm no zombie you fool!
and i was: O RLY?
so he said: YA RLY!

you know the rest of conversation...

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:09:42

2 Zombies and a Frenchman walk into a bar..


Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:12:14

You guys fucking suck. I was just trying to make a forum with some good stories on it, but you all just make stories that I wouldn't even cumshot on.

These stories are funny, but THEY ALL ARE LIKE THAT!!! I need some serious stories here.

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:14:05

At 4/20/07 11:12 AM, Calcos wrote: You guys fucking suck. I was just trying to make a forum with some good stories on it, but you all just make stories that I wouldn't even cumshot on.

These stories are funny, but THEY ALL ARE LIKE THAT!!! I need some serious stories here.



Three kids were walking down a country lane on their way to camp for the night. They heard rustling coming from the bushes. As they approached the strange noise A HUGE FUCKING ZOMBIE lept out... BUT THEN!!!!!!!!!!


They escaped, and consequentially survived.



BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:16:42

Guys, I give up.

Post the funny stories, I don't care

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:17:18

Lol i hate to link spam but Zombieresistant.com More to your liking... just go on forum and zombie survival stories..

How did this get here? I am not good with internet.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:19:29

At 4/20/07 11:16 AM, Calcos wrote: Guys, I give up.

Post the funny stories, I don't care

HUGS for you !


BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 11:19:31

As I ran through Boston, I noticed that everyone was gone. Windows had shatterd, cars were on fire in alleyways and bodies hung from walls like curtains. "What the hell is goin on!" i yelled, but i got no answer. I spotted a pawn shop about 100 feet away, and i started sprinting towards it. Once I got in I noticed the owner, CaptainCrunchDaPimp, was not there. I rushed behind the counter and that is where i found him, decapitated. I couldnt stand to look. I turned back to the counter and grabbed a few guns. I picked up a shotgun and an uzi and loaded them with ammo. Then I heard a strange noise behind me. I quickly spun around and noticed that the headless owner was starting to move and get up. I instantly loaded my guns and penetrated him with shells, and blood splatteerd everyehere. Then I heard more of these noises from all around. I once again loaded both my guns and ran out into the open street. every dead body was now moving and coming towards me. Once they came close enough, I opened fire on them with shotgun in one hand, uzi in the other. Bodies went flying and so did gallons of blood. as the blood covered my face I kept on shooting. But as I killed more, more came in there place. All looked hopeless until I looked down the street and I spotted NOPIDAM driving a humvee. He ran over all the zombies in front of me, and just before all the zombies on the other sides of me grabbed me, I jumped into the humvee and sped off into the city. TO BE CONTINUED...... (not really)

i know, i know, my profile rocks, no need to tell me

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 12:43:48

BIOHAZARD has made a very good story, and I have one more rule:

4) the 2 people in rule 2 must be NG users

Keep up the stories!

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 19:34:41

make teh posts!!!!

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 19:35:13

At 4/20/07 11:05 AM, peanutbutterclawk wrote: I was at the bar, and all these homeless people came in asking for change....and I didn't give them any.


There is a war going on in you're mind. People and ideas all competing for you're thoughts. And if you're thinking, you're winning.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 19:39:55

"u R tEh GhEyIsT fAgG0T eVaR!!!!!11111oneone"


Am I funny yet?

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 19:42:58

when i was five years ago, me and two mates (both ng members) shooted zombies in the face with two guns.


Not my real name!

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-20 19:44:55

I saw a zombie.

The end...?

Resident furfag, and (one of) Newground's bastard child(s).

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 11:32:53

thank you!

i know, i know, my profile rocks, no need to tell me

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 11:35:08

At 4/20/07 11:12 AM, Calcos wrote: You guys fucking suck. I was just trying to make a forum with some good stories on it,

Make 'A' forum with some good stories on it? Do you mean 'this' forum with some good stories on it? Or are you going to pass on good ones as your own for a different forum?

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 11:43:48

your rules is likely what causes this response. too tight, specially the whole 2000 characters max. You want a good zombie story, first, let them write it as long as they want, two, give them time, for a good story they won't take 15-20 minutes, and third...write on yourself first!

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 15:26:29

It was a dark night; all was silent on Main Street. In the distance I could hear a faint moaning noise; I decided to walk quicker as it may have been one of those things, luckily if one came too close I had my revolver although due to last nights ‘party’ I only had enough ammo to take down four. I decided to take a detour through Silence Street to get home a bit quicker as they hunt better at night. If you’re wondering what they are they are things of nightmares, shadows of their former selves stalking the streets for any scraps of flesh they are the undead they are the living dead. The moaning in the distance grew slowly but louder and as it grew ever so louder it multiplied they were the hungry moans of the undead they were hunting for their meal and I was the freshest thing here.
As i turned onto Silence Street I saw them. Hundreds if not thousands it was a class 3 outbreak most of the city was deserted the lucky ones escaped the unlucky ones had either been eaten or turned into one of them, but the most unlucky of all were the survivors living every day in fear and silence. It had been four months since the original outbreak. It had been a young girl by the name of Alexandra topolov she had lived alone with her father Dr. Topolov a member of the government in the medical department he had been assigned to a task of making a super soldier or the army while doing this he created a virus called solanum, it’s a virus which causes death in the infected then reanimates them within a 23 hour period. When he discovered this virus he tested it on his daughter not knowing what it did. Within the first hour his daughter had a pain in the radius of the injection area and discolouration in her skin of this area also. Within the fifth hour she had a fever of 99-103 degrees Fahrenheit, chills, slight dementia, vomiting and acute pain in her joints. Within the next three hours there was numbing of extremities and the infected area, her fever increased to 103-106 degrees Fahrenheit, increased dementia and loss of all muscular coordination. Within another three hours there was a paralysis of her lower body, overall numbness and a slowed heart rate. Within the next five hours she fell under a coma. After a further four hours there was total heart stoppage and complete brain death. Finally on the twenty-third hour she was reanimated. Upon reanimation she acquired extreme aggression, hunger and a taste for human flesh. When DR Topolov discovered this he called for the authorities when they had reached his house on find the way BLVD. it was too late his body had been brutally severed and partially eaten, his daughter was missing. A few days there were a few families murdered in the same way although some members escaped with a few bites and scratches from them they experienced the same symptoms as Alex, fever dementia heart stoppage and reanimation.
It was reported all over the news as a maniac or maniacs but we knew the truth. As I turned the corner onto Silence Street I saw them the many zombies that I had heard of in the distance and they had seen me. Quickly I turned into the nearest alleyway looking for means of escape. The came closer and closer. There was nothing. No fire escapes no barbed wire nothing. All hope seemed lost until there I saw it. A large sheet propped up against the wall I removed it and saw my means of escape an st1100 with a full tank of gas. I hopped on and drove off. As I drove the smell of the undead grew greater and it could have made even a skunk gag I was so close to them I could have lost my head. I drove down Silence Street further and as I came closer to them I had to swerve into the old playground in there, there were children’s bodies littered everywhere.
As I drove through it I remembered my own Children and how I had to kill them myself or they would become the undead. As I drove down Silence Street I stopped off at Joe’s guns for a little bit of a ‘shopping spree’ 100% discount for all survivors. I retrieved 250 shotgun shells, a spas 12, a rifle with 500 rounds and 250 revolver rounds. I also retrieved a sniper scope and night vision scope for the rifle for a little bit of night time hunting. Me and my crew had been hiding in the nearest shopping mall since the outbreak had happened at night it had been abandoned when we had arrived there. My crew consisted of Owen Mooney, Rebecca Lyttle, Sean McKibbin, Jennifer Guiney and the team leader, myself, Andrew Sheppard.
As I headed back towards our head quarters in the shopping mall I noticed there were a few zombies around it so I decided to take them out with my shotgun there were only a few so it was easy enough I took the secure entrance around the side as more undead may have been alerted to my presence due to the loud noise of the shotgun. As I burst through the door everyone in my team was alerted to my presence.
“Alright….,” I boomed, “Who the hell was on sniper duty?” a tall, black haired male at the age of 17 stood up
“It was me,” he answered
“What part of ‘take out all zombies in sight’ do you not understand?” I questioned
“Sorry I hadn’t thought there were anymore” he answered
“Well, Sean, you need to stay alert at all times, mistakes like that can get you killed,”
“Sorry, Sir,” he replied
“That’s ok next time be more careful, OK?”
“Jenni?” I questioned
A petite female at the age of sixteen slid out from under one of our trucks,
“Yes, Sir?” she asked
“On my patrol I found a motorcycle it’s parked outside do you think it could be any use to use?” I asked
“I don’t know maybe not due to the open area of all four sides what type is it?” she questioned
“It’s a st1100, completely intact,” I replied
“It may be some use to us I’ll see what I can do,” she remarked
“Excellent,” I remarked. I continued my patrol and checked up on Owen our riffle expert I threw him the riffles I pillaged from my stop a Joe’s I also handed him the scopes and the ammo,
“I hope these are of some use to you,” I said
“I’ll see what I can do,” he announced. As I continued my check-up we all heard a banging at the door. We slowly readied our weapons and cautiously opened the door we saw a figure walk through the door as we aimed at its head it came into clear view it was a female with long brown hair, she was tall and slim and she was Rebecca our scientific expert.
“Where the hell have you been?” I demanded
“I decided to check out the other side of town” she mumbled
“And did you bring a weapon?” I questioned
“Yes a 9mm with 250 rounds” she affirmed
“While you were scouting did you notice anything unusual?” I implored
“Yes actually, I did, all the undead were concentrating on one specific area the abandoned church” she informed
“Very interesting” I muttered,”and did they attack you were you bitten at all?”
“No,” she confirmed
“Good the last thing we need is one of us turning into one of them!” I explained. We all went back to our usual jobs
“Jenni,” I said
“Yea? She asked. I handed her a 9mm silenced
“Have you ever used one of these?” I asked her
“Of course,” she sighed
“Show me,” I demanded. We headed down to the artillery course; I reset it and set the difficulty to easy.
“Ready?” I questioned
She nodded in confirmation, I pressed the begin button and the machine whirred as it began. She was a good aim for her young age mainly hitting chest and head areas, since she was doing so well I decided to set the machine up a notch to the hard difficulty the targets began to move fast and Jenni began to miss more as she fired trigger happily. I stopped the machine,
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop!” I said, “Take your time and aim don’t forget the real things move a lot slower so aim slowly and for the head.”
I handed her 70 rounds
“And remember don’t hesitate when having to fire at friends and loved ones.” I walked away and collected my riffle along with a night scope and 500 rounds it was my turn for sniper duty along with Sean. We switched shifts with Rebecca and Owen at five in the morning we took down a few undead but it was quite for the rest of the nightwe changed shifts with Rebecca and Owen while Jenni got up and prepared rations for the following day.

I've covered wars, yknow.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 15:29:46

there and don't complain about the size.....

I've covered wars, yknow.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 15:53:51

At 4/20/07 11:16 AM, Calcos wrote: Guys, I give up.

Post the funny stories, I don't care

so you wanted people to post SERIOUS zombie stories?

when was the last time you saw your doctor?

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 15:59:34

Dude true story, there waz this one time this zombie waz atackin me and i was all like oh no you just dident and the zomby was all like ahhhwhherhfhhhh witch obvusly bent oh ya i just did then michel jaxon came and me and the zomby tag teamed him and it waz kool ..... Da END!


Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 16:09:40

It was a long day at work, I pulled out of the office with my car and took the highway. Something was strange, there was no cars on the highway! I was the only one driving, suddenly many humans ran out of bushes from the side, they came down from bridges and ran up to my car, they were all banging on it and screaming things like "LET US IN!" "WE ARE GOING TO DIE WAAH".

It was quite freaky, then I heard screaming. I saw someone with messed up skin biting someone else. Everyone ran away from them. This strange thing came up to my car and knocked on it with great strength and tipped it over. I ran out and everyone else was gone. This thing walked real slow. I grabbed the license plate from my car and wacked it in the head and it fell over with yellow-ish blood spewing out of it's head. My home wasn't too far. I sprinted to a bridge and got on it. Where is everyone? Suddenly, hordes of "zombies" poured out from buildings. I ran through a alley and got back home.

I asked my mom what happened and she got scared and said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-air!"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Fresh" with dice in the mirror, if anything I could say this cab was rare, but naw forget, it yo homes to bel-air.

I..pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes smell ya later". Looked at my kingdom and I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-04-21 16:16:05

At 4/21/07 03:29 PM, leekspinner wrote: there and don't complain about the size.....

WTF no closure?


Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-05-03 20:05:46

At 4/21/07 03:29 PM, leekspinner wrote: there and don't complain about the size.....

I won't complain, that was a good story.
From now on, there is no size limit. That was a retarded rule.

Gamertag: Calcos323

Message me if you feel like playing my sorry ass in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, SSF4, or SSF2T HDRemix.

BBS Signature

Response to Zombie survival stories 2007-05-03 20:10:27

Yall should read World War Z, the most awesome zombie book ever (and it's also an allegory about foreign policy and Katrina for the intelligent :D) by the same guy as the Zombie Survival Guide (which included such gems as "remember: blades don't need reloading"). Plus, the author, Max Brooks, is the son of filmmaking comedic legend Mel Brooks!

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

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