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Warhammer 40.000 Crew

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Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-09 16:30:28

SeedyKay, I've never seen it like that. (Are you by any chance a member of one of those tinfoil hat communities that watch over the others?)

It's not long before my newly founded 'cult of the emporer' replaces the Raelians as the #1 crackpot group!

Good thing that I'm sticking with the Imperium, a most facist, oppressive, unfair and xeno-phobic realm that I lovingly defend with my life. And the lives of my men. Mostly them though...

Mmmm.... oppression, the bitter life blood of the emporer, that me and my comissars gorge on with glee. Don't forget sociopathic!

Skull_leader, sitcoms are hell spawned and the Emperor weeps for each one a silver tear of malice. Turn 40k into an anime series!
The only race that would truely benefit from the anime look would be the Tau... I'm beginning to see a pattern here!

Heh, best comment all month. i can see it now. it makes me weep. If anything resembling a filmatic 40k appeared, i'm sure it would piss off every 40k fan ever, just like every other film version of a sci-fi institution (Judge Dredd anyone?)

I made a 40k movie for my Film coursework (well, they only let me do a storyboard. And Ollie so wanted to be a demon...)
It was called Last Chancers (nothing to do with the penal regiment) It was about 3 imperial citizens attempting to evacuate their homeworld before getting stuck in the middle of a battle between the guard and the 'nids.

The idea was that they where all complete bastards, One was a total imperial fascist, one was a coward, and the other was a Physcopath.

Bloody great it was! really miserable. It was like a buddy movie gone bad, with the three characters failing to help each other, and ultimately dying in the most ironic ways i could think of, with blood, geanestealers, comissars, opera music, death, MWAHAHAHAHA, Carnifex, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHA, HA, heh.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-10 15:48:22

im working on a story about a young cadet soldier in the Macharian Youth Corp. who is engaged in a conflict with the Blood Pact and the other forces of Chaos and after the forces are quelled with the help of a Crusade of the Black Templars, the crusade erects a Chapter keep on the world and recruit the young man to become a neophyte in the Crusade. im still working some research so if any of you guys can help me out email me at klehto@nc.rr.com thanks alot

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-11 10:39:17

Inquisitor fans rejoice for Exterminatus.net is back!
Last time it was definately the best inquisitor forum site, I hope all of the old users rejoin, I know I am!

Will any of you guys be joining or rejoining?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-11 20:39:29

Screw the Dark Eldar and their "Harrasment". Do an anime I guess.

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 08:12:28

I reckon that with proper GW supervision, a manga would be great. It would have an 18 rating because of all of the gore, can you imagine someone transforming into a demon?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 09:15:21

An anime would be great if 40k is the subject (Manga is the term used for Japanese comics, Anime for animations) but it would definately by 18+ or a helluva lot of stuff has to be removed to air it on Cartoon Network. I'd like to see a squad of Khorne Beserkers charge into an Tyranid mob, chain axes whining at full revv, ichor spewing, beserkers crying out in frustration and rage. Then their champion would brutally hack himself a way through the little runts and go one-on-seven with the Tyrant and it's six guardians. He'll scream the khorny (Get it? A pun with the word Corny and Khorne! Okay...) BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GAWD! while the Tyrant (Whom somehow learned Gothic) screams 'I'LL WEAR YOU LIKE LEDERHOSEN!' Then they'll collide and all chaos ensues...

Aaaaaaanyway! December is quickly approaching! Meaning the 300th UK White Dwarf! Posters! Posters! Posters! And xXx-Mas! I'm not defecting to the fantasy side, but this year I'm gonna give Mordheim a try, seeing as those good looking female models now add a little flavour to my display cabinet.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 10:04:58

At 11/14/04 09:15 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote: (Manga is the term used for Japanese comics, Anime for animations)

Hooray! I really hate the fact that some people can't make the difference! I even knew someone who mistook Manga for meaning Hentai, now that's an insult!

Apart from that, I agree, an anime 40k would be excellent, except the orks would probably make a loyal 40k fan cringe. especially when they spoke.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 16:00:11

Apart from that, I agree, an anime 40k would be excellent, except the orks would probably make a loyal 40k fan cringe. especially when they spoke.

i dissagree if you watch some of the animation scenes in Dawn of War the orks talk like id imagine them to. btw anyone else think that the GWI ppl should make more movies like the opening movie for Dawn of War?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 16:08:04

At 11/14/04 04:00 PM, trigger_happy07 wrote: i dissagree if you watch some of the animation scenes in Dawn of War the orks talk like id imagine them to. btw anyone else think that the GWI ppl should make more movies like the opening movie for Dawn of War?

The opening cinamatic was created by a non-GW firm, namely BLUR STUDIOS.

Polls on GW site say that the next Warhammer game should be an RPG. I second that! Either fantasy or 40k, it's going to be a good idea!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-14 16:46:40

Theres this thing on gw home page where you can paint men and Elder anr the best out of them all

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-15 06:13:08

Sorry if I pissed anyone off back there, what a silly mistake! I'll put washing up liquid in my eyes later to make it up to you.

I would love to see a Warhammer RPG, I think the last one went out because they tried to make the graphics too good, it's all in the gameplay!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-15 08:32:54

At 11/15/04 06:13 AM, Jimsippo wrote: Sorry if I pissed anyone off back there, what a silly mistake! I'll put washing up liquid in my eyes later to make it up to you.

Ach Jimms, don't fret about it, according to some bloke on Exterminatus.net I can never be a true anime fan as I'm not from Japan (Which also means that I'll never be a true GW fan as I'm not British!). I sometimes get the odd look when I mention that I watch anime. To some people all anime and manga involves pre-school girls and neices being assaulted by Goku's and tentacles...

Rpg! Why haven't they done this before! If GW would hire Bioware! (Famous from the Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights AND Knights of the Old Republic series!) Now they could crank out a damn good fantasy or 40k themed rpg. Heck, I wouldn't even care if the graphics were the same as Fall-out or Icewind Dale, just as long as the story is good and not a gangbang of cliches.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-16 05:32:56

Dude... can you imagine a 40k RPG, that would be the single greatest thing ever. Especially if it was like morrowind, that game kicked arse, 'cos you could be who you wanted. Imagine it set on a planet at war. You could choose your race, and just go off and start shit, or follow the plot. (my morrowind exploits usually involved trying to bugger up the game in the most random ways possible, but that's just me.)

Minotaur, i have a pack of cultists ready for you, but the other NPC's are buggering up at the mo, so it'll take me a while to sort them.

And i've got a plan in the works that some of the flash blessed members may be interested in joining in with, but more on that when it's ready.

Anyone reckon there's gonna be anymore plastic Guard regiments? I want some plastic valhallans and mordians. Praetorians would rule!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-16 06:22:26

At 11/16/04 05:32 AM, SeedyKay wrote: Anyone reckon there's gonna be anymore plastic Guard regiments? I want some plastic valhallans and mordians. Praetorians would rule!

Vallhalans will be released next year (Both plastic infantry and plastic heavy weapon sprues. Next year will also see the release of a Kage mini). Not all regiments would be turned into plastic due to ethnics across the globe. Since 9/11 the sales of Tallarn Desert Raiders dropped tenfold in the States. Gee, I wonder why? There were some mutterings of a brand new regiment being cast in plastic, one of the newer ones, such as the Death Korps of Krieg, Terrax Guard or the Elysian Drop Troop legions.

Praetorians, are one of the hated studio armies of GW and will not be resurrected. (Besides, they are just Mordians with different headwear and with fancy kneeling models firing their lasguns)

Still, I present to thee all, the Doctrines of a Praetorian regiment (In my technicolour vision) These are based on the scant info I have on them and their defeat at Big Toof river.
- Close Order Drill
- Xeno Fighters: Orks
- Rattling Snipers
- Ogryns
- Iron Discipline

Still, one can always hope for the best.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-16 11:58:47

At 11/16/04 05:32 AM, SeedyKay wrote: Minotaur, i have a pack of cultists ready for you, but the other NPC's are buggering up at the mo, so it'll take me a while to sort them.

Thanks, Sorry to say that my work has been severely slowed by offline work too but I have been getting a few tuts from anywhere i can find then online and i'll try to improve the system, try and formulate a simple engine of some kind

And i've got a plan in the works that some of the flash blessed members may be interested in joining in with, but more on that when it's ready.

Sounds Good, can't wait to hear more.

At 11/16/04 06:22 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote: Praetorians, are one of the hated studio armies of GW and will not be resurrected.

Why are they hated?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-16 17:18:36

I think they're hated because they look overly silly.They're like camp english bobby's or old fasioned firemen!

Could any kind soul do a poor pathetic chap like me a favour? I'd like an avatar on Exterminatus.net but my imaging software is knackered.
I reckon that the fire hand in my sig could look good, all you'd need to do is crop it to 100x100 pixels and post it here...


Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-17 02:53:05

The Praetorians are direct copies of the Colonial British soldiers that fought two centuries ago against the Zulu's and the Dutch Boers during the Zulu war and the Boer war. (1890? - 1905? I'm not sure on the dates, pre Great War conflicts are not a specialty of mine)

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-17 14:31:34

Ok, Lieutenant Sir,
Did you memorise every page of the Warhammer Fluff bible (unofficial chronicle of all background stories and history) or do you work in a Games Workshop perchance? I'm seriously impressed with your knowledge!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-17 19:32:40

well note that this is a WARHAMMER 40K forum. I do know a lot of about the Inquisitorial gifts, but not as much as Brookman.

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-17 21:20:45

The opening cinamatic was created by a non-GW firm, namely BLUR STUDIOS.

I thought it was Games Workshop Interactive and Relic who did theanimation but i could be wrong.

a 40k rpg would be awesome, but i think they would make it more like inquisitor than actual 40k

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-18 04:17:32

At 11/17/04 02:31 PM, -Minothor- wrote: Ok, Lieutenant Sir,
Did you memorise every page of the Warhammer Fluff bible (unofficial chronicle of all background stories and history) or do you work in a Games Workshop perchance? I'm seriously impressed with your knowledge!

Could I be one of the High Lords of Terra? Am I one of the hidden sons of the Emperor? Or am I an Inquisitor with too much knowledge for his own good?

Nah, I'm just a guy with a computer and lulls in between with too much spare time on my hands. That and I read. Alot. Were I a pansy space marine, then I would be a Grey Knight, just so I could say the 'Knowledge is Power, hide it well.' thing all the time. (While poking the daemonic with my halbard and giggling my ass off) But fer now, I'm a simple archivist who simply memorises each thing he comes across, that way I can annoy youngsters at open days with drivels about how the Horus Heresy went, why the Golden Throne is just another fancy word for adult diapers and why the Imperial Guard is such a swell place to fight and die for. (I'm a recruiter afterall, must do the job thoroughly!)

While I know much, don't ask me about the mating patterns of Eldar, how the Orks ever evolved from fungi into monsters or why the Necrons are only now reawakening. I am a facist Imperial, so Imperial history has the highest priority, the other, more historical xeno events, 'just happened'.

At 11/17/04 09:20 PM, trigger_happy07 wrote: I thought it was Games Workshop Interactive and Relic who did theanimation but i could be wrong.

a 40k rpg would be awesome, but i think they would make it more like inquisitor than actual 40k

Well, knowing Relic Entertainment, they'd use their ingame engine to the fullest, hence the somewhat half-assed ingame cinematics and kickass introduction movie.

An Fantasy RPG would also be a great thing. You'd get to roam the country side of the Empire as whatever human thing you'd like to be. Now that would be fun. A Inquisitor based 40k rpg sounds great, but it needs to ahve a solid story, otherwise it's not worth playing.

A game needs a good story! Period. Otherwise it's not worth the effort. You as a player don't want to just bash Orks over and over again, WHY! WHY MUST I KILL THESE MONSTERS! A story is for me the driving point in playing a game.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-18 13:02:10

At 11/18/04 04:17 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote:

:...how the Orks ever evolved from fungi into monsters...
I thought they just had photosynthetic Algae living in the epidermis of their skin, thats what I read, mind you, evolving from fungi would explain how feral orks generate from spores.

:...or why the Necrons are only now reawakening.
Oh come on! that's easy! It provides more cheap eye-candy that GW can grab people's attention with and flog at insane prices!
despite that, I still like the models!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-19 06:14:29

Dude, i want praetorians AND tallarn! god damn politics. Praetorians rock, because i'm desperate to have an excuse to say "don't shoot till you can see the whites of their eyes..." or "'Nids! Bladdy thaaaasands of 'em" I can still get them on Gw's catalogue but they cost something stupid like 2.50 a miniature! Expensive when you consider they're an imperial guard army!

Ironically, i need tallarn because of current world politics. My new desert force of cadians (complete with star spangled banner!) would look great with a tallarn conscript platoon! Still, i have the idea of valhallans to salivate over now.... mmmm..... Russiany....

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-19 12:37:43

I'll just throw this little suggestion in the deep end and see what you all think, but anyway, when seedykay contacted me a while ago about the NPC's he was making for the Shooter Game (Coders and Artists needed, please email me!) he told me he was making the npcs as a library of bits.
This got me thinking, the animation that the good Lieutenant made is there for download (look on my siggy text), why don't we all contribute together to make a big Bitz Box for us all to use? It could include things like copiable scenes that can be edited for ending credits, game interfaces, preloaders, characters etc
What do you all think? Brockman, I could give you a Gmail account (1Gig inbox) so you could receive all the raw .fla files and I could even host it on Musane.com (I have plenty of space!) this would then be an external .fla library that can be used as a resource for all the crew, newb and experienced alike!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-19 21:52:23

i have a question how do u access .fla files? and what do you mean by the bitz box? if its sprites, i only have MS Paint to use...... unless theres a free program thats better

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-20 06:03:01

At 11/19/04 09:52 PM, trigger_happy07 wrote: i have a question how do u access .fla files?

From Flash MX or MX 2004 it's easy,
File>Import>Open External Library (Ctrl+Shift+O)
This opens a new Library window with all the Library Items from the other .fla and all you need to do is drag them across to the stage or library.
I'm pretty sure you have the same function in older versions too.

what do you mean by the bitz box?

What I mean is a large .fla file of just pre-assembled bits that have been neatly and clearly filed away in folders that anyone of us can download and then open as an external library to use and edit pre-assembled bits for our movies for instance, i'm developping a control panel / clock that tell the real time, if anyone wanted that, theyd just need to the relevent folder and drag it across to the stage, all the necessary subfolders with the clock's components would be automatically copied across by flash.

if its sprites, i only have MS Paint to use......

only problem with paint is the lack of transparency support, there are free programs but I don't know any, sorry, I always use Photoshop 7 & Fireworks MX

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-20 11:56:00

yea i kinda figured that........ i dont have the money for any of the programs you mentioned, but i wish i did.........

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-20 11:57:31

oh and before i go ive been working on some weapon sprites but like i said theyre MS paint quality

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-20 14:46:41

At 11/20/04 11:56 AM, trigger_happy07 wrote: yea i kinda figured that........ i dont have the money for any of the programs you mentioned, but i wish i did.........

I dont have the money either, but i er... have other methods?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-11-20 16:21:42

I dont have the money either, but i er... have other methods?

go on ahead im listening