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Warhammer 40.000 Crew

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Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-15 13:16:39

alrighty, it looks like im stickin with ma templars
next im adding a crusader, L.S typhoon and a whirlwind
nuthin but infantry makes me want some vehicles :)

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-16 03:40:06

Lads, I just spotted this in the US on-line store.


Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-16 07:40:41

At 9/15/04 11:54 AM, SeedyKay wrote: i've pre-ordered dawn of war. mmmmm..... war......

Can anyone vouch for the forge world imp G tanks? i'm considering investing some hard earned dough....

Baneblade, very slow nbut enough weaponry to turn a mountain into a lake!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-16 07:42:47

At 9/15/04 01:16 PM, chris128 wrote: alrighty, it looks like im stickin with ma templars
next im adding a crusader, L.S typhoon and a whirlwind
nuthin but infantry makes me want some vehicles :)

Nice one, i have 4 landspeeders, one is converted wit ha hunter-killer missile, tyhe other i cut and turned into a stretch landspeeder! :) i'll post a pic if you guys wanna see.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-16 09:46:33

At 9/15/04 11:54 AM, SeedyKay wrote: Can anyone vouch for the forge world imp G tanks? i'm considering investing some hard earned dough....

Super heavy tanks are game enders, once you field one you are going to rule the game, period. (A bloke over at the IG board fields three in a multi detachment force, now that has to be a painful surprise)

The Russ and Chimera variants are quite effective, though the cost in points can sometimes be a burden. (Seeing as most people believe in the equasion of that a expensive unit has to 'pay back' it's cost.) It all depends on what catches your fancy. Destroyers are nice tank hunters, executioners excellent infantry killers, conqueror's are blitz tanks and vanquishers are those upgraded Russ tanks with increased range and AP. It's all up to playing style and whatever catches your fancy.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-17 14:19:58

At 9/16/04 09:46 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote:
At 9/15/04 11:54 AM, SeedyKay wrote: Can anyone vouch for the forge world imp G tanks? i'm considering investing some hard earned dough....
Super heavy tanks are game enders, once you field one you are going to rule the game, period.

yeah, not only does it have pretty cool firepower and armour, but it scares your enemy to concentrating their fire to *try* to destroy it (thank the emperor for strong armour) meanwhile the rest of your army can charge and get stuck in, just so long as you seem to pose a bigger threat with the super-heavy.

p.s. I'm taking photos of my conversions and i'll post them here.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-18 12:29:21

ok, i've uploaded a few into a photo gallery for easy viewing, here they are: The Forge

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-19 07:13:56

I must say, I find the colours on the Land Raider a good choice and a nice contrast. The chaos lord also looked sweet, especially that base of his.

As for normal matters, have any of you UK peeps read the new WD? If so, did you also drool over those new Space Marine models? Tigurius looks boring (A too static pose IMHO), Captain Shrike of the Raptors is nice (His pose is dramatic, yet the claws look crap), Cassius is just plain evil with that gaping eye socket (His pose is superb! Crushing a nid underfoot is a nice touch) and Captain Lysander is just menacing! (A terminator with thunder hammer AND lightning shield is evil!) And the new plastic command sprue, now thats something I'd like to get my hands on. All those purity seals, cloths and badges... Also, that new lightning shield with built in storm bolter! I hate having to wait for all the new stuff!

My mind is made up, at the end of this year I'm either going to do a small Ultramarine force with Tyranid Wars veterans or a Catachan Jungle Fighters patrol force. The Marines are probably winning this one though!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-19 08:03:47

At 9/19/04 07:13 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote: I must say, I find the colours on the Land Raider a good choice and a nice contrast. The chaos lord also looked sweet, especially that base of his.

lol, thanks, wait untill you see the Ork Dreadnought! scratch-build from random bits of plastic and various bits of kits, it's 6" tall and built to rule book specs so it's legal in gaming!

My mind is made up, at the end of this year I'm either going to do a small Ultramarine force with Tyranid Wars veterans or a Catachan Jungle Fighters patrol force. The Marines are probably winning this one though!

Marines rock! I love Marneus Calgar's powerfists with bolters attached but I don't like all the Ultramarine symbols on him, if it was more Imperial and Emperor based he would look much cooler!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-20 17:07:13

I recently bought a landspeeder. They are such a pain to build! I buy the thing, then I found one of the bits broken. Then it ticks me off when I find that I ended up sticking my hand to the speeder when it got done. I finally finished it though.

So you guys try out the new Dawn of War Demo? Oh and by the way Brookman, thanks for showing everyone that picture of the new space marines codex cause I must buy that.

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-21 17:23:27

A landspeeder was one of the first things i got for my army, it took ages to make and I couldn't use it effectively in battle. I can't find it now, lost in the mists of time.

Aha! A new idea (for me), Scouts! , no one expects a scout attack!
I plan to get some sniper scouts and some close combat scouts. The latter can charge ahead of the army using infiltrate and what have you, then, when the enemy least expects it, terminator deepstrike! That's right, a homing beacon!

The enemy might say; "Hey look at those puny scouts charging my mighty (insert close combat specialist here) squad, they don't stand a chance" and then when I activate my homer; "Whimper!"

How big are teleport homers supposed to be anyway? I assume they're backpack sized but I have never seen one, perhaps they can fit in a pocket.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-21 22:24:01

Stock up on some snipers. They helped me take out a tau army. Sure the armor save is high but hey, low point cost.

And this Mist of Time you speak of. Does the mist have cotton candy? PLEASE REPLY!

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 03:01:45

Space marine scouts are officially known in Space Marine armies as 'speed bumps' or 'expendables'. Their sniper rifles are a gift from the Emperor himself, just load up a squad with those and a missile launcher for pinning the enemy, while shotgun and pistol armed scouts are the speedbump for keeping the enemies occupied long enough for the rest of the force to arrive. (Or just stand back and watch their little brothers get pulped...)

A teleport homer is pretty much backpack sized, think of it with a nifty antenna or groovy power pack.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 08:19:16

Scouts as speed bumps? what a waste!
I have two sniper scouts to pick off targets efficiently and cleanly, some normal scouts to make attacks in difficult terrain where normal troops are at a distinct dissadvantage and my scout bike squad is efficient for hit and run attacks with shotguns, very useful!
Speed bumps!?! only to the man with no tactics!

Anyway, It appears as though two voice actors may be needed at some point for this shooter, anyone a talented voice-acting warhammer fan (ideally the kind of person who goes to Games Day in costume, {I admit to being Guilty of impersonating an Imperial Guard Comissar!})

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 08:24:30

At 9/21/04 05:23 PM, Jimsippo wrote: terminator deepstrike! That's right, a homing beacon!

Can scout bikers get homing beacons? that would be perfect! the last thing an opponent expects is to send his troops towards low-armour bikers that are zooming towards him and then meet up with 7 power weapons, one heavy flamer, one missile launcher and a lovely little assault cannon while the bikes zoom off home!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 11:26:57

Ah excellent, a bit of converting to do. Level of conversion really seperates newbee space marine armies from veteran ones.

Not too sure about scout bike squadrons taking a homer, I should think so. It's given as a peice of extra equipment to the veteran sgt instead of a power weapon or plasma pistol or what have you.
I'd trade in the 3 power sword attacks from my vet sgt for 12 lightning claw attacks and 2 thunderhammer strikes anyday! And if I use the homer a turn earlier and get a charge in it's 16 lightning claw attacks, 3 thunder hammer strikes and +1 strength and initiative all round. Pretty good!

And the speed bump thing; Bad idea, scouts are decent troops by any army's standards, better than some of the specialists. I wouldn't think of sacrificing any of my troops (except maybe my Kroots!).

As for the mists of time I refer to the vagueness of my memory and how my earlier thoughts are clouded and ill-defined. Quite poetic really isn't it.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 11:47:54

nothing really compares to driving a landraider round the corner, spewing forth lascannon and heavy bolter fire with a hunter-killer for good measure then thundering forth to use tankshock then deploying a squad of terminators! ok it takes a few turns to do but it's great fun to watch your enemies: Fried, Scattered and either mown down or fleeing for their pathetic little lives,

and again in case no one saw it the first time:
It appears as though two voice actors may be needed at some point for this shooter, anyone a talented voice-acting warhammer fan (ideally the kind of person who goes to Games Day in costume, {I admit to being Guilty of impersonating an Imperial Guard Comissar!})

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 13:44:03

How does this sound for the basing f my army?

Black legion commander, chosen, sorcer and 3 aspiring champions.

^Main conversions

Obliterators, terminators

8 legionares
8 legionares
??another 8??


Land raider
Defiler OR Dreadnaught
Havocs (4 lascacnnons w00t!!)

Kharn and 12 berzerkers.
Fluff, Kharn needs skull for skull throne and he swears allegiance to black legion army for the promise of war and skulls.

Basic idea, a strong lack legion theme, with the add on in bigger games.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 17:04:45

yike! i wouldnt want to fight that, especially not with a land raider and a defiler in the same army!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-22 20:29:40

Hey guys. Does anyone know where I could get a Space Marine Blood Angel sprite. I am making a flash.

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-23 03:15:14

At 9/22/04 08:29 PM, Skull_leader wrote: Hey guys. Does anyone know where I could get a Space Marine Blood Angel sprite. I am making a flash.

well umm i think theres a space hulk game featureing blood angels but i can make one for u if u wan't email me at

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-23 03:54:14

At 9/22/04 08:19 AM, -Minothor- wrote: Anyway, It appears as though two voice actors may be needed at some point for this shooter, anyone a talented voice-acting warhammer fan

Perhaps you should try and get some auditions from some other BBS thread?

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-23 11:04:21


Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-23 16:34:04

At 9/23/04 03:54 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote:
At 9/22/04 08:19 AM, -Minothor- wrote: Anyway, It appears as though two voice actors may be needed at some point for this shooter, anyone a talented voice-acting warhammer fan
Perhaps you should try and get some auditions from some other BBS thread?

mebe, but only a 40k player really knowsthe world and lingo of 40k, the enthusiasm wouldn't be the same for someone who couldn't care less about Warhammer.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-24 11:25:51

Sorry, can't help with the sound thing, my michrophone is broken and my voice actings not too good (poor projection or something someone once said).

What parts are they for anyway?

Changing the subject slightly, I want to get that damn Dawn of War! But my PC is so riddled with viruses and other games (it's a family PC) that its rather inadequate memory banks frazzle at the thought of it!
Oh well, I'll fasion a cardboard box with a photo of a battle on it, I could always slip that over the monitor and pretend I'm playing it.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-24 13:00:17

Chaos Space Marines, Imperial comanders stuff and space marines stuff like that. btw, if anyone wants to join Kay and I in making ask Kay, I've fine with any help possible!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-24 13:36:55

At 9/24/04 01:00 PM, -Minothor- wrote: Chaos Space Marines, Imperial comanders stuff and space marines stuff like that. btw, if anyone wants to join Kay and I in making ask Kay, I've fine with any help possible!

Corrected Spelling now that i'm not trying to quickly type it in IT class.

Chaos Space Marine voices and sounds, Imperial comander commands and space marine voices, stuff like that, also, if there's anyone would like to join SniperKay and I in making this game, just ask him, I'd love any help available!
oh and one thing to add to my old reply to brookman, the other reason i wanted ppl off this crew is that It'd be nice to make it a crew thing and not just a collection of random artists, if you know what I mean.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-25 15:40:19

At 9/22/04 05:04 PM, -Minothor- wrote: yike! i wouldnt want to fight that, especially not with a land raider and a defiler in the same army!

Yeah, I'm basing my army on strong fear inputting units, like defilers and land raiders, raptors and terminators, a very evil army, any advice?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-25 15:49:07

40K is pretty cool..I'm not a huge fan, but i have a couple painted Imperial Army figures or watever they're called. I used to do Space Marines but i got bored with em...i dont play the game i just wanna get better at painting them...lol i guess...cool idea tho

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-09-25 19:45:40

At 9/25/04 03:40 PM, -snare- wrote:
At 9/22/04 05:04 PM, -Minothor- wrote: yike! i wouldnt want to fight that, especially not with a land raider and a defiler in the same army!
Yeah, I'm basing my army on strong fear inputting units, like defilers and land raiders, raptors and terminators, a very evil army, any advice?

Charge but keep away from earth shakers and medusas? I've never really played as chaos, they dont get the "And they shall know no fear" rule (Very handy!!!) but anything with big heavy firepower like the defiler and land raider are a real bonus so long as you don't lose them!