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Get on this weekly podcast!

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Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-26 19:12:27

At 10/26/06 07:01 PM, G9 wrote:
I don't think he's submitted enough to the podcast.

i want in on the next one [or current one if there is a slot]

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-26 19:34:01

Did I say David Orr yet?


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-26 19:47:19

At 10/26/06 07:12 PM, HouseMasta wrote:
At 10/26/06 07:01 PM, G9 wrote:
I don't think he's submitted enough to the podcast.
i want in on the next one [or current one if there is a slot]

It's all single artist features now, man.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-26 22:50:44

Yeah I'm seeing pods all over my campus. Seriously all I need is the thumbs up and I'll advertise G9. It's a good cause.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-27 01:23:28

At 10/24/06 10:08 PM, G9 wrote: I did. See the previous page.

oopsy poopsy! =\


it looks like poeple are helpin you out wiht yo site!!!!

and gues what!!!

so have I!!!!

i told my freinds about it....

my cat....

the walls....

lol jk

I told poeple on NG

i think you oughta e-mail a MOD or Tom Fulp or sumthin trying never hurts...

oh yeah and make stikers!!!

cuz i thought you can make stickers out of the logo that would be cool to advretise....

but i gotta big question for you!!!!

......How the hell would you make money off a podcast???

since it's free and all...

are you trying to make it popular then sell episodes???


I'm you're new interviewer person thingy

sorry i'm sorta hyper on fukin eggos and pepsi...( that might be a name for a song! hee hee hee)

Get on this weekly podcast!

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-28 10:02:03

When can we start voting?

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-28 10:42:19

At 10/28/06 10:02 AM, OCON wrote: When can we start voting?


And FoD, this podcast will pretty much stay non-profit, cept for the merchandise that won't come 'til later. Stickers would be good.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-29 16:38:04

I have posted Helix6's and WaterFlame's sites up at the showcase.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-30 17:21:17

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-10-30 18:02:27

oh didnt know

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-01 19:08:06

OMG i couldn't find the thread!!!

but i did!!!

ok G9 how you doin???

just wondering when i can get my artist feature someday.....like in 8 weeks or so?

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-02 14:49:26

I'm gonna post here coz I feel like it....Anything I can help you out with G9...music ain't so good right now...


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-02 15:05:38

Well, if I understnaded right, could you take these:

1. Bits Bandit
2. Mirrors in the Snow
3. Mirors in the Snow Part 2
4. Scarecrowes
5. Winter Again

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-02 20:15:11

At 10/26/06 06:49 PM, Everlasting-Elements wrote: I went to your site and got David Orr's "Meltdown." So on my bibliography, I included your main page of www.g9core.com.

Not to be an ass, but when you use music is some project, you site the music, not the site that you got it from. It's the same idea as if you were to check a book out of a library and use it. You site the book, not the library. G9 does a lot of hard work though, he deserves the citation more than I do :).

G9, how many visitors does your website get per day?

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-02 22:25:22

Shit! I'm sorry DavidOrr...The people that I was working with knew that you made the peice and all and I told my class "This is Meltdown by David Orr" but I should have put your name on the bibliography...I feel really bad man, because you are so fuckin right...Sorry sorry sorry


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-02 23:22:26

At 11/2/06 10:25 PM, Everlasting-Elements wrote: Shit! I'm sorry DavidOrr...The people that I was working with knew that you made the peice and all and I told my class "This is Meltdown by David Orr" but I should have put your name on the bibliography...I feel really bad man, because you are so fuckin right...Sorry sorry sorry

Don't be! As I said, it's not a big deal. G9 does a lot of work, so it's good that he gets his name and site out to whoever possible. That's the best way to let a website grow!

Again, don't worry about it. Just remember it for the future! :)

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-03 02:42:34

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-03 12:38:08

Yo G9, || ChiledMasta || throw me on if you could

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-03 18:55:05

Alright guys, sorry I was out of action for a week.

Remember it's all single artist features until summer. Wait until MusicalSerenity's show is out.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-03 20:24:48

I vote for XBrav =)

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-06 12:37:31


Hey, any idea when my AS will be out? :)

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-06 22:54:24

Hey no offence but this thread is getting boring...

so maybe we should have a contest!!!

maybe who can make the best G9 entrance song....

it could be used in his flashes...site...podcast..and the winner also gets a speical feature!!!

i'm just suggesting, just doin this to make this podcast more exciting!!!

what do you think poeple???

P.S. I haven't been on lately i hope i didn't miss anything....

and can someone make a list of the most acctive poeple helping this g9 stuff or acctive submiters...

we should have them say stufff like "g9 core changed my life!!!" or sumthnig lol for a comercial that g9 and/or someonelse will make......

an IDEA!!!!!

One thing thats starts everything!

hope i helped with sumthing...........=D

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 00:18:30

At 11/3/06 08:24 PM, OCON wrote: I vote for XBrav =)

Sweet thanks! I must throw a vote back for you too.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 01:16:56

That's a great idea FoD. Let's officially start the G9 Core entrance competition.

In addition, I'd like to announce the release dates for MS's single artist feature and the 30 episode special feature... MS, Veteran's Day for you. And special feature is for thanksgiving.

Current Nominees:
1. David Orr
2. Black Noise
3. OCON- 1
4. XBrav- 1

Start voting!

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 15:59:54

At 11/7/06 01:16 AM, G9 wrote: That's a great idea FoD. Let's officially start the G9 Core entrance competition.

Hmm thats a cool, I may have a try at it.

By the way, how long should it be, and should it loop?

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 16:23:19

I figure it's time teh Maestro got his hands a lil dirty! Sorry I havn't read the... uh 40 or so pages since I last stopped checking, but for the next Pod, I would like to share this song of mine.

_-={The Spread of Chaos}=-_

I'm quite proud of this piece, it needs more work, but I learned alot from it.

I also vote DavidOrr.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 18:32:42

Current Nominees:
1. David Orr
2. Black Noise
3. OCON- 1
4. XBrav- 1

Start voting!

whatever happened to me? :'(

BBS Signature

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 19:03:35

Current Nominees:
1. OCON- 1
2. XBrav- 1
3. Black Noise
4. cornandbeans
5. David Orr

Maestro, it's single artist features until June.

SineRider, it should have "you're listening to the g9core.com audio podcast" somewhere in it, and should not be a loop... it'll be played at the beginning, and should be 10-25 seconds in duration.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-07 19:36:07

At 11/7/06 07:03 PM, G9 wrote:
Maestro, it's single artist features until June.

I apologize for my lack of knowledge.

Response to Get on this weekly podcast! 2006-11-08 03:30:59

Hey G9... its g-rave. I made a new account and submitted a new song Bamboo Dreams your welcome to put it on your podcast if you'd like ;D