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The Stoner's Club

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-07-30 22:35:23

At 7/30/13 07:29 AM, notYert wrote: the other night i took too much ambien and smashed my monitor, keyboard, headphones, and kicked a hole in my wall. i dont even remember what i was mad at

i h8 my life

I took too much ambien and then watched Sweeney Todd, which seemed to only be a 15 minute long movie. Then I kept falling on my ass and I smoked all my weed which had little to no affect while chain smoking cigarettes and talking to god. Then I had crazy dreams.

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-07-31 04:47:12

At 7/30/13 07:29 AM, notYert wrote: i h8 my life

you're 15, that's what happens when you're 15

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-01 14:09:41

At 7/31/13 04:47 AM, Earfetish wrote:
At 7/30/13 07:29 AM, notYert wrote: i h8 my life
you're 15, that's what happens when you're 15


MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-01 18:36:17

At 7/30/13 07:29 AM, notYert wrote: the other night i took too much ambien and smashed my monitor, keyboard, headphones, and kicked a hole in my wall. i dont even remember what i was mad at

i h8 my life

The ambien walrus strikes again.

The Stoner's Club

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-09 03:08:25

Since I can't get any straight answer on the General forum, I've decided to come to you guys.

I was wondering if anyone could identify this metal for me, It's on my pipe, and I wan't to know if I should smoke from it or not, cause I don't want to end up breathing in any toxic fumes.

It's non magnetic.
It's silvery, but turns bronze when heated.

By the way, don't judge me for using a Metal Pipe, they give quick, hard hits.

dig nay shee oh

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-12 06:13:42

At 8/9/13 03:08 AM, Dignatio wrote: Since I can't get any straight answer on the General forum, I've decided to come to you guys.

I was wondering if anyone could identify this metal for me, It's on my pipe, and I wan't to know if I should smoke from it or not, cause I don't want to end up breathing in any toxic fumes.

It's non magnetic.
It's silvery, but turns bronze when heated.

By the way, don't judge me for using a Metal Pipe, they give quick, hard hits.

If you bought a metal pipe, it's safe. You'll never release toxic fumes smoking out of metal unless it's coated in something else (like foil often is). You can't get it hot enough to start releasing fumes with a regular lighter.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-14 22:21:26

just watched vice's documentary "Swansea love story". it's about an ongoing heroin epidemic in Swansea in Wales, and in all honesty it's pretty heartbreaking. powerful stuff yo

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-17 17:38:26

At 8/14/13 10:35 PM, DixieCong wrote: so it's been like 4 months and i still don't have a new connect, i'm dying up this bitch

Use Silk Road, it's very legit. If you need help figuring out how to use it and how to fund your account, PM me.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-19 03:25:26

I found my home


Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-20 18:54:04

So if you could toke up with any person from history who would it be?
Alexander for sure


Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-20 19:45:12

At 8/20/13 06:54 PM, WumboCorp wrote: So if you could toke up with any person from history who would it be?
Alexander for sure

Joan of Arc. She smoked pot and hallucinated hearing divine voices, and led an army as a fucking teenager. I'd toke up with her and follow her into battle

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-08-24 22:34:07

At 8/20/13 06:54 PM, WumboCorp wrote: So if you could toke up with any person from history who would it be?
Alexander for sure

John Lennon, he'd have some crazy shit to say dude.

dig nay shee oh

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-01 07:17:07

At 7/8/04 01:04 AM, Popeofdope wrote: I am the drug lord
-Rules of the club-
No retards
Don't talk about shit when you dont know what yoiur talking about
Pope of dope is teh greatest

I'm digging this,

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-03 22:37:00

Hello all. I would like to join the Stoner's Club. Upon reading up, it would seem that one isn't necessarily accepted or declined, it's just a matter of who all posts here. I look forward to conversing with you all. I can remember back in my substance infancy (say, 5 years ago) lurking around the NG forums and reading the posts here. I think it's what contributed to me being such a huge "drug nerd" for the last few years of life. Anyway, I look forward to having engaging conversations with all those who post here on a regular basis. Any questions, just PM me, :)

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-05 21:44:26


The Stoner's Club

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-07 18:23:10

Took n-bomb and smoked salvia again yesterday. The first time was amazing and took me to another planet, the next time was like 'you've already visited here once, you can't come here again', it was like the Salvia Goddess was telling me not to go there. I also thought really strongly that I view the world in an individualistic way, like we're all seperate entities, but then when I smoke Salvia I realise we're all joined by love and that there is a spiritual dimension and that my materialistic worldview doesn't account for this. And it was like the Salvia Goddess was telling me that this is the case and that I have to learn this. Then my brain was screaming at me to stay in the Salvia experience so I could understand what this phenomenal spirit was telling me, but that to do so would make me go crazy, and as I sobered up I was just so confused.

Most people don't have spiritual experiences on Salvia; I definitely did, and it is one of the strangest and most profound experiences I have ever had. Obv I was tripping on psychedelics when I smoked the salvia; that's the only time it gives me an experience I would describe as 'nice', in fact it's incredibly nice. I don't even laugh uncontrollably after I smoke it, such is the number of times I have smoked it and how familiar I am with it. But that religious experience was weird, fucking bizarre. I really thought I had broke my brain; it bummed me out.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-08 19:49:21

At 9/8/13 06:21 PM, Entice wrote: Also, is smoking weed after taking DPH a good idea?

Some say it kills the trip, but this is heavily varied person to person. You should hit at least borderline delirium if you're 145lbs or less. Usually takes 1:30-2:30 to peak fully.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-08 19:52:22

At 9/6/13 06:22 PM, notYert wrote: dxm is cool and all but holy fuck cough syrup is unbearably disgusting

Pour it all in a cup and chug. Rinse your mouth with mustard and chew some ginger. Smoking weed reduces nausea by 100x too.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-09 04:37:29

At 9/8/13 07:54 PM, Entice wrote:
At 9/8/13 07:49 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: You should hit at least borderline delirium if you're 145lbs or less. Usually takes 1:30-2:30 to peak fully.
Huh. I've been waiting for about 4 hours and I weigh about 135

Maybe my SSRI is affecting it somehow

Doubt it had much to do with it, but some say they change the trip to be less batshit insane. Some people just need more. I'd suggest a combo with DXM, but you're on an SSRI and you don't want seratonin syndrome. Wait 2 weeks and dose 800mg.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 04:20:05

At 9/9/13 10:13 PM, notYert wrote:
At 9/8/13 07:52 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: Rinse your mouth with mustard
i've heard that this completely covers the taste or something but i h8 mustard so

Just chew ginger then. Overpowers the menthol and helps with nausea too.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 04:32:41

Having all that sugar and menthol and shit in my stomach made me feel fucking rotten and I only had 150mls of robitussin

just buy ketamine as a salt, same basic effects and you can just put it in your nose

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 04:43:08

Everybody tells me not to smoke weed but I just fucking do it anyway because it helps me draw and animate and be creative and shit.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 19:28:17

i;;m; stoner

The New Signature By Orange Beef

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 20:26:53

At 9/10/13 04:32 AM, Earfetish wrote: Having all that sugar and menthol and shit in my stomach made me feel fucking rotten and I only had 150mls of robitussin

just buy ketamine as a salt, same basic effects and you can just put it in your nose

Don't know your options there, but here there's a variety. There's off-brand robo with no menthol, gels, and Delsym. The gels are a.lifesaver, but they're still nasty going down. Delsym is easy to slam, but tastes like plastic and lasts WAY longer. 100mg of DPH will help with nausea. It's not comparable to ket and is much cheaper/easier to come by (though I've heard ket is cheap in the UK. $60-80 a G here). A 3rd plat trip with weed is one of the strangest things you can experience, but getting to there is a chore, ESPECIALLY if you're heavy. Most people of average weight (150-200lb) need about 600-750mg for a decent third.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-10 23:37:54

At 9/10/13 09:08 PM, Entice wrote: I can't wait till I'm off my SSRI and can try a combo like that. DPH is fascinating by itself but I can still feel the goddamn insects crawling on me.

Thought I'd be fine when I read about the spider hallucinations because "hey, I like spiders, I'm used to holding them, I'll probably won't think much of it". Then the most realistic part of the experience was a fucking alien scorpion creature scuttling across my arm. I guess no matter how you try to prepare mentally it's going to be a mindfuck.

I'd imagine so. I can't say that I, myself, would be brave enough to go the route of the deliriants. Typical psychedelics are wonderful. I just like being able to have a certain degree of mental control over the experience. I give you props.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-11 03:07:05

At 9/11/13 01:20 AM, Sensationalism wrote:
At 9/10/13 09:08 PM, Entice wrote: I can't wait till I'm off my SSRI and can try a combo like that. DPH is fascinating by itself but I can still feel the goddamn insects crawling on me.
You probably shouldn't go off your SSRI.

Is DPH like dramamine?
I've been high from that before. Worth the experience but not for doing more than once.

I would recommend going off the SSRI. Those things can be pure evil, but you won't know how much better life can be without them til you try. I just went cold turkey off antudepressants because I ran out, and I'm so glad I did. They turned out to be the cause of what they were supposed to be helping. Previously I was on antipsychotics, which nearly drove me to suicide after draining all happiness out of me and making me a social retard. Don't think these pills are safe just because they're prescribed. If you can bear life without them, do it. As for Dramamine, it's literally the same thing. It's 60% DPH 40% mild stimulant.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-12 14:26:17

Smoked a few Gs and ate an exceptionally delicious brownie last night. I just woke up still stoned. A good start to the day.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-12 23:16:09

At 9/12/13 04:08 PM, Entice wrote:
At 9/12/13 02:26 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: Smoked a few Gs and ate an exceptionally delicious brownie last night. I just woke up still stoned. A good start to the day.
Am I the only one that hates the feeling of waking up stoned? I mean getting high is fun but I can't stand not being clear-headed for that long.

For me high is the new sober. I can only really focus on anything when I'm high. I act fucking stupid when I'm sober for too Kong.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-13 11:48:28

At 9/12/13 11:16 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: For me high is the new sober. I can only really focus on anything when I'm high. I act fucking stupid when I'm sober for too Kong.

KIND of same here, I just prefer to be high because people and life in general is more tolerable.

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2013-09-16 04:26:17

At 9/15/13 01:24 AM, Entice wrote: Man I downed 100mg DPH today just to relax a little/sleep aid and I have weird feeling like bubbles around my heart and a rhythmic, dull ache. I had the same thing last time and it was bad for a day after.

Will I DIE of heart attack next time I dose high?

Probably not, but you'll feel like you are. DPH is HORRIBLE for your heart. Supposedly xanax slows your heart, but that sounds like blackout city.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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