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The Stoner's Club

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-13 22:06:12


Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-13 23:43:53

So I scored 15mg hydrocodone. It's been years since I've done any opiates other than tram. I remember that hydro made me feel like shit and puke, but hopefully that doesn't happen again. I know it's not all opiates that make me feel shitty, cause H was great. I'm gonna try and find some DPH and scrape a big ball of resin, since I polished off my bud earlier. I'm somewhat excited, but I hope this doesn't end in me vomiting and passing out with a massive headache again.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-14 02:45:10

Took the hydros like 2 hours ago with some resin to settle my stomach. Feeling pretty good, although itchy as fuck despite antihistamines. Might throw a beer or two into the mix in a bit once I've peaked and I'm confident my stomach can handle it. I'm not nodding, but I feel pretty chill right now.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-14 12:14:59

At 5/13/14 11:43 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: I remember that hydro made me feel like shit and puke, but hopefully that doesn't happen again.

because you're doing something that is the stronger then oxy, which as you mentioned makes you itchy warm fuzzy and nodd off into la-la land, puking just means you took too much. If a few Percocet's can make a person with no tolerance nauseous then something as strong as oxy and morphine can wreck you ofc. its given to people after car crashes so they feel good ! car crashes!

it is considered pharmaceutical grade happiness/heroin and one of the best cleanest opiates you can do, so god damn lucky find
Regardless, drugs are bad mmmkkkaay

At 5/10/14 12:08 PM, Earfetish wrote: I railed another small amount of the methamphetamine analog they accidentally gave me this morning with the idea that it would help me do household chores and freelance work

lol this's comical like some Chappelle skit
I took the meth at 4:00pm, see?
Walked the dog, cleaned the house, did the chores, complete the freelance work-
looked at the clock, 4:07pm, fuck, what are these companies sending me?!?

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-15 22:47:02

20mg more of delicious hydro tonight. I like hydro, I really do, but I just wish I had some nug. I don't really know anyone who'd trade me a sack for em anymore though (that and everyone was dry anyway, hence getting hydros instead), so this'll have to do. Opiates are fun, but weed will always be my life blood. Eh, whatever, I'm sure I won't really give a shit in a few hours when I down these bitches.

The Stoner's Club

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-19 23:07:45

So I felt terrible since I woke up. Puked multiple times, the shits, bedridden with headache and nausea. Eventually though I managed to get up to smoke a bowl. After that I felt pretty much fine, and I've been fine ever since. Gotta love the medicinal properties of bud.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-20 05:36:37

Bk2cb - 100mg

- very nice

started off as a smooth mdma high, then transferred to a shroom high, very chilling, music made a lot better, not much of a mindfuck

made me horny, had great sex (imo)

lovely drug, couldn't believe it lasted so long

totally exhausted me the following day tho

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-25 12:16:53

had the Methoxphenidine sober-ish last night

took it at like 9pm / 10pm, three approximately 80mg wraps orally (I need to buy a chemical scale really)

started to float away and feel a little strange, went upstairs and lay on the bed listening to music, had these dark CEVs and really enjoyed myself

thought about a lot of introspective stuff, been bickering with the missus recently and went downstairs to apologise and try to explain things, she was like "talk to me when you're sober" and didn't want to cuddle :( (but she was sober)

lot of amnesia, certainly a very confusing experience, very introspective though

not so much of the floaty-head I-am-a-giant feeling you get from Ketamine but still felt like I was leaving my body, I would probably need to be more experienced with dissociatives to be able to truly tell you what makes this stuff different to ketamine / dxm but I am not, but it was certainly different

thought I wanted to go to sleep at about 2 or 3 am but I couldn't drop off, listened to music in bed with headphones next to gf (can't stop me cuddling you when you're sleeping, bitch!), then went downstairs and drank a beer and watched TV briefly, was almost completely down but strangely couldn't drop off, couldn't masturbate either

it's a good drug for a safe environment, I feel fine and dandy now, I've just been approximating doses but I would assume unless you take an obviously-stupid amount you should be fine. Apparently it is less active nasally than orally, according to the internet, which is annoying. Have not attempted it nasally, but taking it orally makes it harder to take 'the right amount' or to safely push it to the limit

it's not as nice as the bk-2cb stuff, but dissociatives aren't nice in that way. I was wondering at the time what the recreational value of this Methoxphenidine or dissociatives in general is, and I still am not too sure tbh. Why do drug users take dissociatives again? But I enjoyed myself, it's not like a great buzzing experience or anything, but if anything, the introspection was interesting

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-05-25 19:27:41

At 5/25/14 12:16 PM, Earfetish wrote:
it's not as nice as the bk-2cb stuff, but dissociatives aren't nice in that way. I was wondering at the time what the recreational value of this Methoxphenidine or dissociatives in general is, and I still am not too sure tbh. Why do drug users take dissociatives again? But I enjoyed myself, it's not like a great buzzing experience or anything, but if anything, the introspection was interesting

Personally, I take dissociatoves just because it's an interesting experience. Apparently lower dose dissociative highs give a lot of people significant euphoria, but I usually take enough to not really be able to comprehend human emotion, so I don't really know. I think dissociation is very interesting because it's nothing like any other trip. It's makes you question everything you've ever known, cause nothing makes sense and it seems like you were just thrown onto an alien planet. I've only done DXM and dabbled with K and N2O, though, so I haven't experienced a wide range of dissociatives. I definitely couldn't see myself doing them frequently, but I like having a giant mindfuck like that once in a while. Maybe I'll get some DXM in the near future. Haven't had a dissociative trip in well over a year.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-06-21 03:24:52

Nobody ever notices me in here but does anybody have any experience with 2CP? I'm just coming down from a really small amount right now and I swear I've had one of the best nights/mornings of my life.

That shit is incredible.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-06-22 19:12:24

At 6/22/14 02:25 AM, Piggler wrote: I find the lack of activity here in the last month quite disappointing.

I am getting very fucked up recently, took (real) acid yesterday, took acid, mdma and ketamine a week ago, s'all good, weekends eh

SWIM has DMT, not sure how to ingest it if anyone has any ideas

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-06-23 06:44:27

I've had it, was very nice, smash it up and eat it with a yoghurt, it does taste absolutely inedible but then again so do many things

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-04 02:07:21

So it's the fourth of July AKA America Day. I'm not doing much of anything special, but getting baked and watching the fireworks is usually fun.

The Stoner's Club

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-04 17:50:15


you know wat i want?!!?11

i wanna talk to sampson
fly me to the moon
like that bitch Alice Kramden!
'Cause it's hard being black and gifted!
Sometimes I wanna throw it all down and get lifted!

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-28 00:25:29

Haven't really posted in here before. Blazed right now.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-28 15:15:59

I just found out my former best friend was shot and killed last year and I didn't even know until now. That's pretty fucked up. Just blazed one in his honor.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-30 05:39:20

those nights where you trip alone on research chemicals, watch the entire shrek series and weeks after you still relate everything in your life to shrek

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-07-31 13:22:15

I got banned from my favorite DXM forum. Now trying to find a replacement group, remember coming here a lot when I first started smoking weed but that was a long time ago.

Anyone here recommend any alternative drug communities? Preferably ones that are closed groups and require validation?

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-08-01 00:37:25

At 7/31/14 01:22 PM, Clock-Ninja wrote: I got banned from my favorite DXM forum. Now trying to find a replacement group, remember coming here a lot when I first started smoking weed but that was a long time ago.

Anyone here recommend any alternative drug communities? Preferably ones that are closed groups and require validation?

420chan can be pretty good, although it doesn't require registration. Their /dis/ board can be pretty good, but recently tripfags have been shitting it up really bad. If you can sift through their attention whoring bullshit you can actually have a good discussion and maybe learn something new. Oh, and you should avoid /weed/, it's full of ignorant poser stoners and there's rarely ever any good threads.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-08-11 11:02:37

At 7/31/14 01:22 PM, Clock-Ninja wrote: I got banned from my favorite DXM forum. Now trying to find a replacement group, remember coming here a lot when I first started smoking weed but that was a long time ago.

Anyone here recommend any alternative drug communities? Preferably ones that are closed groups and require validation?

I'm on r/drugs a lot now

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-08-16 12:49:43

psychonaut. com was my shit

i learned alot on that website, lots of spiritual trippy people and lots of love, not much trolling.

the english section might have died down a bit but its still poppin over there

im bout to take my first dab of the day!

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-08-23 09:18:43

Hey Stoners! It's been a while.

Here's my current dilemma, I've got some weed but sadly I only have tobacco from a cigarette. I prefer rolling tobacco and blunts make my throat tickle. So, I currently sat here trying to locate a mate with rolling tobacco that they are willing to part with. Probably doesn't help that I only have one joints worth so I'm less inclined to share.

Well, that's what I'm up to. How is everybody else?

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-08-24 13:14:10

At 8/23/14 04:40 PM, Canas wrote: Weed is my spirit guide.

amen, brother

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-07 04:12:28

So I blew 40mg adderall after smoking a bowl. Now I remember why I used to love amphetamines. I just wish snorting addy lasted longer. Like just an hour longer at least. I could just plug it and get high BA and long duration, but I just don't feel like spraying drugs up my ass and shitting orange sugar, at least not at the moment. Could be messy. I'm kind of rambling, but the moral of the story is stimulants are awesome.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-21 10:35:02

Hey guys, long time no see.

I took acid for the first time today a few minutes ago. Interested to see where this goes. Will update afterwards.

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-21 16:09:19

At 9/21/14 10:35 AM, saltovergray wrote: Hey guys, long time no see.

I took acid for the first time today a few minutes ago. Interested to see where this goes. Will update afterwards.

If it's legit lsd, you'll have fun even if you don't trip very hard. If it's nbomes or some other RC like most tabs are, it's a different experience and IMO far less enjoyable and can have a really shitty body load.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-22 18:49:25

At 9/21/14 04:09 PM, Stretchysumo wrote:
At 9/21/14 10:35 AM, saltovergray wrote: Hey guys, long time no see.

I took acid for the first time today a few minutes ago. Interested to see where this goes. Will update afterwards.
If it's legit lsd, you'll have fun even if you don't trip very hard. If it's nbomes or some other RC like most tabs are, it's a different experience and IMO far less enjoyable and can have a really shitty body load.

It was legit LSD (as far as I know, no taste on the blotter or anything). I had a fantastic time, although the two others I were tripping with didn't enjoy it. They were both hungover from drinking excessively the night before and having taken shrooms at the same time (not their smartest idea, I know.) Lots of drawing, lots of talking, and lots of fun. Will probably do again sometime in the future, although not any time soon.

Feeling pretty bored/drained out today, but from what I gather that is to be expected. I am glad for having had the experience.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-26 11:51:49

Scored some amphetamines recently (in the form of 20 mg Adderrall tabs). Took one at 10:30, and by 10:45 I was blazing through my coursework. I had to limit myself from writing a 4 page essay on the cultivation of values through television and mass media since the assignment only asked for a 1-2 page essay.

Needless to say I am enjoying this productivity. Bless my low body weight and general low tolerance to these sorts of things, honestly. I am aware that messing around with this sort of stuff is dangerous, but I am enjoying it. I would describe it much like I would for caffeine tablets, except much more productive and less jittery.

Off to class now. Math should be fun, which is strange due to my normal aversion to math.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-09-28 16:42:41

At 9/26/14 11:51 AM, saltovergray wrote: Scored some amphetamines recently (in the form of 20 mg Adderrall tabs). Took one at 10:30, and by 10:45 I was blazing through my coursework. I had to limit myself from writing a 4 page essay on the cultivation of values through television and mass media since the assignment only asked for a 1-2 page essay.

Needless to say I am enjoying this productivity. Bless my low body weight and general low tolerance to these sorts of things, honestly. I am aware that messing around with this sort of stuff is dangerous, but I am enjoying it. I would describe it much like I would for caffeine tablets, except much more productive and less jittery.

Off to class now. Math should be fun, which is strange due to my normal aversion to math.

20mg is a pretty low dose for anything other than being productive. The real fun starts at 40mg+. Just don't expect to get anything useful done. Snorting them has higher BA than eating them, but only lasts like 2 hours tops.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2014-10-09 01:08:08

At 10/7/14 10:33 PM, Entice wrote: Got 2 hits of "acid" recently, the guy said you have to hold it in your mouth for about 2 hours for it to work so I think it's an RC or something... I wrapped them in foil and put them in my freezer for now. Might try it on Friday.

Probably nbomes. Hopefully you didn't pay too much for them. Could still be fun. I'm going to try to get some of what i've been told is real lsd soon. I'll take it in front them as I get it anyway just so i'll immediately know if they're ripping me off with RCs.

PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer

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