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Ng Album Project - Submit Here!

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Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-18 13:35:54


Please, before participating in this hefty community collaboration, simply READ this post. Seriously, it's not that hard. I know it looks gifuckingnormous and all but It'll only take you five minutes. ;)

A few weeks ago, I submitted a thread here in the audio forums with an idea revolving around the creation of a Newgrounds Album created by Newgrounders for Newgrounders. This album would gather up the best of the best in each genre and smash them together all neat and tidy inside a series of 8 CDs. After much discussion, ideas, and help from the forum community, I was able to gather up enough information to finally begin this project! If all goes well, this could be a fantastic opportunity for everyone in the audio community to show the best of the current abilities, while gaining a huge load of experience along the way. The main purpose of this project is to bring the audio community together for the first time, allowing everyone to give and receive critique, develop online friendships, and master skills.

So, if you want to join us in this massive audio fest, then by all means JOIN JOIN JOIN! It would help MASSIVELY for you to tell any audio user you know about this. Spread the word that the bird is the word, you dig? Now then... let's get the rules out of the way!

\/\/\/\Rules and Regulations/\/\/\/

If you would like to submit your work, then please follow this simple list of guidelines.

[1] - Work diligently on a NEW track to submit in this thread. Do your best, to make it your best. Put everything you have learned into one song that truly shows what you are made of. Do not post an old track, make a new one.

[2] - This new song of yours can be virtually anything. It can be in any genre, using any instrument, with any sounds, with whatever program, with whatever techniques you want, as long as you follow the rules of course.

[3] - When submitting your one track to rule them all in this thread, please tell us what CD you are trying to be placed in, based on the list below:

- Heartwarming, serious themed set based around the orchestral, folk, jazz, solos, and classical genres.
- Upbeat, dance/grindcore themed set based around Dubstep, Drum N Bass, progressive, and trance.
- Hardcore, brutal themed set based around metal, rock, face melters, and others.
- Chill, visual themed set based around ambient, pop, drone, 8-bit, and experimental/glitch.

Each set will be made into a 2CD, 30 song album. These albums will be sold separately in the NG store, on Itunes, and in other online stores both electronically and physically. Don't worry, I cover allll the details later on in this post.

[4] - Submit your finished track to BANDCAMP and make it to where people can not download it. Do NOT submit it to Newgrounds! This album will have content that isn't available for free, since sales would decrease dramatically if we just combined songs available for free on the portal. So please, make it available for listen only on Bandcamp and link it in this thread.

***If your track does not make it into the final album, then you may submit it to NG. Otherwise, keep it exclusive ;)***

[5] - We do ask that you do not make your track beyond 8 minutes long.

[6] - As for how long you have to make the track, don't fret! You have a hefty 4 months to work on this, spread the word about the project, and help the community by giving your opinions on peoples work. The deadline is October 18th 11:59PM NG Time. This deadline will not change, so don't send me PMs about it or I'll smash your face against a window... or something.

[7] - Be honest and compose the track by yourself. Sure, you can accept verbal help. There is nothing wrong with that. What would get you disqualified is if you let another artist come in and edit your submission in any way shape or form. This is your work, not anyone elses.

[8] - NO PRESET LOOPS OF ANY KIND. Using preset loops will get you banned from the audio portal all together, so we expect you to follow the rules of the audio portal.. or a mod will come knocking down your door with the almighty ban stick of piss colored doom.

[9] - This thread is for entries only! If you would like to join in on the discussion and development of the album, then join the DISCUSSION THREAD. Skim through it before posting and understand what points have already been brought up.

\/\/\/\Details On the Project/\/\/\/

I am sure you have many questions! Hopefully I cover them here for you.

- The album will include new songs not available on the portal. The songs submitted in this thread are only allowed to be on BANDCAMP with the "dont let anyone download this" option selected on your profile. Making the profile is fast, easy, and free.

- Due to the inability to determine if people will enjoy the fact that the album has multiple genres on it, we instead will develop multiple themed albums based around certain genres that fit well together. Each album will be sold physically and electronically to the NG store, Itunes, and other places with about 30 songs on each album in a 2CD case. That means we will have 4 albums total with about 120 songs. This is going to be massive!

- Since there are so many people that will be put on the albums, we should donate all funds towards charity. Otherwise, everyone would only get $10 or so for condoms, electricity bills, and extraordinarily cheap hookers and blow.

- The albums are described like this:

..Heartwarming, serious themed album based around the orchestral, folk, jazz, solos, and classical genres.
..Upbeat, dance/grindcore themed album based around Dubstep, Drum N Bass, progressive, and trance.
..Hardcore, brutal themed album based around metal, rock, face melters, and others.
..Chill, visual themed album based around ambient, pop, drone, 8-bit, and experimental/glitch.

- Once the contest is over, a team of judges and I will use a judging sheet to determine which the best tracks are. This "judging sheet" wlll most likely be out of 100 points and will be judged based on Quality, Fit, Originality, e.t.c. Only we judges have to worry about this though! :)

- Everyone who doesn't make it in will then be allowed to submit their song on the NG Audio Portal for more criticism and suggestions. The main reasoning behind letting EVERYONE submit a newly made piece is to give EVERYONE a chance at getting into this. If someone ends up working hard and not making it in, then at least they can say they tried their best and therefore improved!

- Each album will be designed by someone over on the art portal. *We already have a few volunteers*

- Each album will be mastered and mixed properly from a professional quality technician over here. *We already have a few volunteers*

- We can promote and sell this album in just more than the NG store! We can sell this album in Itunes, ReverbNation, e.t.c. but it will mainly be created for Newgrounds by Newgrounds ro promote the Newgrounds audio community and Newgrounds as a whole... NEWGROUNDS FUCK YEAH.

\/\/\/\Conclusion and Final Statements/\/\/\/

I am personally REALLY excited for this project! I really appreciate all the support this idea has received so far. I certainly could use more, however, and look forward to all the great work that should come from this project. I made this post as thorough as possible, but I am sure there are a few things I left out. If there is, please take it to the discussion forums and I will answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

Let's get this show on the road. Good luck everybody! GO GO GO GO! :D

Ng Album Project - Submit Here!

Response to Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-18 13:49:49

Once again, if you would like to help in any way, come on into the DISCUSSION THREAD.

P.S. Here is an example of how your submition post should look like:

Track Name

I am trying to get into the "Chill, visual themed album based around ambient, pop, drone, 8-bit, and experimental/glitch."

Response to Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-19 06:07:13

I know for a fact it's pretty damn early in the competition to submit work,but i was working on this the WHOLE day and so i decided to submit it at an early date so i can be sure i have somewhat of a chance to enter the Album- i just hope because i finished as one of the first doesn't put me at any penalty or fault,or talks about my music being rushed >Trapped-Jose Hernandez(NimblekidX)

Sig Links. Links in Sig. I dunno.

"making a piece of music is kinda like raising a kid (only a lot easier, lol)" - Skye [Winter] 11:28 PM <- Skype? hell yeah.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-19 09:30:09

I'm in! I might not make it but it'll be fun to try

Response to Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-19 11:25:30


I am moving this thread to a private server that requires a password to get in. I will replace it with a sign up thread, and if you post your in! I will then pm everyone who signs up a password for the server. This way, only the audio community will be able to listen / critique on all the music... and no outsider will have any chance at pirating anything for free ;)


Ng Album Project - Submit Here!

Response to Ng Album Project - Submit Here! 2011-06-19 14:09:08

At 6/19/11 11:25 AM, FatKidWitAJetPak wrote: I am moving this thread to a private server that requires a password to get in. I will replace it with a sign up thread, and if you post your in! I will then pm everyone who signs up a password for the server.

This is a VERY GOOD idea. Go on and post the thread!