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NG Department of Defense

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Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:32:15

At 4/15/04 09:27 PM, Calipe wrote: Go and sign in! the webpage is ngdd.hyperboards.com

Done and done. Thanks for the BIOS section, fraid it'll be a day or two before I'm done; hectic.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:32:59

hey guys,, whoa this club is gettin alot bigger,, FAST!! il go and register in the nre forum right away... and i will also try to recruit new members... Sir WonderMuffin, Sir, what sort of new members are you looking for, Sir?? members witha lower level, or anyone in particular?? do you have anyone in mind, Sir? pls let me know, and... if anybody finds a submission that needs reviewing on our behalf, pls report it to the clubs reviewers! (i am one! lol, sir major Calipe is also)..
Major M-A-R-C-U-S departing for duty.. SIR!

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:40:53

current standards are pretty low, so a normal whistle level at least is the only rule

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:45:23

ye sir, il get onto it sir....
but would you have any special requests?? like a certain Blam/Protect rank? or a certain amount of experience, reviews or BBS posts, Sir?

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:51:34

At 4/15/04 09:45 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: ye sir, il get onto it sir....
but would you have any special requests?? like a certain Blam/Protect rank? or a certain amount of experience, reviews or BBS posts, Sir?

Not a huge deal IMO. Low level users will only get better. Try to get a judge of their character first. Wondermuffin's Call.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 21:58:51

At 4/15/04 09:51 PM, DescendingAngel wrote:
Not a huge deal IMO. Low level users will only get better. Try to get a judge of their character first. Wondermuffin's Call.

understood... but where might one find such new users? are you aloud to post in other threads saying like,, "hey, does neone wana join NGDD"... but isnt that spam or something? isnt that against the rules? im not sure, could somebody tell me wats the deal with the finding of the new recruits....

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:00:54

well you can't spam cause we're against that :) you can talk to friends or people in clubs where you are in aswell.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:01:39

At 4/15/04 09:58 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: understood... but where might one find such new users? are you aloud to post in other threads saying like,, "hey, does neone wana join NGDD"... but isnt that spam or something? isnt that against the rules? im not sure, could somebody tell me wats the deal with the finding of the new recruits....

Definitely check with Wondermuffin:

My guess is that no; don't just start randomly posting everywhere. One started topic is probably good. Start with users you know; or new users who seem to be a cut above the rest. Maybe if you notice a lot of good reviews? Not really sure on this, General?

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:04:44

i have been looking to our members and i have found some standards:
level: 4
reviews: 5
voting power: 2.5
Blam/Protect: 60
Whistle level: normal
Posts: 60
What do you guys think?

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:10:31

At 4/15/04 10:04 PM, wondermuffin wrote: What do you guys think?

I think it is reasonable; nothing that someone can't obtain if they really want to; and yet enough to keep out the random people. Sounds good.

Forum looking good!

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:12:00

At 4/15/04 10:04 PM, wondermuffin wrote: i have been looking to our members and i have found some standards:
level: 4
reviews: 5
voting power: 2.5
Blam/Protect: 60
Whistle level: normal
Posts: 60
What do you guys think?

i think that these standards are good Sir. But maybe it might be neccesary to lower the Post 'threshhold'. I think it should be between 20-30... ure call, but i think 60 is alot of posts fora new member of NG... just a suggestion Sir.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:17:19

yes you have got a point here, i just made minimum values so i didn't have to kick out existing members. But we'll lower Blam/Protect and Posts to 30. So new users with serious intentions can join us aswell.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 22:23:08

thank you, Sir. the new forum is looking very good, Sir. I think u will be very pleased.. my thanks go to Calipe! well done guys.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-15 23:21:57

At 4/15/04 07:31 PM, wondermuffin wrote: THX what do you guys think about the logo i made in about 5 minutes :p

just replying to wondermuffin's post on page 4 and in the NGDD forum... i have made a logo... but i would like to state a few things..
i have absolutely no skill in flash or photoshop or any other programs like that... and i cannot make pictures very good... so what i have done is this:
in the picture, there is the picture for lvl 1, 10, 20 and 30 on ng...
there are also 3 of the whistle levels: normal, bronze and silver...
and at the bottom i have put in the 'medal of defense'... lol, so here is my crappy logo for NGDD... (also, it is surrounded by white because i dont know how to change the size of the actual movie screen thingo... meh:

NG Department of Defense

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 04:06:14

ok, obviously u guys do allll your posting in the hours that i am asleep... it seems that u do alll your posting between 10PM and 11AM in my timezone... sucks.. o well. il read up in the mornin, but wont be on as much.... im actually doing something tomorrow...
so catchaz all fellow members of the NGDD... hope ya have a good laugh at my logo!! lol
newayz, kudos to everyone thats contributed so far.. the new forum looks great, and IS great.. so well done to us...
and wondermuffin especially for creating and running this 'presigous' (NOT!) club....

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 06:00:20

Level: 9 = +
reviews: 8 = +
voting power: 5.02 = +
Blam Protect: 1 = -
whistle: normal = +
posts: 4 = -

You've got 4 out of 6. I guess you can join us. To be able to get promotion you wil need to get at least 30 Posts and 30 Blam/Protect points. You're #11 Chief Warrant Officer*****

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 06:24:20

When you reach that report it here, you're current status is "no promotion" if you do not report it will not change. You'll be needing a task. Are you good with websites? Don't forget to check our Forum. Link's on top of the page.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 06:35:41

The new rule is that anybody can join, cause we need new members :) but if you don't have the standards we made, you cannot get promoted :)

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 06:38:25

At 4/16/04 06:35 AM, Basstard wrote: do you mean making Websites? I have no idea on how to do that!

Never mind then. Still you need a task, is there anything you like to do or would like to do? it's your call :) If you really don't know something you would like to do you will be assigned as audio reviewer.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 06:56:14

At 4/16/04 06:51 AM, Basstard wrote: The only thing I got is Pics. If my sound on my pc woudn´t be broke... Ive got lots of musik but cant play them anymore... I´d like to help people out but I dont know with what....

ok if got two options:
- You go to the forums here and you help Lieutenant General Descendingangel make the Bios.
- You work with First Lieutenant Mineworker68 to find abusive audio submissions or reviews as an Audio Reviewer.

You make the call

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 07:19:19

Hi.. id like to be a NGDD memeber.

Im an Audio Joint Memeber and would like to help First Lieutenant Mineworker68 with the audio submisions.

I think i meet all the criteria except Posts... ive bene with NG for quite a while but never botherd with the BBS, until now.


Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 07:32:38

You made 5/6 your rank is: Chief Warrant Officer****, you're number 12. You will not get promotion untill you get 30 posts, you need to report that you have got 30 posts or you'll stay at nopro witch means No Promotion.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:02:30

At 4/16/04 07:43 AM, Basstard wrote: Sir Im ready to work on the Bios just tell me when and were!

Well, you can start by posting your own info on the forums (site listed somewhere here.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:09:13

Ok sir. I best ill get posting and filtering through audio crap :D Oh and the occasional good Audio submision

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:17:36

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:19:23

At 4/16/04 08:17 AM, i_want_to_explode wrote: http://ngdd.hyperboards.com/index.cgi

(found it) :D

Thank you

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:33:06

At 4/16/04 08:22 AM, Basstard wrote: THX! ILL go wright to work sir!

Looks good.

I have the first four members done (without personal message) Except that I have no pic for Izcrulz. I'll finish more this evening hopefully, but for now I have to study.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 08:35:28

Heres something.

Anyone herd of TheComet?

Audio guy,
158 audio submissions!!
and ive been looking through his work, reading over peoples reviews... listening to a few of his songs

And out of the 158

Most are CRAP

I found a few catchy little numbers but most of his songs are simple mindless loops that last a few seconds. Is this was NGDD is suposed to be against?

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 09:01:37

A quick question... im not sure if this is the place... but does someone know how to make the moving images signatures?

I neeeeeeeeed one... i neeed it or i will explode... it happens to me sometimes.

Response to NG Department of Defense 2004-04-16 09:04:13

At 4/13/04 12:30 PM, wondermuffin wrote: Muffins Good, Clocks Bad :D

Me like you...Are you guys keeping Clock-Masacre nights sometimes???