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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 19:39:16

At 11/10/11 07:24 PM, Stretchysumo wrote: 10/10 from Destructoid.

Jim Sterling gave MW3 a 9.5, and he also gave Skyrim a 10/10 before playing it, so I don't trust dat guy.


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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 21:20:03

I was never really into the TES games, but now that I've seen some gameplay and see all the praise it's getting already, I'm really thinking about buying it tomorrow with some of the money I've been saving up for a new computer.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 22:04:14

Alright well everyone, I'm off to go purchase Skyrim. Probably pick up a slice of pizza before going. See you all tomorrow once I am in possession of the goods! Such a long awaited day has finally come.

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 22:08:58

Oh heck yes!!!

It started to snow in my area. Got me even more hyped up for Skyrim...but I hope the ups guy shows up.

Can't wait! :D

Xbox live: C0n Queso

PSN: A-Spiky-Kitten

Steam: Baby Diesel

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 22:21:41

One hour, and 39 minutes until I get this game.


A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 22:31:37

I only have two complaints about this game so far.

Those are:

1. Questionable about the removal of Attributes.

2. The "dumbing down" of weaponary choice/skills.

For one. I don't know about it. From all the play throughs I've seen, it looks like the attributes might have bolstered skills better than perk trees. Like, now you can only advance 20% faster in just one skill if you choose that perk. While, if I had an attribute, I could go up in several areas and level all those possibly 4 at once skills faster. So I'm not sure about perks replacing attributes, not to say the perks aren't awesome.

For two. I don't know. Was dumbing it down to "One Handed" and "Two Handed" for ALL melee weapons a good choice? I mean, just cause I can handle a sword well doesn't mean I can handle an Axe. And just because I do well with a single longsword doesn't mean I can't wield a Claymore. They're both blades. Just a bit of size difference.

What I'm seeing for two in all the play throughs I've watched, is that people are picking up a lot of the same weapons. Like picking up 6 of the same sword and 5 of the same Axe. Just from one dungeon. I don't care if they bring back Spears or Crossbows or Throwing weapons (especially throwing weapons, bleh), but I don't think they should have removed things like short swords and Claymores and all that Jazz, so that people weren't all using the same damn weapon, like it's the only weapon in exsistence.

Despite these complaints, these are minor notes. Everything I've seen everywhere else is fucking fantastic. The graphics are as good as Oblivion, maybe better. The finishing moves don't always happen but when they do it's super fucking cool. And two of the same finishers rarely occur twice in a row. The Magic is cool but really strong on lower levels (they probably felt that it was being under used and under powered at high levels, no more of that ;) ). The Dungeons look way better and the assinasstions for doing a successful Sneak attack with a melee weapon, OHMYGOD those are so fucking cool. You have to feel like a badass to go all AC on some bitch orc in a dungeon somewhere. You grab them by the shoulder reach your blade over their necks and slit the bitch and watch him die. Too cool.

As you can see, there's a ton more positives than negative. The clothes look better, the forging skill could be super useful (it's like Man Alchemy, fuck picking daisies for your owies I'm fucking mining for steel to make a Greater Steel Sword bitch!), so so much I've seen in vids alone. Can't wait to get my hands on the real thing. I might become a secluse for several da- fuck it, weeks playing this (who needs higher learning anyways? I know how to multiply, fucking good enough I'd say.)

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 22:54:42

So I just spent the last 3 hours playing this game... It's everything Oblivion should have been. I'm even setting an alarm so I can wake up early and play it tomorrow!

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 23:24:59

It looks like it's going to be even more dumbed-down and quest-driven than Oblivion was. I like Morrowind best, it has so much freedom to explore and do whatever the fuck you want PLUS great storyline and fun quests.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 23:38:43

Time is going by exponentially slower.
Fucking 20 minutes left.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-10 23:41:21

20 minutes until I have the power to slay dragons once more</3

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 00:32:36

At 11/10/11 11:24 PM, Xarnor wrote: It looks like it's going to be even more dumbed-down and quest-driven than Oblivion was. I like Morrowind best, it has so much freedom to explore and do whatever the fuck you want PLUS great storyline and fun quests.

More like simplfied. And true, they simplfied it a bit too much but nothing you would like actually miss. OH NO! They don't have Blunt or Blade anymore!! How will I ever live? Please, there just skills. A useless number, that's all it is, you can still use all those weapons, in Skyrim. You just don't get a useless skill number that you have to grind up. It's pointless as fuck anyways. You like that weapon? Use it, just because it doesn't have its own damn categorey doesn't mean it doesn't exsist.

And "Quest Driven"? If you've seen any of the LPs for it on YT you'd know that there are a lot of Side Quests that are optional but also a ton of Dungeons and stuff just like every TES. All you have to do is pick a direction and walk to another town. You can stop doing a the main quest and just explore you know. Skyrims pretty fucking big, I'm sure there are more than just a couple places not designated for a quest. Plus, what's wrong with quests? Do you NOT like story to go with your plundering? Would you rather just randomly walk in and out of caves and dungeons without any sense of purpose? Isn't that, you know, boring? Me, I like quests. I like quests that give me background as to WHY I'm raiding this Goblin Cave or why I'm killing these bandits.

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 00:35:33

OMG, I have the game!!

A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 01:05:23

I'm honestly in total awe of this game. I'm not even partly through the beginning sequence of events and I'm blown away at the beauty. In a dungeon. I haven't even picked my skills. I'm just blown away.

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 01:34:38

At 11/11/11 12:32 AM, HollowedPumkinz wrote:
At 11/10/11 11:24 PM, Xarnor wrote: It looks like it's going to be even more dumbed-down and quest-driven than Oblivion was. I like Morrowind best, it has so much freedom to explore and do whatever the fuck you want PLUS great storyline and fun quests.
More like simplfied. And true, they simplfied it a bit too much but nothing you would like actually miss. OH NO! They don't have Blunt or Blade anymore!! How will I ever live? Please, there just skills. A useless number, that's all it is, you can still use all those weapons, in Skyrim. You just don't get a useless skill number that you have to grind up. It's pointless as fuck anyways. You like that weapon? Use it, just because it doesn't have its own damn categorey doesn't mean it doesn't exsist.

And "Quest Driven"? If you've seen any of the LPs for it on YT you'd know that there are a lot of Side Quests that are optional but also a ton of Dungeons and stuff just like every TES. All you have to do is pick a direction and walk to another town. You can stop doing a the main quest and just explore you know. Skyrims pretty fucking big, I'm sure there are more than just a couple places not designated for a quest. Plus, what's wrong with quests? Do you NOT like story to go with your plundering? Would you rather just randomly walk in and out of caves and dungeons without any sense of purpose? Isn't that, you know, boring? Me, I like quests. I like quests that give me background as to WHY I'm raiding this Goblin Cave or why I'm killing these bandits.

Every single attribute and skill in Morrowind makes complete sense and works perfectly to create the feeling of becoming a more skilled person in-game. Morrowind was just so much more immersive than Oblivion for me.

If the explorable dungeons and caves in Skyrim are more like Morrowind's, I will definitely be happy, but in Oblivion, every single Ayleid Ruin, cave, dungeon, etc was exactly the same, unless it was related to a quest. No unique items, nothing unique at all, just bandits who level up when you level up and have items based on your level, which I cannot stand. In Morrowind, a level 1 character can find a Daedric weapon by chance, but in Oblivion, it is so much more controlled, only allowing you access to anything good once you're a high enough level.

I definitely don't like quests. In Morrowind, I don't even think of them as quests, more like people asking me to do things and me deciding whether or not to do them. Oblivion's quests feel as if they're on tracks, with a much more go-here-do-this feel than Morrowind. I hope that in Skyrim, there is more freedom.

I honestly don't care too much about storylines when it comes to games, even RPGs. Obviously they are important, and I acknowledge that, but the most fun I ever had in Morrowind was exploring the wilderness. There was just so much to find, and plenty of crazy little stories all over the place that I enjoy completing a lot more than the main one. I don't need a story to tell me why I'm doing things, I come up with my own reasons with my imagination, which is much more entertaining and satisfying in my own opinion.

So you sound like you've already played Skyrim, would you say it's more like Oblivion or more like Morrowind, overall?

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 02:50:19


Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 02:52:46

Stayed up all night and bought the steam version because I couldn't wait for my xbox version to come in the mail in the morning.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 03:56:36

And thanks to terrible internet service and Steam's mandatory update, I have to wait 2 hours before I can play Skyrim. Gone are the days of playing your game while downloading the update...

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 04:12:38

At 11/11/11 01:05 AM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote: I haven't even picked my skills. I'm just blown away.

You don't pick still this time around. You can train them all equally. I was doubtful of this at first, but I actually like it. It means that I'm not going to pick something as a major skill and then decide that it's pretty useless to me.

I like the ability to collect raw materials and then use them to craft new weapons or improve on existing ones. Having animations for things like alchemy was also a nice touch. It just makes all those type of stills seem a little more interesting than they used to be.


So are you actually unable to get a copy today?

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 04:13:35

Tramps get your ass down to student support and demand your EMA!

illicit makes a damn good signature.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 04:38:36

At 11/11/11 02:58 AM, Tramps wrote: missing 45 minutes of your incredibly important lesson that I'm ahead in is more important than mourning someone who has passed BUT I DON'T FEEL

How can you miss them very much when they have, from beyond the grave, withheld skyrim from you?

BBS Signature

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 05:57:53

just played since release, stayed up, now to work for 12 hours, fucking skyrim, why so amazing.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 06:14:02

I just played alot too >.>;;... like lvl 6... so tired lmao.. really fun game.. and FUCK that troll going up the 6thou steps

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 06:45:41

I'm about head off to what will most likely be the slowest school day ever. All I'll be able to think about is Skyrim, waiting for me to play it after I get home. Sons of Skyrim is stuck in my head already and probably will be all day. Usually that would annoy me but not this time, I want it there, I'll chant the words all damn day! Dovahkiin dovahkiin naal ok zin los vaahrin! DON'T WORRY SKYRIM! THE MIGHTY DRAGONBORN SHALL BE THERE TO SAVE YOU BY 4 O' CLOCK!

Seriously, I've never been this excited.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 06:46:47

Why did my body have to wake up before 7am? Now I've got over 2 hours of just waiting to leave my house.


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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 07:23:54


MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 07:26:12

Didn't mean to post just that, whoops...

Anyway, I got skyrim with lovefilm!!!!

What is this madness?

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 08:29:40

At 11/11/11 12:32 AM, HollowedPumkinz wrote:
At 11/10/11 11:24 PM, Xarnor wrote: OH NO! They don't have Blunt or Blade anymore!! How will I ever live?

Actually, each weapon type still has it's own set of skills, it's just divided up differently.
You can upgrade your one-handed weapon skills, which has multiple choices, you can upgrade your one-handed mace skills, one-handed axe skills, etc. Same with two handed weapons.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 08:33:10

At 11/11/11 06:14 AM, Screch wrote: I just played alot too >.>;;... like lvl 6... so tired lmao.. really fun game.. and FUCK that troll going up the 6thou steps

So far I've been wandering a lot, doing some side-quests. Haven't done very much of the main story at all yet. But I think maybe you mean the ice trolls on the way up the mountain near Solitude? I found myself running away from those guys pretty shortly after finding them.
I've found myself running away from a few monsters so far, mainly those fucking spriggans.

Also, I love the assassinations. Makes sneaking that much more fun.
I've also noticed that you can alarm one person for a second without alarming everyone else in the area, or waking everyone up, as long as you kill that first person quickly and quietly.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 09:01:41

Just popping in to say this game is amazing, and meets every expectation I had for it. Graphically, it's incredible, considering i'm running low quality and it's still like sex for my eyes.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-11-11 09:07:20

Oh look, Skyrim is still completely available on Gamefly. I guess they had a lot of copies.

[PSN/Steam- Airbourne238]

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