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Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

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Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-21 06:37:59

At 12/21/11 06:25 AM, Crink wrote: i'm just wondering because there's no point playing on the server now until there is

Like 99% sure we're going to have to start a new map. You can still play on the old server, and I can send you the save file if you like.

Now with 100% more Steam! lI Minecraft you say? II XBL: WorseThanMonday II

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-21 11:32:31

At 12/21/11 06:37 AM, xports wrote:
At 12/21/11 06:25 AM, Crink wrote: i'm just wondering because there's no point playing on the server now until there is
Like 99% sure we're going to have to start a new map. You can still play on the old server, and I can send you the save file if you like.

Oh yeah, here's the map as it was at about 6pm two days ago.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-21 20:44:09

At 12/20/11 07:47 AM, Crink wrote:
At 12/20/11 04:04 AM, Tateos wrote: I miss snow
why u maek taigia biomes no snow and tundras so rare notch
IKR BRO. i was exploring for about an hour on the server yesterday; found 0 snow biomes but i did find a lot of pine trees and desert.

You guys are in for a treat.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-22 00:48:52

Server is pretty much ready

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-22 19:58:30

Sure hope he doesn't have arachnophobia.

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-22 21:06:45

At 12/20/11 02:36 PM, ChainSawBuritto wrote: For those of you who play on Xports's server, (formerly Squidbit's) I propose that we start a new 1.0 World. The current world has become old and boring. The only time we start a new map is when minecraft updates, and since minecraft is pretty much finished in 1.0 we probably wont see any more updates.

All those that agree with me to start a new map, simply reply with your answer. I know Squidbit and Crink are already on board with me, so hopefully we can get a new world up and going.

You want to know something funny? I was chatting with xports recently and he mentioned he was thinking of starting a new world possibly, he said if he did it'd be sometime after christmas though, he just wasn't sure if everyone would be upset with him for resetting the map. So if I were you guyts, I'd shoot him a pm or message Asap, as i'm sure he's more than willing to hear you out.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-22 22:08:08

At 12/22/11 07:58 PM, Squidbit wrote: Sure hope he doesn't have arachnophobia.

Im going to sue you for all of your diamonds for all the times i died fighting all of those mobs.

Butt is wet.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-23 19:59:16


Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-23 20:12:46

I made rainbow dash

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-23 20:43:35

Who's that on the wing? and still looks epic.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-24 01:17:21

At 12/23/11 08:12 PM, level1isbest wrote: I made rainbow dash

Haha, that's awesome, as Rainbow Dash should be! Now I want to make a pony probably AJ. Squid'll give me crap just for considering it but what does he know, right?

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-24 12:45:55

At 12/24/11 05:20 AM, Crink wrote: yay da christmaz tree is finished to an extent

it just needs decorations or some shit

And now theres gifts for everyone underneath the tree!
Unless we forgot you. If we forgot you, you get coal.

Also nobody is allowed to open their gifts until tonight.

But we'll leave them out for you people with families and friends, who won't be on minecraft during christmas.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-24 20:19:58

At 12/24/11 12:45 PM, Squidbit wrote: Also nobody is allowed to open their gifts until tonight.

I don't think we'll be able to coordinate enough to do this as a group, so go ahead and open your presents whenever

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-25 13:22:12

My Box!

Butt is wet.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-26 12:35:23

Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, but Merry belated Christmas to everyone.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 05:25:50

An idea for discussion stolen from /v/:

You are now in charge of Minecraft's development, how do you improve the game?

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 13:21:20

At 12/27/11 08:24 AM, Crink wrote: i would add apple trees to the game.

i would also add palm trees and coconuts to the game.

then i would add bamboo biomes and pandas.

basically, i would add a lot more trees and mobs

This and I'd add a wider variety of things to plant. Potatos, corn, carrots just the top three we need to have.maybe include a new mob I would call a hunter Which is as silent as a creeper until it sees you which lets off a loud growl but will quickly be on your ass in a matter of seconds giving it the kinda feel of being hunted.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 17:38:25

At 12/27/11 08:24 AM, Crink wrote: i would add apple trees to the game.

YES. THIS. Building on that, I think that the leaves should be dotted with some red circles to denote that they're apple trees and that the only way to harvest the apples is by breaking the leaves with a chance drop of apples or saplings. It does seem somewhat unbalanced that a tree would be able to provide both food and lumber. Should sapplings be extremely rare for these trees or should it's wood be unique and uncraftable?

I could ramble on and on about all sorts of ideas behind how this would work, but in the end it's all just speculation so I'll spare y'all the details. Onto other suggestions

- Fire arrows: instead of high instant damage like regular arrows, fire arrows have a significantly reduced hit damage but is set its targets alight, causing burn damage that goes on for a certain amount of time. Because it has significant potential as a tool for griefers, it should be difficult to craft. I think the arrowhead should be magma cream (slimeball + blaze powder) instead of flint. It's the closest thing to napalm we have and is quite difficult to acquire legitimately. Also, range is reduced since it would be heavier and not as streamlined as flint - to the extent that it's probably the same as the old bow's trajectory. This serves to further inhibit would-be griefers.
In-flight, the arrowhead will be ignited and will shine brightly as it flies to its target. Imagine how awesome a barrage of those would look like! It's basically a projectile flint n steel - meaning that it can ignite netherrack and set off TNT from a distance >:3

It also has a practical application in that skilled archers can mark certain areas or targets for a team to quickly coordinate their movements. Or raid NPC villages like the fucking barbarians we are.

Also, hot air balloons or some sort of aerial transportation plz.

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 17:46:33

I've just started playing Total Miner on the 360, and I plan on getting Minecraft for my Macbook when I get a little money. But am I the only one who is having trouble loading the Minecraft website? I made sure i have the most up-to-date version of java, and I still cannot play the free classic mode. The rest of the site is extremely slow.

A vagina is really just a hat for a penis.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 18:38:44

At 12/27/11 02:28 PM, Tateos wrote:
At 12/27/11 05:25 AM, Greenfrost6 wrote: An idea for discussion stolen from /v/:

You are now in charge of Minecraft's development, how do you improve the game?
Natural disasters;
Floods would range from the size of snow tiles to half blocks, and would go away after a day. Hurricanes would also knock down some trees

I can't think of anything more here to add on.

Player can get hit with sand

Add onto the sandstorms blinding effects that make the storm nearly impossible to traverse in and it'll be fun.

Sucks the player up

As well as destroying anything it comes across depending on the size and power of the twister.

Creates snow blocks, and depending on the duration, sometimes stacks them, snow on top.

Make it so staying out in a blizzard will do progressive damage that gets worse the longer you stay out and it'll give it a true blizzard feel.

Happen during hurricanes, can drag the player underwater

waves during an earthquake would be a tsunami wouldn't it?

Creates crevasses/cliffs, causes tsunamis
Cause flooding

add on heavy environmental damage and it'll give it more of a catostrophic feel

My own suggestion, add volcanos that would rarely happen but would create massive amounts of land after it's done but destroys everything it touches while active.

These would occur very rarely, of course.
I'd also make it snow in Taigas again :3

Add the Skylands

I'd also add cross biomes, which would essentially cause the game to render biome mixes, such as forest mountains, snowy mountains, petrified desert forests, etc.

I'd add tropical islands

I'd definitely add oases, which would be natural little desert lakes with life around them, such as trees and stuff, with special mobs.

I'd add tigers.

I like Crink's idea of palm trees and bamboo that could grow past three blocks high.
etc. I have a lot of ideas for the game.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-27 20:55:12

I've been playing for the last two hours.. I'm already an addict.

A vagina is really just a hat for a penis.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 22:11:23

I've converted some non-believers to guard the almighty Bessie's shrine.

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 22:20:06

The local worshipers seem to have accepted the new guards, but still attack me on sight. What could I be doing wrong?
I must study their rituals and learn how to please the great and powerful Bessie.

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 22:23:31

At 12/29/11 10:20 PM, Squidbit wrote: The local worshipers seem to have accepted the new guards, but still attack me on sight. What could I be doing wrong?
I must study their rituals and learn how to please the great and powerful Bessie.

Forgot the picture.

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 22:28:28

It appears they sacrifice their own lives at dawn, I assume to get to some sort of heaven.
I don't know if I'm worthy yet, though. I'll have to figure out what requirements I need to meet before becoming able to get to heaven.

All the local worshipers become aggressive when I ask about it, I suppose religion is a touchy subject around here.

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 23:07:25

Bessie is becoming restless, this is the first time she's moved from the center of her tree since I came here.
Perhaps I haven't been killing impersonators, but her children.

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 23:25:25

It's confirmed, they're modeled after real black people.
Can't swim.
Take your shit.
And now this

Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-29 23:52:52

I forgot how much it sucks not being a mod. I keep finding fresh griefs here and there and nobody else is online. Looks like TNT attacks. Lots of craters and items are floating in them.

He Slams His Fists Against The Posts And Still Insists He Sees The Ghosts

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-30 00:15:27

At 12/29/11 11:52 PM, Riftcrawler wrote: I forgot how much it sucks not being a mod. I keep finding fresh griefs here and there and nobody else is online. Looks like TNT attacks. Lots of craters and items are floating in them.

Aye. The server has been slow as of late.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Minecraft Survival Crew 2011-12-30 00:25:55

At 12/29/11 11:25 PM, Squidbit wrote: It's confirmed, they're modeled after real black people.
Can't swim.
Take your shit.
And now this

I was hiding in my water hole to wait it out. He was waiting to kill me the moment I left the house so that he could take my watermelons all for himself. It worked, the stranger was gone by morning.

Sheisty bastards.

Happily ETS'd.

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