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Isn't smoking just fucking stupid?

10,680 Views | 121 Replies

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 16:27:21

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: 1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?

Not really.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?

I never had a second.

At 7/27/10 01:07 PM, letiger wrote: ...

I take it you're not a 13 year old girl?

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 16:57:18

At 7/27/10 01:09 PM, Maverick-Alex wrote: Derp herp, i am cool because i dont smoke.

Herp derp, I am cool because I smoke.

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 16:58:04

I just dont understand. I think it should be a personal decision that shouldn't be looked down upon by others. If you smoke, good for you. If you dont, good for you.

This arguement angers me though. but this is all personal opinion.
People say "Youre going to get lung cancer from those" I really dont care how I die when im 80. same with tattoos. "They'll look gross later" well lemme tell ya. im too old old to give a shit at that point. Don't try to preserve my life. My body was not intended to live forever. but my soul is immortal.

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 18:28:47

At 7/27/10 03:58 PM, NinjaPirateMaster wrote: I hate how some people suck up everything they learn in school and apply it to every lesson in life. Why is it such a fucking taboo?

Erm, not entirely sure what your getting at here. The reason they teach you that smoking is bad for your health at school is because smoking is indeed bad for your health. The taboo with it at school is most likely because kids at school are too young to be buying cigarettes in the first place.

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 19:26:59

At 7/27/10 01:07 PM, slingshot14 wrote: Because smoking makes you cool. The TV says so.


Smoking is only for little assholes that cheer for themselves to have an unhappy life and die quickly. Smoking is only for sissies and idiotic motherfuckers. Smoking is general suicide. Smoking is NOT COOL and NOT FUNNY.

Never 100% trust stuff on TV.

If I were in charge of the world, I'd shut down all these dumb little cigarette factories.

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 19:42:27

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: Cigarette smokers answer me these grand questions:


1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?

Very much.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?


3. Why did you continue smoking?

See answers to 1 & 2.

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

It's better than going crazy from depression. Cigarettes kept me from doing some really stupid things in my life. Instead of slitting my wrists, I smoked a cigarette and calmed down. Instead of telling my mother-in-law what I REALLY think about her I step out for a smoke. It gives me a reason to leave a negative situation. Considering the things I could have done, smoking a cigarette seems not-as-bad.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

Ehhh... I should so that I can run faster and longer. I shouldn't so that I can have a reason to leave a negative situation and something to help me calm down. Sure the problems aren't getting fixed by me running away but I'll tell ya honestly: Nothing can fix the problems between my mother-in-law and I except a little distance.

Weed smokers can simply copulate off. One doesnt give an air borne act of coitus about weed or the typically preachy folks who claim to use it in the internet.

3 weeks sober :D

Sooo...now you have my answers. There are good reasons to smoke: avoiding death now so I can die later(everyone will die later), keeping the peace(what good is life if you have no family or friends?), and it tastes good(Not everyone likes cigarettes just like not everyone likes coconut).


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Formerly, and still,Rahvin-the-vampire. Thanks Valjylmyr :)

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 19:44:07

Anyone have a light?


Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 19:46:05

I'l smoke a cigar everyonce in a while. Swisher sweets FTW.


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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 19:55:51

At 7/27/10 03:56 PM, Alchemist94 wrote: stuff

If you're just smoking because it calms you down I would strongly suggest finding other things to calm you down. Like cats. Do you like cats? Yes you do, everyone fucking loves cats. Get a fucking cat, play with it, rub its belly and move on in life.

Isn't smoking just fucking stupid?

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-27 20:04:55

I quit smoking a week ago so I shall pretend you asked me this about a fortnight ago. And it is going well. Thankyou for asking.

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: Cigarette smokers answer me these grand questions:

1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?

No. I hated it. I was drunk off my face and probably inhaled it wrong because I felt terrible for the rest of the night and ended up vomiting everywhere.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?

I think my second one was also in the same situation as above.

3. Why did you continue smoking?

Because I tried my first port cigar and it was the most amazing thing I had ever had the pleasure of smoking. Of course I was young and stupid and didn't realise you aren't supposed to inhale cigar smoke, so I got some major headspins which at the time I loved.
Anyway, that was a fair few years ago and since then I have smoked some more naughty stuff before finally turning 18 and buying my first pack of cigarettes. It was just an occasional thing then, in fact that packet of 20 cigarettes lasted me the better part of 6 months, before things turned to shit with my life and I started smoking as a means of distracting myself. I never really got to the point of being a chain smoker, but I was smoking about 3 or 4 cigarettes a day for several months.

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

Yes, it does seem stupid. But when you are smoking you just don't care. For most smokers, at least the more casual ones, smoking isn't about fulfilling cravings. A lot of people use it to relax or try and escape their problems. It can also just be a social thing.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

As mentioned above, I have stopped smoking a week or so ago. After months of smoking every day, I could really feel the effect it was having on my health. I was starting to cough up all kinds of shit every day, and it was affecting my sleep and just general energy and mood.
With that said, I probably won't stop forever. I just would much rather smoking be a casual thing that I can actually enjoy from time to time, rather than a habit.

At 7/27/10 03:55 PM, Gagsy wrote: Also I find smokers incredibly erotic. No idea why, but I just think smokers are sexy

For some strange reason I am turned off greatly by girls when they smoke, but when guys do it I find it hot.

Brb sending Gagsy pictures of me smoking.

This is filler text.

The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 06:59:41

At 7/27/10 08:04 PM, HungarianSupermarket wrote: I quit smoking a week ago so I shall pretend you asked me this about a fortnight ago. And it is going well. Thankyou for asking.
At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: Cigarette smokers answer me these grand questions:

1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?
No. I hated it. I was drunk off my face and probably inhaled it wrong because I felt terrible for the rest of the night and ended up vomiting everywhere.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?
I think my second one was also in the same situation as above.

Your answer for questions 1 and 2 I believe to be the only genuinely honest ones of the thread so far. I seriously doubt the claims made by folks that the first cigarette they ever had tasted fan-dabby-dozy or that after the first bad one the second was a basket of fragrant cinammon buns.

Good luck with keeping off them.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 07:07:53

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: Cigarette smokers answer me these grand questions:

1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?


2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?


3. Why did you continue smoking?

Addiction, I love the taste, and I find it relaxing.

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

It's not really stupid. Well actually, My opinion on it is biased seeing how I grew up around secondhand smoke. But after not having a cigarette in a while and smoking, you feel amazing.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

No, because I simply enjoy it. We're all going to die anyway.

Weed smokers can simply copulate off. One doesnt give an air borne act of coitus about weed or the typically preachy folks who claim to use it in the internet.

You're a dumbass for throwing down the lady in the green dress.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 07:11:44

At 7/27/10 07:32 PM, andhination wrote: lol why are you fucking idiots pretending you enjoyed your first so it looks like you told him instead of justifying why you carried on with it you stupid cunts

You're an ignorant fuck who needs to stay off the internet. It's people with your minimal level of intelligence that push more and more people to smoke each day as a cause of stress. Who are you to determine whether I enjoyed my first cigarette? Who are you to judge anything about me or any other smoker? You're nobody. I suggest you get used to that fact and keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 07:13:52

At 7/29/10 06:59 AM, DingoTheDog wrote: Your answer for questions 1 and 2 I believe to be the only genuinely honest ones of the thread so far. I seriously doubt the claims made by folks that the first cigarette they ever had tasted fan-dabby-dozy or that after the first bad one the second was a basket of fragrant cinammon buns.

Hmm, well the first time I smoked (cigar but still relevant) I did love the taste and headspins. But nowadays if I smoke too much and get the headspins again I just feel sick to my stomach. But each to their own, I guess.

Good luck with keeping off them.


And what of you, you still haven't told us whether or not you smoke?

This is filler text.

The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 07:18:52

As a matter of fact, I'll be right back. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. :P

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 07:57:57

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote:
1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?


2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?


3. Why did you continue smoking?

I obviously enjoyed the first two, so why the hell not!

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

Meh, not really.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

No, cause it's threads like these that make me smoke in the first place!

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 16:45:51

I can't see what's so "cool" about killing yourself slowly, and intentionally while at that.

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool." -Stephen King

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 16:53:25

At 7/27/10 01:49 PM, Luis wrote: I am smoking while reading this

Why, that makes me want to smoke now.

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 17:13:16

Two words.

Placibo cigarrettes

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 17:37:28

At 7/29/10 06:59 AM, DingoTheDog wrote: Your answer for questions 1 and 2 I believe to be the only genuinely honest ones of the thread so far. I seriously doubt the claims made by folks that the first cigarette they ever had tasted fan-dabby-dozy or that after the first bad one the second was a basket of fragrant cinammon buns.

Why even bother asking if they enjoyed their first and second cigarettes if you're only going to accept "no" as an honest answer? It seems you've already come to the conclusion that nobody enjoys their first or second cigarettes.


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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 17:55:03

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote:

:Isn't Smoking Just Fucking Stupid?

Yes, vapings where its at

(I don't do either...)

Isn't smoking just fucking stupid?

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 17:56:53

1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?
2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?
3. Why did you continue smoking?
picked up the habbit, saw my friends around me smoking, when they smoke it makes me want to smoke

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?
yes, im getting sick of them, I'd take a haul and be like "ew, why the fuck am I smoking this?"

Weed smokers can simply copulate off. One doesnt give an air borne act of coitus about weed or the typically preachy folks who claim to use it in the internet.

Im quitting cigs soon, not weed.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 18:02:03

At 7/29/10 05:48 PM, andhination wrote:
At 7/29/10 05:37 PM, chiefindomer wrote: Why even bother asking if they enjoyed their first and second cigarettes if you're only going to accept "no" as an honest answer? It seems you've already come to the conclusion that nobody enjoys their first or second cigarettes.
He was probably under the illusion that people wouldn't lie to try and look like they sure showed him! And in turn, that he could make them wonder what the point in it was.

Which would mean there was no point in getting people to answer the question because he would only accept one answer as being true. How do you know they are lying? If somebody is saying that they liked something, who are you to say that they are lying and didn't actually like it?


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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 18:07:01

well I answered all questions honestly, I truely did enjoy my first and second cigerette.

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 18:21:27

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: 1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?

I sure did.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?


3. Why did you continue smoking?


4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

I don't really care.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

I've tried a few times, obviously isn't meant to happen... Maybe one day.

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 18:23:23

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: Cigarette smokers answer me these grand questions:

1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?


2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?


3. Why did you continue smoking?

I didn't.

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?

Keyword being pleasure, people would do anything for pleasure.

5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

I don't smoke, but since I have, I thought it would be reasonable to answer these questions.

IMO, cigarettes taste like shit.

BBS Signature

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 18:46:23

At 7/29/10 06:28 PM, andhination wrote: I believe I explained this bit before.

I believe you didn't. You were essentially saying that they were rhetorical questions, however he didn't present them as so. If they were meant to be rhetorical, then he should have said so when people started answering them as they would any other question. Once again, completely pointless.

In real life, I've never known anyone to say they enjoyed their first fag. Not one. I don't go around asking, but it seems to me that most people don't like it at first, like, I've never actually heard one single person say they did, ever.

In other words, nobody that you know has ever enjoyed their first cigarette therefore anybody that says they did must be lying.

Then, here, on newgrounds, a site filled with fucking antisocial retarded nerds like me and you, everyones claiming "YEAH I LOVED IT FELT GOOD MAN".

Not really, most people just said that they enjoyed it. There's a big difference between saying you "enjoyed" something and you "loved" something.

Forgive me if I don't think the nerdy mothers boys who get victimised in school you find here are going to be the most likely to take a pull like a champ from day one.

Nobody said that they could "take a pull like a champ from day one", they simply said they enjoyed it. Often times when people are just starting to smoke, they take smaller drags to help avoid coughing. They also might only smoke about half of the cigarette and be done with it.


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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 19:10:39

At 7/27/10 01:05 PM, DingoTheDog wrote: 1. Did you enjoy your first ever cigarette?

There was no first cigarette.

2. Did you enjoy your second cigarette?

You can not have a second cigarette without a first cigarette.

3. Why did you continue smoking?

There STILL was no first cigarette.

4. Doesnt it seem a little stupid to build a chemical addiction the sole point of which is the pleasure gained from fullfilling your cravings which are a consequence of the addiction in the first place?


5. Do you want to stop smoking? If so or if not why?

How long is this going to go on?

I don't really see the need to start smoking. Seeing people standing out on the corner of my school really turns me off to it. Partially because they're assholes and partially because they look so damned proud that HURR I'M SMOKING I'M COOL LOOK AT ME I'M SMOKING. I'm just fine going about my day drowning my stress out in video games rather than smoke.

ROCK GOD HISAO - [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

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Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 19:22:45

I want to quit smoking, almost there down to 5 a day, and those first two cigarettes were better than sex for the record

Response to Isn't smoking just fucking stupid? 2010-07-29 19:24:34

Fuck cigarettes AND weed!


Srsly. Crack.