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NG Mafia

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Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:01:27

At 11/7/06 06:22 PM, CrimsonRocker wrote:
At 11/7/06 04:36 PM, PenitentTangent wrote:
At 11/7/06 04:14 PM, HisInfernalMajesty wrote: i join
No you not. You need 50 intelligent posts, you have one-liners. A lot of them. Work on your posting habits a bit.
Wow when i joined it was 100 intelligent posts, i guess that got a little to hard for some people so yall brought it down a little.But i made the cut so i guess i dont have to worry about it anymore.

Yeah, I remember when tht was in use, there were alot of Spammer/Flamers bombing us then, we wanted to be sure our members that were newly accepted were of good quality. I'm glad that you made it in :D

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:03:05

At 11/7/06 06:47 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: Thanks to Ghanden for his new awesome pic, it can be seen here.

really. friggin. awesome. I love it. You really have alot of talent for storymaking and sketching!Which one am I?

Also, if anyone is doing a character sketch (a pic, not a written piece) can anyone do one for me? I suck at drawing.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:06:23

. I'm glad that you made it in :D

Well thats nice of you, Im also very glad i made it in this club is by far my fav it's better than the one i started the VGRC (Video Game Review Crew) I love this club! NG MAFIA rules!

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:09:35

At 11/7/06 06:22 PM, CrimsonRocker wrote: By the way has anyone said anything else about the idea of making a daily or weekly ng mafia paper: In this paper it will say a brief description of the conversations that went on that week or day?

Not going to happen. If you really are to lazy to read two pages in order to catch up, there's always the option of asking someone if there's anything important that had happened.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:10:13

At 11/7/06 06:47 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: Thanks to Ghanden for his new awesome pic, it can be seen here.

So it seems that you haven't added me there, what's the deal?

At 11/7/06 07:01 PM, Regus-MK-IV wrote: Yeah, I remember when tht was in use, there were alot of Spammer/Flamers bombing us then, we wanted to be sure our members that were newly accepted were of good quality.

Did you cast Waterga? Because I bet that would have gotten rid of your flamers.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 19:27:48

Not going to happen. If you really are to lazy to read two pages in order to catch up, there's always the option of asking someone if there's anything important that had happened.

No thats not it i didnt bring it up someone else did im not too lazy to read the post. Somebody else brought up that a couple of pages before this one and powerprower said that he might be willing to do it, and i was wondering if he went through with it.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 20:15:48

At 11/7/06 06:47 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: Thanks to Ghanden for his new awesome pic, it can be seen here.

Haha, I like how short our foxy friend is in that one. Good job!

Which one am I again?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 20:16:49

The Science of the Mafia, Part Twenty-Three - Step Three

Mr. Trivia put his flight helmet back on and got ready to redeploy. "Proceeding to Mountain Combat Sector," said Triv on the comm link as he kicked on his Jump Jets for a boost of speed.
When Triv arrived at the third battlefield, he switched on his infrared and radar scopes. "The enemy is hidden this time," said Mr. Trivia under his breath. "If I don't use my instruments wisely, I'm dead meat."
"Ten hostile signals detected on radar," announced the Armani's on-board computer, followed by "Incoming warhead!" Triv saw a bazooka round fly towards him out of the corner of his left eye, and used his shoulder-mounted Swivel Gun to shoot it down. The infrared sensor showed the glow of the still-hot bazooka and Triv fired a homing missile on that position. The following explosion put a smile on Mr. Trivia's face. "One down, nine to go."
Triv soon heard the unmistakable chatter of an AK-47 to his right, and returned fire with his vulcan. He heard one or two drones go down, but took some hits when he went over to confirm his kills. Somehow, Triv let one of the mecha-mujahideen get within 50 yards. It was easily dispatched by a short-range rocket, but the gunfire left scratches and small cracks in the Armani's transparisteel canopy. "That's only four of them," said Triv in frustration. "Where are the rest of these f**kers hiding?"
Mr. Trivia fired his Jump Jets to get an aerial view, but didn't spot any drones. They must be hiding in the caves, thought Triv. The XPS-101 fired a rocket into each cave to flush out the enemy, then finished them all off with the vulcan. Six drones were sliced in half by a hail of bullets and Triv reported in. "Mountain Combat Sector clear. Proceeding to Forest Combat Sector."
Immediately, Mr. Trivia realized his Jump Jets would be useless here. All that would do is get me stuck in the trees, thought Triv. The Armani's computer chimed in again, "Fifteen hostile signals on radar. Five unknown signals on radar."
"Unknown?" asked Triv. "Well, I'm certainly not expecting backup, so those are probably masked hostile signals." As soon as Triv finished talking to himself, he learned the hard way just what the unknown signals were; A sniper rifle fired a bullet straight through the Armani's canopy and hit Triv in the left leg.
Mr. Trivia screamed in pain, but re-focused on the battle and fired a homing missile in the direction of the sniper. The drone was on the move as soon as it pulled the trigger, but didn't get far before it was turned into scrap metal. Triv fired off all his remaining rockets into the treetops and killed the other four snipers before they had a chance to shoot. Unfortunately, this drew the attention of all fifteen insurgent drones and the Armani was pelted with gunfire from all directions. Triv solved the problem by strafing with his vulcan and both swivel guns, and all three guns clicked when the last drone fell. With no more ammo, Triv plotted a course back to the lab. "Forest Combat Sector clear, returning to base."
When Mr. Trivia returned, the Mechanic Droid got to work on the Armani and the Medic Droid worked on Triv. The bullet wound was in the center of the left thigh and the round cracked the femur. The Medic Droid removed the bullet and Triv entered the Bacta Tank to regenerate his leg. "It'll take a few days for both the mech and the pilot to fully recover," recorded the droids in the computer log, "so the final stage of testing will wait until then."

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 20:55:49

Cool, I like it Triv. I trust the mechs were using my sniper that got you in the leg? So, were exactly is that testing zone located?

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Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 21:32:38

Sequel to Infection

Close your eyes.

Think about everyone you’ve ever known, everyone you’ve ever met, everyone you’ve ever loved. By the time you open your eyes, this story would be over.

I awoke yet again to darkness and shroud. I stood quickly drawing my pistol, ready for something, anything. I was sweating as I frantically looked around the room, it took me a couple of seconds to realize where I was, and to regain myself. I sat back down breathing heavily. Another nightmare had passed.

I wonder how today was gonna be.

The room smelled of death. I went to open the shades, expecting to find light to fill this lifeless room, but none would come in. I gazed out upon the empty streets and found, that like me, were empty and lifeless. Going to the fridge I opened it, knowing that there was nothing there, I hoped to find some scratch of food, but again finding nothing. A groan from the other room could only mean that Ghost was awake, as well as alive.


Coming into the room we both share a nod, the only form of communication we’ve ever shared. When you’re in a place where silence floods the streets, words seem out of place. With there being no television, no radio, no lights, no food. One could only pray for some kind of emotion, some sort of life, or death. Even the things you once feared and fought against, are now, like everyone else, gone forever. With them, the creatures that caused this destruction and endless silence.

I miss them already.

It’s been 8 months in this silent hell. Ever since the disappearance of the last creature, me and Ghost have been the last surviving things in this God forsaken city. Rationing our food, but there wasn’t a lot to go around after the creatures devoured everything. Growing sick of each other, and of this place, we tried leaving, escaping from this trap. But the knowledge of the infection has spread even quicker then the outbreak itself. So quick that the Government has quarantined the place. Locking us in with walls the didn’t seem to stop going up. Locking us in this hell, this purgatory.


There was once a creature that on quiet nights, you could hear roaming the streets. Me and Ghost followed this creature, for it was interesting to find out that something other then us has lasted this long. The creature would throw itself into the lake, my guess, hoping to drown itself. It would stay there for days, then arise, and try again the next day. The current eventually eroded, and washed away the creature, taking it away.

Lucky bastard.

So me and Ghost would wonder the streets alone, our pride keeping us alive. Thriving us to keep searching for food, life, and a way out. As weeks passed by, Ghost had become ill. Without any medication, it wasn’t long before he died, leaving me alone. So while he was enjoying a whole new adventure in death, I was to stay, rotting here, waiting for destiny to claim me. I was alone, only my thoughts followed me, but not for long. Within the silence I must have snapped, for I awoke to find Ghost’s body devoured.

And my hunger filled.

Within the darkness I searched for light until I could no longer stand it. On top of a building I watched the sunrise over the walls that kept me here. Kept me trapped, kept me from death. I was tired of waiting for death, it’s like that old saying, if you want something done right, do it yourself. That jump was the easiest things I’ve ever done. The thought of seeing all the fellas again made me smile as the wind rushed through my hair. The ground was now closing in fast, and then it was over. I was in darkness again, but it was calm and peaceful, my worries had been crushed with my body, my anguish, my torment.

Goodbye Newgrounds, goodbye Strauss, I won’t miss you.

You. Now you can open your eyes. If now you don’t see what you have. Then maybe you should jump. I’ve seen what I had.

Now it’s your turn.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 21:41:43

At 11/7/06 09:32 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: Purgatory
Sequel to Infection

Holy shit, now that was touching. I loved it. It made me feel so depressed after reading that pretty little thing. I could only wish I was a writer like you. Nothing can top Infection though. Seriously, your stories and stuff FUCKIN PWN. I love ya. (for the stories).

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 21:55:30

At 11/7/06 09:41 PM, Snype wrote: Holy shit, now that was touching. I loved it. It made me feel so depressed after reading that pretty little thing.

That's mainly the reaction l was aiming for, a story that makes you think after you're done reading it is what l try to do with all of my writings.

I loved it.... Nothing can top Infection though.

Yeah l felt that, that was my best one out of this series as well. It was fun experimenting with this style of writing.

Seriously, your stories and stuff FUCKIN PWN. I love ya. (for the stories).

Haha thanks Snype.

At 11/7/06 09:43 PM, Ocelot wrote: Interesting picture. Could you tell us who's who, Ghanden?

I sent him a PM asking him about that. Maybe by tomorrow we'll know.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 21:55:30

Alright, sorry for not posting in a while guys, but I was busy beating that Devil Summoner game's ass, and I beat it bad. Loved the crap out of the boss music and had to download it, so call me a nerd if you want, but it's full of bass and distortion, so I found it cool. Anyone that may be curious I can link up to it. ;)

Very nice story Boris, loved the detail once again you used in writing it, and Triv's story was also very interesting. Hope to put something myself out now that my "inspiration" is complete. Also a nice pic you drew Ghanden, like the detail you used on it.

Anyways, just thought I'd let anyone who was curious know I'm alive and well, and I'll be sure to check in to make sure I'm not missing anything. And before I go, I've only been banned once for a spam thread entitled "Up al night" saying that that was what I was doing and got a day ban for it. So no biggy, and I survived not being able to post (just did alot of other things that day) but still missed the place. Be back sometime later on.

Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake

Sig by Turkeybean

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Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-07 22:23:16

At 11/7/06 09:55 PM, PowerPrower wrote: Hope to put something myself out now that my "inspiration" is complete.

Good to hear Prower. I'd like to see stories work their way back into the mafia, l remember when that's all there used to be. Everyone had their own story and we blew by pages. Now it's rare to see someone put out a story.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 03:10:15

At 11/7/06 08:16 PM, MrTrivia wrote: The Science of the Mafia, Part Twenty-Three - Step Three

That was an amazing story man! Hope to see another part real soon.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 04:49:13

Okay, back for one last post tonight (and I know I'm gonna have a LOT of replies to this by the time I swing around tomorrow) but I've decided to do a little something for the mafia that everyone should like.

I've talked with a dear friend of mine who likes to draw things, and she has agreed to help me out with a portrait of sorts with the NG Mafia. She's gonna draw it up, I'm gonna use photoshop and color it, and she's gonna background it. Now what I'm gonna need is from all of you active folk to send me a PM or something with a description of your character. That way I know how to color stuff, and she'll know how to draw it. For those who haven't seen any of her work yet, she draws REAL well, and Tangent can vouch for it if need be...or I'll just post something... XD

Anyways, have at it ladies and gents, I'll be back to check out stuff when I wake up. ;)

Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake

Sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 06:05:39

Good night.......

Oh good morning.........

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 06:07:04

Wow Boris, this series is fucking awesome...like seriously publishable shit man, really!!!! I hope you can find a way to continue it somehow....

Everyone's creativity has sparked my own off and I had an idea that may or may not work. My speciality (or so I like to think) is off-beat poetry, so I thought I'd knock out a few, each based around a person in the mafia. So if you want in PM me with a a couple of words that pop in your mind (not descriptive, just the words that pop into your head) and I'll try and knock something up based on the impression you give in here......or at the least a random collection of thoughts...

In life news, I scored a 6-week internship at a native title law place...YAY!!! Means I've gotta quit working at the ol' surfboard factory and I'll have fuck-all money or time to study (or surf for that matter) but I'm still fuckin' stoked......

The Revolution!!!! Search with blackle

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 08:06:10

Inspired by the great workings of our authors here, especially you Boris I mean sweet jesus!, anyway I have been inspired to get back into the writing part of being in the mafia. I'm thinking of maybe taking a leaf out of ghandis book and asking if someone other than myself would like to be the main character in this story. If you would like to be main character just PM me what your mafia character is like and I'll see who fits best. Oh in case anyone is wondering I have just abandoned the last story let's face it ...it was shit.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 09:02:18

At 11/7/06 08:55 PM, Snype wrote: Cool, I like it Triv. I trust the mechs were using my sniper that got you in the leg? So, were exactly is that testing zone located?

The testing area is too large to fit within the confines of the Mafia Lab facility, so I built it on an artificial island in the South Pacific and divided it into five wedges. In order to travel rapidly between the lab and the island, I built a subspace bridge. If I had a scanner and a decent hand for art, I'd show you the schematic.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 12:21:47

Okay, just checking in and stuff and already got a couple of PMs, very good people, keep them rolling in if you wanna be in the mafia portrait. I'm gonna make a deadline for PM replies sometime, so for all that see this HURRY UP!

As for an example of my friend and here work this here will suit well enough. She drew this herself, and she also did the coloring, and as you can see she's been at that way longer than I have, and I learned it from her. But I didn't want her to be stuck doing all the work for me and a bunch of people she don't know, so I said I would color it. She also said she didn't care how many people there were, but I'm gonna make a cutoff date to where you gotta get these in...and I'd say by the weekend or the end of this entire week is gonna be it.

Anyways, just popping in to say that, won't be around again until later on tonight. So see you guys later, have a good day. ;)

Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake

Sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 16:37:26

Yay! Winter hit me like the fist of an angry god today.

Yesterday: Freezing rain? Crawling to school on my hands and knees sounds like fun!
Today: I wake up to find the city half buried under a knee deep, white blanket.

Now it's waist deep! Anywhere else poeple would be panicking. Hell, if it snowed this much in Vancouver it'd be an emergency again.

Also, yay Mafia portrait thingy!

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 17:54:17

At 11/8/06 06:07 AM, TheSerf wrote: Wow Boris, this series is fucking awesome...like seriously publishable shit man, really!!!! I hope you can find a way to continue it somehow....

I think this series is pretty much over. No one else is alive :P Thanks for the review.

At 11/8/06 08:06 AM, Systems-Error wrote: Inspired by the great workings of our authors here, especially you Boris I mean sweet jesus!, anyway I have been inspired to get back into the writing part of being in the mafia.

Awesome, that's good to hear. Can't wait to read see all these stories turn out.

At 11/8/06 09:29 AM, Assassin-Basstard wrote: Your storys rock man! You should start writting on a book and sell it! You would be rich in no time!

Haha thanks man, maybe one day l'll actually get around to writing a book. Although l'd have to have a lot of time on my hands and that doesn't look to promising with the busy year l have coming up.

So what are your plans for a new stroy since haloween is over? Or are you keeping up with something like the Resident Evil storys?

Like l said above there really isn't anywhere else to go with this story. The next story will be a Thanksgiving one so look for that in about 2 weeks :P

I hope to read another great strory from you soon, it´s allmost the only reason to go back to NG. In hope to find another great Story,
And the Mafia ofcourse, in first place the Mafia! Then the Storys....

Oh, l thought you just came here to converse with our awesome, mature, funny members ¬.¬

At 11/8/06 05:30 PM, PoJoX wrote: I seriously need to get back in the game.

The sooner the better.

Also involving Ghanden's picture, he gave me the names of the figures. This is going from left to right.


Also Ghanden is serving a three day ban so blah.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 18:02:44

Is it just me or is there a spate of bans going around at the moment? I mean, how many of us in the last week? Anyway, I need more sleep, and coffee, and sugar, and yet more sleep.

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 18:22:42

At 11/8/06 06:02 PM, Regus-MK-IV wrote: Is it just me or is there a spate of bans going around at the moment? I mean, how many of us in the last week?

I think its only been three people that have been banned in the past week, somewhere around that number.

Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. Blood donations were taking place at my school and thinking that it would be a nice way to skip class, l went. So my appointment there is 1st period right after home room. I fill out the papers and shit which had some retarted questions on them.
"Have you ever had sexual contact with another male since 1977"

So they check me out and say l'm good to go. They lie me down and stick a needle the size of a straw into my arm, didn't hurt that much, and then they left me. I was lying down for about 5 minutes watching my blood fill up into those packets, and then the lady comes over and starts to fill up different viles once the pack is filled. At that time l started to get light headed and felt like l just sprinted 3 miles, almost threw up too. So they rip the needle out, gave me water, and patched me up.
Now here is where things went wrong.
The lady, before leaving, told me, "Don't get up."
Now, for me, that's an invitation to do the exact opposite. So when she's gone l stand up and at first l feel fine, then it hits me like a rock. My head spins in circles and colors block my eyes. It's like feeling you get when you get up to fast, but ten times worse. I couldn't even stand up so l fell smack into the ground. I layed there for 10 seconds, suprisingly unseen by anybody. l didn't want to get in trouble so l then got back up on the bed.
The lady came back shortly after and said l looked like shit, even my principle said the same thing. They gave me some sugar cookies and Orange Juice and told me l could sleep there until l felt better. I slept until last period, a whole day of school spent on a bed, so apart from a pint of blood being drained out along with my energy, it was a pretty awesome day.
</boring story>
<4 day weekend>

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 18:37:30

At 11/8/06 06:22 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: I think its only been three people that have been banned in the past week, somewhere around that number.

lets see - ghanden, charlotte and.....anyone else?

Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. Blood donations were taking place at my school and thinking that it would be a nice way to skip class, l went. So my appointment there is 1st period right after home room. I fill out the papers and shit which had some retarted questions on them.

Since I got to the hospital once a month for a blood test since Ive had a kidney transplant, Im never donating blood again.
I had to go to the hospital for a blood test every 3 months since I was born, and for the 1st few months after my transplant every tuesday and friday (thankfully I had a little tube connectd to my heart from my chest that teh surgens put in during the transplant, so they took the blood out from there).
maybe a year to 2 years ago I now need to get it once a month. I think that i since i was born, in total I "donated" like a gallon of blood.

"Have you ever had sexual contact with another male since 1977"

hahaha classic. theyre just testing because back then they didnt check your blood to see if it was pure if they were donating, but im sure you already knew that.

So they check me out and say l'm good to go. They lie me down and stick a needle the size of a straw into my arm, didn't hurt that much,

it depends on what size it was. Was it like an iv needle (they are fucking huge, and hurt like hell)? or a small one (not alot of pain, but still uncomfortable).

so apart from a pint of blood being drained out along with my energy, it was a pretty awesome day.

</boring story>
<4 day weekend>

Glad you liked tht day, hahaha.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 18:48:08

At 11/8/06 06:22 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: </boring story>

Neat story.

<4 day weekend>

Untill 2 P.M tomorrow. I can't wait.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 19:01:30

At 11/8/06 06:37 PM, Snype wrote: it depends on what size it was. Was it like an iv needle (they are fucking huge, and hurt like hell)? or a small one (not alot of pain, but still uncomfortable).

No it was definatly an iv needle, the thing was fucking huge. But again l didn't hurt that much, only for a couple of seconds, once my blood started to leave me l became incredibly relaxed. Like l was buzzed. My whole arm did turn purple though.

At 11/8/06 06:48 PM, PenitentTangent wrote: Untill 2 P.M tomorrow. I can't wait.

Not for me. The COOP, or what it's called now, the "TAXT", exam is tomorrow. My school is one of the places where the test is taken so l get tomorrow, and Friday off. Sweet to the tenth power.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 19:20:03

Whats going on today in the mafia?I just got home from cheerleading practice.I almost got 900 posts ;) .

Response to NG Mafia 2006-11-08 19:29:35

At 11/8/06 06:37 PM, Snype wrote:
At 11/8/06 06:22 PM, Boris-4-U wrote: I think its only been three people that have been banned in the past week, somewhere around that number.
lets see - ghanden, charlotte and.....anyone else?

All of this is ironic because we jst had that discussion yesterday. I wonder what Ghandi did? Anyway, your blood story sounds pretty awesome Boris. You got to sleep all day? I would feel like shit for 10 seconds to sleep all day. Any day of the week. : )

Hey look, clever words

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