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Facebook supports Female Abuse?

1,045 Views | 13 Replies

Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:28:09

So i was on my facebook page the other day and when i went to add a friend, i got this ´security control´ box where you have to type two random words given in an image.

Now, i did no way photoshop this, and i wasn't sitting around clicking 'get new words' button until i got something funny either, these were the first words i got. And of the thousands of words in the english language i got the combination of ' Woman hitter'. lol.

Yeah my facebook is in Spanish by default because i live in Spain. I should really change my configuration.

Facebook supports Female Abuse?

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:29:07

That's fucking awful, but oh-so-funny. Hahahahaha!


BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:29:24

Wow that is craziness.


that's where all the cool people are.

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:32:33

Well, someone has to.


Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:34:01

Lmao. I can never get those things right. Even if I type it in EXACTLY, it tells me I'm wrong. At least it's clear to see them on Facebook, YouTube distorts them WAY too much.

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:34:51

Domestic Abuse is funny.

I hope anyone who laughs at that gets fucked in the ass by a male named bubba who teaches them how the word 'Fist' could be a verb.

Fight me, we'll play a game called "Count the teeth" as I use Armani's to teach your jaw the lession between fact and fiction.

Insane in so many fuckin' ways.

I'm just here to destroy minds, fuck mothers, and cause mass chaos through the world

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:35:29

Haha, excellent find. Send it to failblog or something.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:39:20

hitting women is wrong?but aren't they just object's.


Can you see this? Probably not. Douche.

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:51:29

Bahahahaha, ha.


BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 20:53:54

It's just...it's so sad...yet so hilarious!

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 21:01:41

At 3/6/09 08:35 PM, Rig wrote: Haha, excellent find. Send it to failblog or something.

I'll do just that!

At 3/6/09 08:40 PM, Shakyjake wrote: Try putting it in "Pirate", it's the most confusing thing in the world...

Woah! That is confusing!

Facebook supports Female Abuse?

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 22:05:29


AMV? In case you were wondering how I was blinded and why I am make shoes, click on my sig to find out. NAO!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-06 22:07:38

Wow, that's probably a one in a million chance, luckily someone with sense of humor found it.

BBS Signature

Response to Facebook supports Female Abuse? 2009-03-07 14:39:15

At 3/6/09 08:34 PM, lavalampa wrote: Domestic Abuse is funny.

I masturbated to "sleeping with the enemy"


BBS Signature