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NGHH - Pigpen Vs Greenskullkid


Author Comments

Winter Battles - PiGPEN vs Greenskullkid
Beat by Rama

Verse 1 - PiGPEN
Verse 2 - Greenskullkid
Verse 3 - PiGPEN
Verse 4 - Greenskullkid

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PiGPEN - Ironic mom punch, fabricated first round loss diss, can't get played on your own website, a few more sex jokes which could have been okay if they'd been more succinct. Funny finisher though.

GreenSkull - Running out of breath is kind of weird since PiG actually has really good breath control. A bunch of filler and some sex jokes. Yuck. Stick it back in/pull it back out is really weak.

PiGPEN - Awesome wordplay with 'back out', great diction on "penis", a few weak flips on GSK's sex lines.

GreenSkull - Damn you flow nice as hell. Flow diss, keep bringing up my genitals, herpes flip.

Overall this is somewhat of a weak battle because PiGPEN relies so much on flipping, and GreenSkull doesn't give him much to work with other than his typical sex lines. I think the 'back out' line from PiGPEN gave him the win though.

I just don't understand lol...

Do ya'll really enjoy reciting the same generic parent lines, mamma jokes, sister bull...ect
Fucking Green said he was napping on PiG's dad till he fapped? Did you just say his dad fucked you?*facepalm* lmfao smh.
LOL fucking Green said PiG caught herpes from fucking his mom, Greens Mom.
Both Emcees ended up dissing themselves and 85% of their verses were just fillers.

Red do us a favor and these "rappers" a favor and don't even announce a winner. It was an awkward track that hardly sounded like battle.

lol Green was so proud at the end, thats the sad part.

And I'm not even interested in Rap-battles...

I'm laughin' my ass off here. x'D LULZ!
I was ready for this hilarity when I saw this fixture. XD

=Verses 1+2:=
Lyrics: PiGPEN
- LOL.
Flow: Greenskullkid
- Much smoother.
Style: PiGPEN
- GSK's style is still annoying.
=Verses 3+4:=

Verses: 2-0 to PiGPEN
Categories: 4-2 to PiGPEN
Lyrics: 2-0 to PiGPEN
Flow: 2-0 to Greenskullkid
Style: 2-0 to PiGPEN

I'm sorry to state- I had to copypasta as I found the same conclusion.

Meanwhile Greenskullkid keeps on saying "learn how to rap"...
well, considering GSK keeps on raping about genitals and with no real sort of pwnage. Then PiGPEN maturely beats the shit out of him by using the very thing that GSK tried to do....

I'm going for PiGPEN all the way.

I can't really pick a winner on this one

The whole battle wasn't of my style at all, and it gave me the impression that I wouldn't enjoy listening them in following rounds...
Both repited words of frases just to fill the verse, and most rymes sounded somehow forced... Also gay and mom jokes, gay and mom jokes everywhere...
The green and blew joke was funny, the first time. And well, thats only my opinion... hope the best wins...


sounds like Natti from Cunninlynguists. They both had things I didn't really like. Mostly how they were just like... not battling most of the time and when they were it was like you're sucking my dick and so is your mom. But Greenskullkid had some that were just terrible I thought.

So I'm giving it to PiGPEG.

Credits & Info


4.37 / 5.00

Nov 29, 2011
12:04 PM EST
File Info
2.9 MB
3 min 12 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.