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Reviews for "bite your rhymes"

Midly Fun

I see a great new movie coming to NG,needs some FX like when the dude steps on top of thewalkman(?)

That song rocked

I really loved that song, and that video. The video was relly well made, except a few flaws when he bites the guy... oh well, great.

Vermspiracy responds:

for some reason the fade outs just don't look right to me. I screwed up once and made that technique work , but when I want to use it in a movie it never turns out right.

the song went well with it's oddness.

so wacky. but not bad. the song added a lot to it. good work.

well, skatergurl

you have no taste. even though the sound was cool, there was really no plot, it was pretty sloppy. but, if you only watch flash for the music, go right ahead.

Vermspiracy responds:

websters definition of "plot" goes like this.

Plot: the pattern of events in a narrative or drama

In this animation Sol Luna our protaganist is confronted by bullies and fights back slowly taking out one by one until he is victorious. Then coming out of his daydream he proceeds to take his dream one step further.

the plot may be simple but it is there and it's not just "character a just fights character b just cause" The cd player represents Sol's one escape from the crappy life he had and when you take away a person's dreams they either break down and die inside or rages against the dying ligh

that's all I have to say about that

The graphics are nice

I cant catch what is the lyrics but i like the movie