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Reviews for "Mush: Trailer"

that wasnt bad...

i gave it a 3 because it was really confusing and the music really sucked, polish it up when you make the real movie and youll definately get a 5 from me


Great bonus material! It is kind of sad that you need to mention that these are Mushrooms...Kind of reminds me of a Tuti actually... heh. Good looking graphics and action. I am looking forward to the full version. I must tell you that I did not like the mixture of music that you had... hmmm... I wonder if this can get any better...



well, nice.
the art's fantastic, the animation-style is cool, but that's what you probably know yourself.

so here are the crits:

* the storytelling is a bit slow. (not the action sequences, the 'story' parts)

* the voice acting is pretty crappy and not appropriate for a visually cool movie like this.

* didn't really like the music either (but thats only my opinion)

seikendensetsurules responds:

Uhm... I didn't have any voice acting.

Fucking Grand

I really liked that, Movie Mush.
I liked the Idea and stuff The Movie itself was pretty boring but the idea was good..reminded me of Worms..which you had in the movie! Also I liked teh Special Features!!
Oh and to poeple who say they have lost 5 minutes of there life they should consider the fact that there was nothing there to begin with so really they haven't lost anything otherwise they wouldn't be on NG giving shit reviews to decent movies.

Ok what the hell?

Wow, what a complete fucking waste of my time. Give me that 5 minutes back... NOW! Seriously, if you dont invent a time machine and give me my time back, i will be forced to sue your unimaginative ass!!! Are you really so dumb as to have fucking MUSHROOMS fight each other with the most incredibly horrific looking guns i have ever seen? What about mister anti-gravity ninja? You have ruined my day, and so have all you others that are talking about this being GOOD! give me a fuckin break... imma eat a KitKat now, this has wasted way too fucking much time.