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Reviews for "Gem Frenzy"

¡Amo este juego! Se merece mas que 5 estrellas la verdad, amo el estilo artistico y su simpleza, aunque se me complico mucho llegar al dia 10 creo que la dificultad esta muy balanceada. La vrd es un juego que recomiendo mucho: :D

couple things about the game mechanics.
during the early game the rent feels like it ramps up way too fast (this is particularly noticeable while attempting the "against the system" achievement).
i understand it's balanced around upgrades, but unless you get really good upgrades early (sell for more, or shop open for longer) it's really dififcult to get the snowball going.

the real problem with the game imo is that there's way too much "dead time", where you're just moving around without it being helpful towards your goal:
you're already on a strict clock, and between having to run around to collect material, going back and forth making individual ingots, and to a minor extent having the furnace so far away from the counter (you always need to use the furnace so the extra travel time impacts the total customer patience meter), makes it so you feel like you never accomplish much in a day.

one mechanic that really needs an actual explanation is "mineral recycling profit";
i haven't pinpointed the exact specifics, but i get the gist of it:
if you collect every single material in excess, at the end of the day a certain amount of all your ores gets "sold" automatically, which nets you extra income before being cut down by the rent.
this ends up being relevant for the no-upgrades run (especially on day 6) where customers don't always show up and selling only gives you 1 coin per item, so you're better off just spending the whole day mining, and maybe sell something if there's remaining time and customers once you've cleared out everything.
do note that you need EVERY material in excess to benefit from this. if even one of them is at 0 or too low, you won't get anything from it, and on day 6 you unlock 2 new ores that are way deep below the surface, so you REALLY need to dig to make it past that day.

the only problem with this mechanic is that it forcibly removes ores from your total inventory, which means you can't just hoard ores for subsequent days (to minimize time spent mining to prioritize selling).
you can choose to only focus on collecting the ones you need so it won't trigger, but that means you get no bonus money from the recycling system.
still haven't been able to figure out what affects the "bonus profit" at the end of the day, even after fully clearing the game.

assuming you manage to get the snowball going, and buy out all upgrades, the only rng holding you back depends on which recipes you roll;
during endgame there's a total of 11 different ores (let's say 1 is coal, 11 is diamond. gold is 7).
the recipes are (ordered by increasing value? not sure about the last few):
- 1+2
- 2+3+4
- 5+6+7
- 3+8+9
- 4+7+10
- 6+8+10
- 2+8+11
assuming the first 2 recipes stop showing up during endgame (or aren't worth enough), you can see that 8 (blue gem) and 6,7,10 (ruby,gold,emerald) show up more than other ores.
the tricolor gem also uses three of those at the same time, which means they naturally end up depleting faster than other ores.

from my own experience, i could still replenish enough emeralds while collecting diamonds, although they're pretty deep.
the sapphire is used in 3 recipes so it needs to be replenished fairly often, but i had more trouble with ruby and gold because they show up around the same depth, so they contend space with each other (meaning you end up finding less per day than you would other ores, overall).
i ended up starting each day by clearing out the ruby/gold level right away, and then replenishing diamonds/sapphires while i'm not busy selling. just some food for thought in regards to balancing.

extra note: interacting with the counter, while holding an ingot, if no one's at the counter, throws the ingot away. not sure if it's intended, just putting it out there.

pabten responds:

HI thank you so much for taking your time for this review i hope you have enjoyed our game 😁

We did change the balance on early let me know if that helps to the snowball

Your balance anotations are really helpful we'll let you know if we change something about it
Thank you for your feedback!

el juego es vacano en si, es entretenido y mas por la animacion que esta toda bonita y con logros queda mucho mejor :V
solo faltan dos logros que desbloquear jsjsjs

black screen for me :s

pabten responds:

Hi! it should be fixed now

Gran juego muchachos!! Han hecho un gran trabajo!!! Me han dado ideas para futuros proyectos tambien jaja, sigan así <3