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Reviews for "Eat Spajeje 2: Back for Seconds"

An instant classic, God of War watch out, competitions (Finally) in town!

Eat Spajeje 2: Back for Seconds is a philosophical and motivational masterpiece. As you, the player, dive into the immersive world of Spajeje, you are introduced to revolutionary gameplay mechanics that remind the player that they are in control of their destiny. The ability to consume your Spajeje at your own pace reinforces this, and is a subtle reminder to the player that we need to pace ourselves in our day to day lives in order to find peace. The gentle "mmm num num" that plays after each bite is taken, shows us the peace we obtain when we pace ourselves this way, and how it can be rewarding not only in the short term, but in the long term.

A fact that most players miss on their first playthrough (and something I missed on my first 12 playthroughs) is that the player actually consumes the plate before consuming his wonderful Spajeje. The genius at play here is astounding. The developer is trying to tell us, the player, that while we may desire great things in life (like our Spajeje) sometimes we need to work hard and take time to get it, and when we get what we so desire, savor it. This is shown by the small bites of Spajeje that are taken towards the end of the experience.

I think the true genius of Eat Spajeje 2 really shines in the end (SPOILER WARNING) when the pasta creature reveals to us that this is "just an April Fools joke" This is important, because most players will take this at face value and move to another Newgrounds project. When we ignore the pasta creature's statement, we realize just how deep and philosophical the writing and subtle messaging of this game really is. I think that the developer meant for this to be a way of putting up a curtain for the average player. It makes finding the deeper meanings evermore meaningful and special.

We as players, and as people, need to look to this game as the beacon of truth that it truly is. Eat Spajeje 2 taught me that I need to remember that life isn't all a big rush, and that sometimes, I will need to buckle down, and work hard to get what I truly desire in life. So thank you, Eat Spajeje 2, for reminding me of my own limits, and for encouraging me to better myself in my day to day life.


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