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Reviews for "a hamster's revenge"

Nicely Done

I really enjoyed this film, I thought the choice of music was excellent and it added a lot to it. Also hamsters are just plain funny...not as funny as monkeys but still damn funny. Keep up the good work I hope to see something else by you soon!

To the person who reviewed right before me: Booo! It's one thing if you don't like the film but it's another to shamefully plug another person's movie in a review for someone else's work. That's just plain rude and to me, insulting! I will purposefully avoid watching that movie just because you did that.

Fear the hamster

That was great!!

it would have been funny if he done all that work, and then just got squashed anyway....but this was even better! Great animation and music selection too.

Well done!


Dude this shit is the funniest hamster-flash i ever seen (not that i have seen many). the rocky music was good and now that i have seen what a angry hamster can be i never gonna buy myself a hamster!!

Go the hamster!

Oh man the way you used the music and all that was just awesome!
Yay for hamsters!!

this was..... different

y is it that the guy is balding? is he in his 40's or sumthin? Livin with his mum?
And a hamster?
A hamster which can't even fly faster than the guy can run........
.......cute lil guy though....... not the hamster, the guy.