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Reviews for "IRAQ ATTACK"


Kind of Boring, not much to really do.. Blow up a few sand people.. Might wanna get rid of the Jet, Iraqi's are too poor for jets.

Move to France.

Well, I'll confess the game was structured well, but you're lack of knowledge into what's really going on in the world is painful. Yeah right, this war's about oil... god you're an obvious moron. Why don't you pick-up a newspaper, or watch an hour of CNN and learn what's really going on with this war we're in.

Wheee!!! More uninformed Bush bashing!

Im afraid Trad and Bigus are quite correct in their assertions about the war. Try not to let the liberally slanted pressand its willing clueless followers in the entertainmet industry tell you what to think. This is about taking out an evil man before he has a chance to become a real threat. Burying your head in the sand will not make evil go away. It didnt work with Hitler and it wont work here. Where were you anti-war nuts when Clinton staged bombing raids only to distract us from his blowjob and lying under oath? I gess war is only permissible when DEMOCRATS wage them. (with a few exceptions, all wars we;'ve been involved with were under a Democrat president) As for the first amendment crack, TONS of protest rallys are being covered. And no one has launched crowd control measures agains them, so no one's being stopped from expressing their views. Dont worry, your erroneous message is being broadcast loud and clear. Nor is anyone stopping them from leaving either if they hate America so much. As for the game, it has passable graphics and sound, and the art is pretty decent. But loses points for a terribly flawed premise.

too lazy to grade

i just had an epiphamy, why does anyone hate saddam the only people have the right to are his people, kuwaties, and kurds the rest of the world has the mentality of being a bully or kicking a man when hes down. remember America attacked Iraq not vice versa, plus there are probably worse leaders, just this guy is being hated cause its the in thing.

Ugh...Woopee, let's make fun of the prez, again...

Alright now that was just painful.
The game itself is excellent. However, your attempts at political humor are embarrassing. No offense, but this war most definitely is NOT about oil. And I resent, this late in the war, making fun of Bush's speech problem/shortcomings. Let's not forget that this country has done great things under lousy presidents. When you take an ignorant potshot like this at the president during wartime, you're interring a full platoon of marines. If for now we could hold off on this bandwagon ridicule...Let me just tell you that for the record, yes, there are actual people who would rather die than to see you disallowed or arrested for saying that you disagree with the government's decisions. That's telling you that the country is doing something right, even if this war is unjustified.