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Reviews for "_-={Wolven Shrine}=-_"

Very Epic

In the beggining its was very interesting. It had a great intro as if the song was telling a story. The wolves talking among them selfs about what to do. Then when the strings came in i would say the song has just started. I'm not sure if it was a bell or woodwind instrument but i think it was a flute, that had really gave the song its touch.

This song would go great with some adventure piece. An epic one. I can see a whole tribe of wolfs stalking villagers or a team of people venturing out into the woods only to find it is getting dark and wolfs have started howling. Communicating. One more thing there is much rage going on a questions being asked "have we done the right thing, and have they?"

Now about the music, as you have read eailer blah blah blah, after that the choirs have a great part to start of the main theme. After that I hear much rage in the music. Splendid idea to put in music that which represents a tribute. It's like one way and the only way to get out the madness and to accept what is going on. The drum is also a good addition to the piece giving it that madness and rage feeling.

For some darn reason this reminds me of a video game. I don't exactly what one but an adventure one for sure...hmmm i think it was a movie though :D. Great work. Keep it up. I thought the sudden ending was ok. I would have preferred a gradual ending. But thats just me :)

MaestroRage responds:

Hey Key-Reaper! My apolgies for the super late response! I often forget to check on songs after a while, and this was sadly... one of them.

Lets see. I begin to think that a gradual ending would have sufficed as well, but sadly that doesn't seem to be working out for the song yet. Maybe one day i'll finish it, enhance it, extend it, or whatever. Maybe feed it to a goat see what happens >:}.

And yes that flute does sound strange, it has a dull brass instrument playing the same notes, so it sounds a little strange.

I like the image you saw for the piece. It was not the intention, but it suits the piece well!

I am glad you felt this should suit a video game! That was it's very purpose, as a tribute to the RPG Wolfpack *that was the sites name* which was of course, a site oriented around game production.

In any case, thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it ^^!

I love this kind of thing

Wolves are my favorite animal and I have always loved wolf song. It is probably the most eerie sound I have ever heard and I think that it lends itself well to music. I am always surprised that more people don't use it.

This song makes me think of a wolf pack when it is hunting. The first howls sound like the song of wolf pack I heard once when I was hiking at night in the Rockies. Then, when the orchestra picks up a bit at 0:48, it sounds like the wolves have caught the scent of their prey and the hunt is on. Then, the swift melody of the violin at 1:47 reminds me of the chase over the snow covered land as thier prey attempts to escape the lupine hunters. Then, the prey is down and the pack howls it victory to the star laiden sky.

Very, Very good stuff maestro. If it were possible to do so, I would have voted even higher, but it only goes up to 10. Darn.

MaestroRage responds:

Wolves are my favorite animal too! Well... other then the hamster... hamsters are the most adorable fluffy furballs of bundled fear you could ever find! You can scare them with just about anything, including life itself.

And I agree with you, the howl of a wolf can be an incredible sound. Chilling, freightening, haunting, and yet so beautiful. I feel I did not do it justice with this song, I hope to do another soon, which will be better!

I'm glad you liked the song denver! One time I voted 13 on a song, and then it got erased out of the whole database... what are the odds!?

Thank you for the review, once again i'm glad you liked it!

Amazing, just amazing.

I'm not sure how you do it, but every song that I've listened to out of your endless pool of songs seems to speak volumes upon volumes. I love the emotion coming from this, it's sheer brilliance. Ten out of ten.


MaestroRage responds:

well I have this bookshelf, and it literally has volumes upon volumes. And then I stand there going "I sure hope whatever I make next will speak volumes of itself!" and then having the books judge me as I produce helps stimulate my fear of failure.

Okay, thats a lie. I've always felt that a song should tell a story, depict an emotion, or idea. And when you have a foundation with these, you as the listener will be free to interpret the way you see fit. Any specific segment could mean anything, and thats what I love about music!

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! I apologize for the late response!


I loved it... I love wolves and this just howls the wolf's essence and mysticism. Im glad I found this song.
Keep it up!


gives me good chills...

amazing it makes me feel like im back in the wilderness before the english came to america...