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Reviews for "Frozen Helm"

"I hope I am worthy of it" 2 seconds later has destroyed the helm and is looking for a replacement

Extar responds:

Something something can't make an omelette without melting some ancients helms something something. XD

Are there only 39 soul jars?

Extar responds:

I had to check, that's the maximum at the moment, yes. There's supposed to be 40, I think one must have got removed at some point by accident. Thanks for letting me know :)

Reminds me of Prince of Persia

Extar responds:

Thanks, that's a nice game to be compared to :)

Huh, interesting little game you got here! Kinda like a fast-paced small-scale Metroid game where you get all the abilities at once and just blaze through to find all of the pots and hidden upgrades like the necklace and ring (but no dad's helmet, boo). Was a bit intimidated at first due to me thinking I'd get lost and backtrack loads on the map, and I was bummed out that there was no ranking at the end for time or collecting all the items, but all-in-all I had a good time making my way through this game: everything just seemed to flow and go fast and make a real smooth, short and sweet experience!

There were some slight annoyances like how the 'jump-through' tiles look exactly the same as non-jump-throughable tiles when you flash freeze them, leading to confusion on routes until everything melts and you can tell the difference once again. Also, in general, I felt like the main character moved almost annoyingly fast, and I didn't like how there was a constant ticking clock of my mana running out, intensified by the fact that using abilities makes it run out even faster which made me not want to use them which sucks because they are cool to use: just a subtle feeling of stress over my whole playthrough due to these factors, which was a bummer. Don't get me wrong, I like playing fast and furious, but I wanted to do it on my own terms, haha!

Oh, another weird thing is that I never learned how to do the ice lance, so my playthrough was actually a bit more stressful since there was never a way to permanently kill the enemies: I didn't mind it so much and think it could actually work better like that, but I suppose it added even more stress to mana usage since it required more use of it over and over.

Reminds me of the classic Amiga game "Beyond the Ice Palace", but I'm 99% sure you are to young to remember that :D

It's a good side-scroller, sometimes the controls seem a bit clunky, but it's still fun to play!