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man I'm insane at this game, nobody stood a chance against me

MoeAnguish responds:

Good job lol

Reasonably entertaining with a bit of psychological horror . The combination between a simple top down shooter and a horror game is surprisingly interesting . Unfortunately I was unable to see the floppa video

MoeAnguish responds:

Oh, that's a shame. I'm glad you liked it though.

brother! you scared me!

MoeAnguish responds:

[Floppa laughter]

Hmmm, this was a rough one for me. Had some interesting stuff going on that surprised me, but it didn't nail the landing.

Definitely was not impressed at the start, as the tank gameplay was incredibly boring. Controls were stiff, AI was brainless, objectives were unclear, feedback was unsatisfying with enemies just disappearing without nary a poof: all came together feeling like an incredibly amateurish 'my first game' project. Construction of the game was very shoddy: I'd sometimes have bullets whizz right through me or through an enemy without hitting, I'd have enemies spawn camp and make it impossible to respawn after dying, and enemies didn't even seem to try and go for the home base at the bottom. I wouldn't blame people for immediately dropping the game and not continuing onwards to see the more interesting stuff. Speaking of...

As said, then the game surprised me with a sudden twist intermission and then it suddenly dumps you in a black void where eventually you find the dripping blood as you proceed. Despite the games initial shoddiness, it had me hooked now as I really love these hidden twists and wanted to see more. And indeed, it made a good showing with the disturbing/cursed imagery and distorted music/sounds that kept me on my toes. Some nice creepypasta vibes going here.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, all the game was doing was just shallowly guilt tripping me: "oooooo how dare you kill people in a video game about killing people ooooo you bad man, why didn't you just turn the game off ooooo." Maybe this twist was novel years ago but nowadays its been done to death. Not to say it couldn't work but there wasn't sufficient enough build-up to immerse me and make this moral twist work: the short playtime combined with the shallow and broken gameplay made it comical to say the least. Speaking of, then it tries to lampshade the whole thing with "floppa, lol". At least try and say something instead of running away under some shield of irony!

At the end of the day, this game just reminded me of those games that have the audacity to have a sewer level but try to justify it by having the protagonist mug at the camera and say 'lol sewer levels amirite' while winking. It doesn't work because you're still in a shitty sewer level! It's style over substance, trying to disguise a bad game with some intrigue but not combining the two well enough together. Basically I think this was a novel attempt, but it's just too short and shallow and shoddily constructed to get its twist across. Play Duloga instead which did this premise way better in my opinion: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/757605

MoeAnguish responds:

I appreciate your feedback, however, this game is just a shit post with floppa. It wasn't a serious project by any means. So i didn't "try too hard" with it. And the guilt tripping and everything was part of that. This entire thing is one bad joke that i thought was funny, basically.

I liked it when you were blasting at tanks (though I initially didn't understand you had to protect the statue) but though it kinda suck when it became some weird creepy pasta game

MoeAnguish responds:

The joke is, this was literally an intentionally shitty creepy pasta game. The writing (if you can even call it that) is incoherent, tries too hard to make you believe some scary existential thing that is not true, and unsurprisingly; it's pretty much like any terrible 2010's creepypasta, complete with the absolutely unnecessary details like the ocean filter in one of the levels.

I'm not saying that's why you should like the game, however, it was made with the intention of being terrible for the sake of being a terrible attempt at replicating a bad creepy pasta's "vibe".
The statue thing btw, is in direct reference to BATTLE CITY on the NES, since this game disguises itself as a fan game of it.

I often think about revisiting this game idea in a more "serious" lens, and i gotta say, your comment reminded of that.