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Reviews for "Tenko's Magical Sword Quest"

The graphics are very slick; I know retro graphics can be difficult to make distinct from a stylistic perspective but I think you nailed it here. The game is really fun and compelling; I wanted to see the rest of the levels once I got started.

The only thing that I have a problem with is the toggle button for dashing. Making it the "Z" key makes the game artificially more difficult than it needs to be. Maybe map it to "F" or a key more easily accessed?

Still, great job! :)

Edit: Yes, I was using the AD keys for movement.

LVGames responds:

Oh I see you where using the A and D Keys. Thank you for letting me know. Happy you like it! I still get that feeling too after many times playing. I want to see the rest of the levels once I start playing.

Edit: Okay that makes sense because I added those keys just because someone in the comments mention I should have it. But because your comment, yes it would make sense for another key for the Charge Boost.

Pretty neat game! Fun, flashy, fast and challenging gameplay: all-around seems well put-together. Loved the little touches like the way the power-ups swoosh up to the bar (as it both looks cool and subtly lets you know what the power-ups do) and the randomly varied noises for jumps and such (to avoid audio fatigue).

If I were to have any complaints, it would be:
*Game dedicates way too many levels at the start with boring layouts where springs and spikes were the only new obstacles. It was only once like 10 levels went by where the pace picked up and started introducing tons of new stuff at a rapid pace: moving platforms, lava races, sawblades, guns, etc. I would slightly push more of those new obstacles back to the early levels to keep the player hooked as I could see some people dropping off due to early boredom.
*The noise for movement should probably only happen when doing major movement: was silly to hear a big WHOOSH sound when I'm just tapping the character to adjust myself a centimeter.
*Didn't like how some of the obstacles were these off-screen traps that you only know how to dodge once you've died to them before: feels unfair and annoying.
*Springs result in your gravity distorting in a weird way where you float down too slowly.
*Was curious on whether the energy bar should just deplete over time instead of only on movement to push the player to move fast and not wait around. Maybe having it the way you do is best though, where you can have some people focus on just beating the level while others race for records. I think the game works best when you force them to race though, and in fact I think you should die if you run out of energy instead of just...nothing happening? But that's me.
*I also think it's too forgiving with checkpoints, as I think the levels are short enough where checkpoints aren't needed at all. Basically I want this game to be fun and challenging, but right now it's so forgiving with you not dying on energy loss, not losing energy by standing around, and having checkpoints everywhere, that it's too easy to just not be stylish and fast at all. Why bother trying when there is no punishment?
*Didn't like how you had controller input, but for some reason force the controllers to use a virtual mouse cursor.
*Bit confused on the ranking system: felt like I just got random congratulatory messages no matter what I did: good or bad. I'd like to get more fanfare if I do well have them catalogued so I can go back and redo levels I didn't do well.

Anyway, I know that's a lot of negative feedback, but it's still a solid game. Well done!

LVGames responds:

Try level 15 in Pro Mode and let me know what you think about that idea. Also thank you for the other feedback I will look into it. For the gamepad cursor I was going for the Super Smash Bro. That's how they have it for gamepad. You know for the swoosh sound I got so used to it I didn't notice it as much. I think it needs some looking into as well.
You can cancel the float by pressing down to cancel the gravity.
On the ranking system it will make more since on the next update. But overall thank you again for this review. It's good to hear what awesome players like yourself think about my game for playing it for the first time.


it is one of the best pixel games what I know

LVGames responds:

Wow what a uplifting comment, made me feel so good!

level 7 is a bit difficult but this is a good game i cant wait to see what the steam version will be like maybe some power up like removes half the spikes in a level to make it a little easier or other power ups each level having a different power up that reacts differently not saying you cant add the same power up in different level for example say the spike remover power up is in level 7 it may reaper in level 17 you get the just

LVGames responds:

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Yes the new version has improve so much, it will be version It's funny you were talking about power ups. I was thinking of adding power ups yesterday. Your idea helps, any more ideas for power ups I would like to hear them.
Yes the Steam version is gonna be EPIC! I'm working hard to make sure it's a instant favorite as soon as anyone plays it. Thank you for the 5 Stars!