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Reviews for "Con-Quest! 0.12"

Am i missing something or is faye not supposed to have any spells available in the beginning? Also please add a way to access the menu from the game so we don't have to restart the game each time.

This is such a fun game the new look and style are totally amazing. The scenes are really well done, along with the new girls. The new combat layout is superb. Nicely done!

Its nice to see you guys back after both a long testing period, side project, and the kerfuffle that lead to the redesign. It was also interesting seeing Cassandra show up upside the wolf den after grabbing those beers, or Mara popping up wherever Haley was. Though, overall, seeing the old cosplay designs pop up as standard enemies was a nice surprise since I guess I misread something and thought that all the old Pokemon designs had to be canned.

Still, an unfortunate side effect to what is effectively a reboot in development is that this version feels like it's missing a lot of features. Especially since, as far as I can tell, our amount of options in combat hasn't really changed much. While it feels more dynamic with the combo point system and improvements to the inventory, I await future updates when we get more variety and flexibility in our options (especially given how Faye's battle menu is totally empty right now).

The pseudo animation with the new CGs is a nice touch, though.

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention, the visual indicator for when I've encountered a rare girl between the yellow/orange enemy map sprite and the reset on the victory counter is very appreciated.

Unironically been waiting for this as I can't support on patreon as of yet.

This game, put simply, is good, it's a rarity to find H-Games that have fun gameplay and NSFW content. No major complaints come to mind. Sure the game is a bit grindy when it comes to getting those trophies, but that's honestly the biggest "flaw" I could find. I would like to note that the dialogue made me chuckle several times and I want to give my compliments on all working on this project. Keep it up!