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Reviews for "Interstate Drifter 1999"

Great game! Gonna wait for Interstate Driver 2000 (wishlisted)!

When you get used to this game, it becomes fun and action packed. I love the retro style! GG to you.

UltimoGames responds:


This feels like a big improvement over the last version I played and is communicating things to the player much more effectively. Congrats!
A couple of thoughts:
1) I might well be missing something, but the energy mechanic feels a little arbitrary: you run out of energy and have to collect more of it to keep going. This creates some slightly annoying situations, like missing an energy power-up is potentially fatal, and the out-of-bounds reset checkpoints combine with the continued energy-loss to create effective fail-states. Does the game need the energy system? Could it connect into the other systems/mechanics? Does it need to be punitive? eg, maybe you can manually boost, but that depletes your energy fast enough to make the energy power-ups essential — therefore when + where to use your boost becomes a ceiling skilled players can grow into.

2) When you screw up a run, it takes a bunch of time to restart and get back into a new one, including seeing the logo splashscreen again. I know the game-over screen, hi-scores, etc are part of the arcade aesthetic you're going for, but the flow there might be worth another look, especially as the ability to quickly restart can let you up the challenge without increasing the frustration levels (see: Super Meat Boy)

UltimoGames responds:

1) The energy is like the timer in Outrun, I based the game on classic arcade games like that. Why does Super Mario have a timer.. To keep the player on his toes I guess?
I hear more people complain about the harsh game-over penalty, gotta find a way to ease that.
The 2000 version will have manual powerup activations, so.. you could activate energy if you are running out.. Or.. I could make a Continue game option (but you'll lose bits/score)
2) Fast restart/continue game option is a good idea, it is noted! The return to splashscreen is actually to reset all the variables and such..

Thanks for the review, I am glad you like it!

I loved it

is it normal that the car is black? edit : ok it was a bug

UltimoGames responds:

nope, should be Red (or the other colors)