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Reviews for "Haunted Lands"

Pretty sick game. 2nd favorite of this month.

alevgor responds:

Thank you!

Wow, so much nostalgia for old EGA DOS games. I know you based it on Dangerous Dave, but it also makes me want to go re-play Monster Bash. I remember that game being so gory as a kid, I'm sure if I went back to play it now, it would just look cheesy.
On thing that bugs me in the game play is that you can't jump and shoot. Also, can't duck, and can't move while reloading. I guess that's just pat of the difficulty though.

alevgor responds:

Yeah, the intention was to make player a bit vulnerable when shooting and reloading and add at least some limitations to their ability to slay monsters safely from the range.

Wow, great game! I played through it for quite a bit :D

My only gripe is the keybinds are a bit weird. I kept losing because I kept forgetting the reload button lol! Looking forward to future projects from you!

Brilliant game, Actually put off homework to play this.

EDIT: Help for anyone, on the level the first cacodemons appear, there's some secret items above if you can make the jumps. It's crazy difficult however.

EDIT 2: Still playing this, still haven't managed to beat it!

alevgor responds:

Thank you!

Pretty good.

alevgor responds:
