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Reviews for "Meganaut's SCP RPG"

Quite an enigma, this game. On one hand, the MSpaint art would be a turn off. Key word: "Would Be." In this case however I can forgive it. After all, it has a rather neat soundtrack behind it, and though the humor relies on a lot of swearing and F bombs, it got a small chuckle out of me now and then. There was clear effort put into the game, and the only real complaint is, again, the MSpaint art style, which isn't really much of a complaint, as like I said, it's not that big of a turn off. Though for some I can see it adding to the humor of the game. Perhaps on the artist's part this humor was intended. But nevertheless a fine game.

An excellent game, but I have been stuck in the furniture store for nearly a week (real time!), and its getting tedious.


Most immersive RPG game I have ever played you have to work your ass off to even match this game playing feels like doing crack you can't stop till you get help this is better then most triple A games and that's a fact this game is hot af and deserves to get awards from Bill Gates himself.

Fun experience